How Secure Is My Password?


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
It's just a word algorithm that spits out a number depending on how many spaces, capital letters, numbers and symbols are in a word you type in. It doesn't take any personal details/
Plus, you don't enter it into the site. You just type over it, like you would writing your post, but not pushing Post Reply.

Password : Passparagraph
Cracked - 19 Years

You might want to rethink your logic with everything besides passdecimal. :p
Password : Passmillimeter
Cracked : 511 Years


Got the moves like Jagger!
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
After filling in your password on this site, I have my doubts on how secure it is.
Snowball's chance in Hell that I'm putting my actual password in that thing.
I got 20 years on a made-up one that is dissimilar to my real one.
I'm safe from the desktop PCs...except most good hackers work for the government with their huge computers...darn it.
From what I see in the script, it's all a client-side calculation and it doesn't transmit data to the server at all. So it is safe, unless it gets hacked.

From what I can see the website has very poor security, and the script can be changed at any time to store passwords. It doesn't even use HTTPS, so in general unless you're pretty handy with JavaScript it is not the best idea to insert your password into this. Unless of course you're willing to check the code before every use.