Infection Screenshot Thread!


Got the moves like Jagger!
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I got a few today, first few are off this random weird Glitch that I got, somehow, that made all the blocks look like color full leaves...? Then the rest are of Deadl0ck burning the clouds IN HellHeaven, and some other pics with him. And the final one is Malcolvent Visiting! ;D Please note these are only a few of my pics on these occurrences, just ask on this thread, and I can post the rest.

Pics of the weird Glitch

Dead Setting Fire To The Clouds:

Malcolvent Visits:

Like I sad before, we did alot this day, when Dead came and blew lots of things up, I got lots of screenies, if you want more, send me a message on this thread or via PM, and I will post.
Sorry for the lack of cropping ;3
Here's Figgy getting THRIPLE killed!!!
[2011-08-17 17:22:06] figgy645 couldn't outrun Andrew81
[2011-08-17 17:22:06] Ezio1111115 chewed figgy645
[2011-08-17 17:22:06] BoltaPL licked figgy645



lol strange kill list

ummm... I don't know if it was lag or something, but somehow a zombie murdered another zombie lol

I think gamepro already posted this one, but I decided to post it again anyway lol

Snowma gets kicked LOL

well that's it for now guys! :D


Tyoping Legned
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Int using /summon all :
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] gazoogo got red on smelyalata
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] crashb23 turned smelyalata to the darkside!
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] *** crashb23 is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] fahim_2011 headbutted smelyalata
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] Mysteltain ate smelyalata
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] smelyalata ate XxNyXoxx and you're next!
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] smelyalata enjoyed a brain sandwich!
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] gazoogo made sweet, tender love to XxNyXoxx
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] gazoogo did something unmentionable!
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] XxNyXoxx was k'splatted by crashb23
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] crashb23 nommed your brains!
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] fahim_2011 zombified XxNyXoxx
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] fahim_2011 was moderately pleased. 5/10
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] Mysteltain oooh la la'd XxNyXoxx
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] Mysteltain liked your intelligence!
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] smelyalata munched godlike720
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] XxNyXoxx couldn't danube harder against godlike720
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] Your kills this round: 1
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] gazoogo feasted upon godlike720
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] crashb23 turned godlike720 to the darkside!
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] *** crashb23 is on a RAMPAGE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] fahim_2011 changed godlike720
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] Mysteltain zombified godlike720
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] smelyalata YABBA MY ICING'd TomasolXD
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] XxNyXoxx danubed into TomasolXD
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] Your kills this round: 2
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] godlike720 hunted TomasolXD
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] TomasolXD and gazoogo sitting in a tree
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] *** gazoogo is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] crashb23 introduced TomasolXD to the party
[2011-08-23 17:01:53] fahim_2011 bit TomasolXD
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** fahim_2011 is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Mysteltain infected TomasolXD
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** Mysteltain is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] smelyalata converted as_well_as_dead
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** smelyalata is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] XxNyXoxx got lucky with as_well_as_dead
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Your kills this round: 3
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] godlike720 performed science upon as_well_as_dead
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] TomasolXD touched as_well_as_dead
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] gazoogo bit as_well_as_dead
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] crashb23 munched as_well_as_dead
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** crashb23 is DOMINATING!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] fahim_2011 gnawed as_well_as_dead
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Mysteltain caught as_well_as_dead
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] smelyalata turned pieisgoodforu to the darkside!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] XxNyXoxx changed pieisgoodforu
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** XxNyXoxx is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Your kills this round: 4
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] godlike720 touched pieisgoodforu
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] TomasolXD bit pieisgoodforu
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] as_well_as_dead chewed pieisgoodforu
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] gazoogo infected pieisgoodforu
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** gazoogo is on a RAMPAGE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] crashb23 mutated pieisgoodforu
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] fahim_2011 slow roasted a nice fresh pieisgoodforu
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** fahim_2011 is on a RAMPAGE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Mysteltain showed pieisgoodforu why not to poke the
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] > zombie
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** Mysteltain is on a RAMPAGE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] smelyalata did something naughty to kubrickfan
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** smelyalata is on a RAMPAGE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] XxNyXoxx chewed kubrickfan
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Your kills this round: 5
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] godlike720 infected kubrickfan
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** godlike720 is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] TomasolXD feasted upon kubrickfan
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] kubrickfan and as_well_as_dead sitting in a tree
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] pieisgoodforu performed science upon kubrickfan
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] gazoogo touched kubrickfan
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] crashb23 bit kubrickfan
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** crashb23 is UNSTOPPABLE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] fahim_2011 murdered kubrickfan
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Mysteltain gnawed kubrickfan
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] smelyalata YABBA MY ICING'd Balley7
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] XxNyXoxx gnawed Balley7
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** XxNyXoxx is on a RAMPAGE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Your kills this round: 6
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] godlike720 headbutted Balley7
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] TomasolXD touched Balley7
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** TomasolXD is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] as_well_as_dead chewed Balley7
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] pieisgoodforu licked Balley7
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] kubrickfan cuddled Balley7
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] gazoogo got red on Balley7
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** gazoogo is DOMINATING!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] crashb23 hunted Balley7
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] fahim_2011 ate Balley7
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** fahim_2011 is DOMINATING!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Mysteltain bit Balley7
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** Mysteltain is DOMINATING!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] smelyalata licked hawii98
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** smelyalata is DOMINATING!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] XxNyXoxx caught hawii98
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Your kills this round: 7
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] godlike720 gnawed hawii98
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** godlike720 is on a RAMPAGE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] TomasolXD got lucky with hawii98
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] as_well_as_dead showed hawii98 why not to poke the
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] > zombie
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** as_well_as_dead is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] pieisgoodforu did something naughty to hawii98
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] kubrickfan licked hawii98
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Balley7 couldn't danube harder against hawii98
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] gazoogo converted hawii98
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] crashb23 feasted upon hawii98
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** crashb23 is GOD LIKE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] fahim_2011 made a hawii98 pie
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] hawii98 was k'splatted by Mysteltain
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] smelyalata and McNuggets3 played hide the snake
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] XxNyXoxx murdered McNuggets3
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** XxNyXoxx is DOMINATING!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Your kills this round: 8
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] godlike720 JUST BIT HIM, OH GOD HE BIT McNuggets3
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] TomasolXD YABBA MY ICING'd McNuggets3
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** TomasolXD is on a RAMPAGE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] McNuggets3 and as_well_as_dead sitting in a tree
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] pieisgoodforu headbutted McNuggets3
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** pieisgoodforu is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] kubrickfan ate McNuggets3 and you're next!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Balley7 and McNuggets3 played hide the snake
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] hawii98 couldn't danube harder against McNuggets3
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] gazoogo gnawed McNuggets3
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** gazoogo is UNSTOPPABLE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] crashb23 danubed into McNuggets3
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] McNuggets3 bit fahim_2011, why would they do that?
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** fahim_2011 is UNSTOPPABLE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Mysteltain touched McNuggets3
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** Mysteltain is UNSTOPPABLE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] smelyalata zombified darthvader0819
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** smelyalata is UNSTOPPABLE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] XxNyXoxx munched darthvader0819
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Your kills this round: 9
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] godlike720 hugged darthvader0819

More than 10000 Characters, here's the other half...


Tyoping Legned
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** godlike720 is DOMINATING!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] TomasolXD zombified darthvader0819
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] as_well_as_dead took a chunk out of darthvader0819
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** as_well_as_dead is on a RAMPAGE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] pieisgoodforu made sweet, tender love to darthvader0819
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] smelyalata made a Thexxxaron pie
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Thexxxaron and XxNyXoxx sitting in a tree
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** XxNyXoxx is UNSTOPPABLE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Your kills this round: 10
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Thexxxaron was k'splatted by godlike720
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] TomasolXD and Thexxxaron played hide the snake
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** TomasolXD is DOMINATING!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] as_well_as_dead oooh la la'd Thexxxaron
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] pieisgoodforu gnawed Thexxxaron
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** pieisgoodforu is on a RAMPAGE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] kubrickfan got lucky with Thexxxaron
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] *** kubrickfan is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] Balley7 bit Thexxxaron
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] hawii98 and Thexxxaron played hide the snake
[2011-08-23 17:01:54] McNuggets3 infected Thexxxaron
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] darthvader0819 oooh la la'd Thexxxaron
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] gazoogo gnawed Thexxxaron
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] crashb23 slow roasted a nice fresh Thexxxaron
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] *** crashb23 is TERRIFYING!
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] Thexxxaron and fahim_2011 sitting in a tree
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] Mysteltain performed science upon Thexxxaron
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] smelyalata touched tommyd11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] *** smelyalata is GOD LIKE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] XxNyXoxx infected tommyd11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] Your kills this round: 11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] godlike720 YABBA MY ICING'd tommyd11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] *** godlike720 is UNSTOPPABLE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] TomasolXD slow roasted a nice fresh tommyd11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] as_well_as_dead got lucky with tommyd11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] *** as_well_as_dead is DOMINATING!
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] pieisgoodforu touched tommyd11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] kubrickfan bit tommyd11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] Balley7 chewed tommyd11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] *** Balley7 is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] hawii98 munched tommyd11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] Humans Left: 12
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] McNuggets3 YABBA MY ICING'd tommyd11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] gazoogo murdered tommyd11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] *** gazoogo is GOD LIKE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] XxNyXoxx: My skin doesn't blend in with adminium, does it?
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] fahim_2011 gnawed tommyd11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] *** fahim_2011 is GOD LIKE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] Mysteltain couldn't danube harder against tommyd11
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] *** Mysteltain is GOD LIKE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] gamecontrolguy was gobbled by Thexxxaron
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] XxNyXoxx caught Ninjapig151
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] *** XxNyXoxx is GOD LIKE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] Your kills this round: 12
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] Ninjapig151 was annihilated by godlike720
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] Ninjapig151 was annihilated by Balley7
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] smelyalata mutated Denalias
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] XxNyXoxx got red on Denalias
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] Your kills this round: 13
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] Denalias and godlike720 sitting in a tree
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] *** godlike720 is GOD LIKE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] Balley7 bit Denalias
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] *** Balley7 is on a RAMPAGE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] McNuggets3 hugged Denalias
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] - hgv12345 Kicked: You are not a wizard!.
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] - Denalias Kicked: You are not a wizard!.
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] smelyalata cuddled aaattt
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] *** smelyalata is TERRIFYING!
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] XxNyXoxx hunted aaattt
[2011-08-23 17:01:55] *** XxNyXoxx is TERRIFYING!

[2011-08-23 17:01:56] [Trusted] Apollo17: hi myst
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] Your kills this round: 14
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] smelyalata zombified fuzzfuzzfuzzfuzz
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] XxNyXoxx zombified fuzzfuzzfuzzfuzz
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] Your kills this round: 15
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] godlike720 infected fuzzfuzzfuzzfuzz
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] pieisgoodforu YABBA MY ICING'd fuzzfuzzfuzzfuzz
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] *** pieisgoodforu is DOMINATING!
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] fuzzfuzzfuzzfuzz and hawii98 sitting in a tree
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] *** hawii98 is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] McNuggets3 touched fuzzfuzzfuzzfuzz
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] *** McNuggets3 is on a Killing Spree!
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] GoldenValley was annihilated by smelyalata
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] *** smelyalata is FEARSOME!
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] XxNyXoxx converted GoldenValley
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] *** XxNyXoxx is FEARSOME!
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] Your kills this round: 16
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] pieisgoodforu zombified GoldenValley
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] kubrickfan chomped GoldenValley
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] *** kubrickfan is on a RAMPAGE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] Balley7 oooh la la'd GoldenValley
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] hawii98 oooh la la'd GoldenValley
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] GoldenValley was gobbled by aaattt
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] GoldenValley bit fuzzfuzzfuzzfuzz, why would they do
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] > that?
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] AvantGarde and as_well_as_dead sitting in a tree
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] kubrickfan ate AvantGarde and you're next!
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] Balley7 and AvantGarde played hide the snake
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] *** Balley7 is DOMINATING!
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] GoldenValley cuddled AvantGarde
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] smelyalata converted Apollo17
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] Apollo17 bit XxNyXoxx, why would they do that?
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] Your kills this round: 17
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] as_well_as_dead showed Apollo17 why not to poke the
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] > zombie
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] *** as_well_as_dead is UNSTOPPABLE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] pieisgoodforu and Apollo17 played hide the snake
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] *** pieisgoodforu is UNSTOPPABLE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] Apollo17 was gobbled by hawii98
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] *** hawii98 is on a RAMPAGE!
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] McNuggets3 got lucky with Apollo17
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] Thexxxaron headbutted Apollo17
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] Mysteltain zombified Apollo17
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] bam12349 was annihilated by as_well_as_dead
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] AvantGarde gnawed bam12349
[2011-08-23 17:01:56] Ninjapig151 made sweet, tender love to DoctorOptimist


rotarepO eibmoZ-xE
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
How do you upload a picture? I have one I want to put up :(
I already have it taken, I just would like to know how to get it on the forums. Thanks! :D
Saw how in another thread so nevermind :)

Two people getting double killed in the course of, like, 10-15 seconds.
Btw, I JUST got WoM :D I'll probably be taking a bunch of screenies now :)