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King of the Hill


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Walks towards the hill, gets attacked by a random dragon, the dragon takes me away to his volcano, I manage to escape after two weeks of eating nothing but rocks, I venture down the hot volcano into the jungle down below, I meet an explorer who tells me he has been venturing out in the jungle to find ancient stones of some kind, he takes me back to his cabin, I tell him that I was eating stones/rocks, he realized that the stones he wanted are inside me, he locked me in his attic to prepare to cut me open, I managed to smash the window with a broom and run away, I fell in a river and nearly drowned but a fisherman saved me on his boat, but he was going back the way I came so I had to try to persuade him to help me the other way, it turns out he was a psychotic man thought I was an alien trying to kill him and so tried to knock me out with an ore, I shoved him into the water and took control of the boat, I managed to travel for miles until realizing that I was in fact in a different dimension and to get back to the hill I had to use the stones I had inside of me to travel back (I read it in a notebook that I found in the man's attic - it turns out he was after them so he could travel through different dimensions) so I had to venture into the jungle as it was getting dark, find some stick and rocks and spent hours making a knife, cut myself and reached out the stones, and used leaves to cover the wound, then went back to the boat, traveled back to the cabin to find out what I needed to do with the stones to get back in the hope of convincing the man to help me so we could go to the hill together, but as I got there he was gone, so I had to stay in his cabin for a week until he finally came back and tried to kill me again, so I had to stab him with my knife and in his dying breath he told me to 'find out for yourself, scumbag' so I spent the next hour searching through his books eventually finding out that I needed to slay a dragon with a tool made from the stones to create a portal to get to a different dimension of my choice, so I ventured back up to the volcano, the dragon was there waiting for me with his new friends, I had an epic fight with the dragons, got injured, had to retreat into the jungle to rest/hide but the dragons set fire to the jungle by accident and thus destroyed their hiding place for their volcano which they were hiding from their predators, and in the flames one of the dragons got confused and flew into a cliff, and just as he was dying I ran out to him as my very flesh was burning and stabbed him with a new knife I had crafted in the attic with the special stones and he died and I made the portal, said 'I wish to go back to the hill', then the portal took me to a different hill so I had to find a new dragon in this world and it took about 6 months and then I made it breath fire on a jungle and the same thing happened and this time I said 'My first world hill' and that STILL didn't work - jk it took me to the right one and then I used my knife to stab Faliara - MY HILL.