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King of the Hill


Jul 22, 2012
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As raxo boldly claimed the hill before nitasu was dead, I must kill them both.
First up, Nitasu.
Now onto Raxo.
I curse Raxo with a curse of the headless by replacing the netherbrick in the middle of his avatar with nitasu's head. Then, while he's distracted with the effects of the curse, I stab him with the Master Sword.
My hill!


The Sky Hills
“Master.” A quiet, high voice whispered. I immediately recognized the voice, and decided to ignore it. Herbert was always the guy who brought the bad news. Trying to ignore the voice, I looked in the other direction of where I thought the voice had come from. “Master!” Herbert repeated, with a sharper but still submissive voice. It sounded like an urgent case, so I decided to listen to my slave.

“Yes, Herbert? What is it now?” The man sneezed, tried to give an answer, and sneezed again. “Master, I have travelled all the way from the cold forests of Iced Sky, in two days and two nights, not sleeping, barely pau..” Oh, interesting. But I don’t have to hear all of that. Just tell me what you came for, dude. “What for?” I interrupted. My servant looked hurt, almost like a beaten dog. But I just did not care about his journey. “Your news seems important,” I continued further, “so please explain instead of telling me useless things.” Iced Sky, he said. I got annoyed when I had heard that name, I’ll be honest, because of this I wanted to know the news without beating around the bush. Last time someone mentioned the name of that area to me, he had his head chopped off. Herbert better had a good reason to talk about this cursed place in my presence. “Excuse me, master. It has been a long journey. I have been sent by deceased Admiral Paedro Astinak Savir, the Hand of the King, to…”

My mouth fell open. Deceased? Paedro? This could not be true. I was about to scream for guards to cut out Herbert’s tongue, not because I was foolish enough to believe a man had died, but because I knew Paedro had bathed in the Lethe, and thus was immortal. Herbert must have been paid to say this, I figured. Maybe Paedro had been captured, or maybe nothing even happened to Paedro at all. “deliver a message to thyne king Bramus XVIII. I quote: ‘Brother, kasmikulak.” That word, kasmikulak, is what made me not scream for my guards. Paedro and me had once arranged that this word would only be used by a messenger who would announce our death, and as far as I knew, no one else but us could possibly have known about it without us telling it. “I am about to die. This might surprise you, and it surprised me as well. I know you might not understand how this is possible, but I do not have time to explain, I need to hurry. The watermelons are back. They have attacked the Sky Hills. We have fought as much as we can, but in vain. The Hills are lost. Only the dragon Ashkhalaef would be able to save it, and he has not been seen for hundreds of years. At the time you’ve heard this, I have sacrificed myself to give us a few more weeks. Please find Askhalaef and send him to the Sky Hills, or it will be forever conquered by the Watermelons.”

And that is what I did: All knights of the Kingdoms of Aetria were called that day to look for the Ancient dragon Askhalaef, and in the end, he was called by the Horn of Wurgen Jindcaller. It flew to the regions of Iced Sky and slayed the Watermelons. To make sure they would not be able to obtain these sacred grounds again, an alliance was forged between the humans and Askhalaef: He would guard the Sky Hills, however, for a price. One day, the almighty dragon would claim it’s prize, and we would have to give it to him, no matter what.

We fear it might be the Sky Hills themselves he wants.


Oct 8, 2011
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Whoa Whoa Whoa, the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller? I thought Ulnir and just about all of my dragonborns returned it to Arngeir....

Whatever *Calls Ulnir*

*Yo Austin, what's up?*
*Hey Ulny, looks like someone from another alternate dimension took the Horn again...*
*It's not another Delphine, right?*
*No... Someone from a completely different universe*
*Ok, I'll get on it.*

A while later Ulnir gets into the dimension with the hill, kicks the crap out of everyone from Bram's universe, and returns back with the horn.

My hill :D