Local Prejudice


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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It's odd how religion changes depending on where you are - back when New Zealand was still in the process of bringing the Marriage Amendment Bill (aka gay marriage), one of the loudest and most outspoken members of the pro-gay stance was actually the head of a Christian religion, I can't remember which denomination it was, though.
Pretty sure the Pope wanted to allow gay marriage, and pitched at allowing it under Catholicism, but he got vetoed by some other cardinals


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
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Pretty sure the Pope wanted to allow gay marriage, and pitched at allowing it under Catholicism, but he got vetoed by some other cardinals
I'm not gonna dig around online for stuff on this now because it's late but I'm extremely skeptical of this.

The Pope recently called a Synod on marriage which, though aimed at divorce rates and the effect on children, had to obviously include gay marriage. In this, the Pope reaffirmed his earlier statements (those made generally around the time he was "elected") about accepting gay people in the Church community (it is a sin to perform gay actions ((reflecting intimate contact in heterosexual couples)) but not to be gay in itself), but still denying them certain rights (though I believe the priesthood became more open about allowing gay people to join their ranks following Pope Benedict's resignation) like the marriage we wish they would acknowledge. The Magisterium is the name of the governing body of the Catholic Church. All Pope teachings and all Lay (Ley? Lei? Lai?) People (ordinary faithful) follow the teachings of it. Essentially what the Magisterium says goes. Of course they work together to create doctrines and dogmas, but once these doctrines and dogmas are set into Church teachings they are hard if not impossible to remove; this is why I firmly believe the Church's stance will never change on this issue. The original Scripture that addresses this topic is found in "Leviticus" (almost a buzz word now, isn't it?) a book in the Bible which lumps homosexual acts in with other modern atrocities such as bestiality and incest all in the same line. Though there have been many hopeful interpretations of the passage throughout history the fact remains that it is in Sacred Scripture and it is interpreted by the Magisterium as "don't do the gay". The Pope has done many wonderful things, especially in comparison to his predecessors, but he can't help us.

EDIT: One thing that may lend validity to your statement, though, is that Pope Francis (as near as I can gather AND WITHOUT CONTEXT) stated that dogs can go to heaven, which is against Church teaching as only humans have souls that can be cleansed and united with God


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
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florida here
a lot of the states old retirees, which have pretty... close minded feelings, but kids that were born and raised here are more chill/open about it.
i live in a college town, which means its like 80% college students so no the popular opinion is basically 'who gives a fuck'


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
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Moreso I'm not even really concerned about marriage. There are far more pressing issues that currently affect LGBTA+ youth and adults than that. The amount of people that have to go through a hostile environment every day (school/neighborhood/home) for no reason other than their orientation or gender identity is unwarranted and they can also lose their financial or social stability from family life. Homeless LGBTA+ youth will always come first for me


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
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instead of focusing on homosexual rights, let's talk about the trans
why are they even categorized with lgb, they have different issues
mostly prejudice, hate, and discrimination

you also don't hear much about asexuals. how are they treated in your area?
The reason I haven't spoke on gender minorities is because I don't understand gender at all, but I agree someone should bring this up as well.
In my area asexuals are not understood. The only "asexual" people know in Nebraska is reproduction (plants), so it's hard to get that point across.
Trans people, though, share similar, but obviously also different issues to the rest of that acronym. It's an old acronym that attempted to cover the bases of sexual and gender minorities, but (someone correct me if I'm wrong) as I see it, trans rights and education is far behind that of education pertaining to sexual minorities. They still suffer the general idea of discrimination, in all if not the same forms, but they're not completely different as to remove them from the acronym.
Trans people around here, if I knew an out one irl, would be treated extremely harshly and I've heard passing comments about how "disgusting" they are within school walls already.


May 16, 2012
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I live in Southern Jersey (Literal Hell Hole. Never come here. Ever.)
and well.. my school (REALLY) hates the LGBTQ community (Or from what I've seen in four years.)If I remember correctly, a girl in 7th grade came out as Bi over Instagram and showed a picture of her girlfriend almost two years ago. The results were not pretty. I don't have Instagram, but a friend(more or less) texted me the picture and was like "Eww!! Wtf?? FIRST LESBIAN EVR DAFUUQQ?? SCHOOL IS NOW CONTAMINATED *sick emoji*"
I didn't know how to really respond to the negativity I saw in the comments from well known classmates, so I just kinda stood at the sidelines and said nothing.
I don't see her around in the hallways anymore, so I assume she moved.
On another occasion (last year),I was serving a snack stand at a home basketball game in the main hallway while some obnoxious girls were gossiping around, and I eavesdropped on their conversation. (Wrong thing to do, I know, but I was curious and bored. My apologies.) Nothing really caught my attention until one girl brought up the Bisexual girl from two years ago and the group immediately started laughing like it was some joke. Went something like this:
Girl 1 : Did ya see (Bisexual girl's name) on IG? Her gf is uggyyy!
Girl 2 : Eww wtfff? she's ugly af too I'm glad shes gone!
Rest of group: *Laughing hysterically*
Girl 2: She's not human kill herrrr
Girl 3: Yo seriously though liking girls is nasty n I glad I straight!
* more laughter *

At that point I was horrified. "Did they really just say that?" I kept thinking to myself. For the rest of the night I was disappointed and worried. Disappointed with the fact that just because of sexual preference, some people get excluded and hated on by those that you thought you could trust. I was also very worried, because during that time I was in questioning myself. I was worried for the other students that might be also in hiding- and because we can't show who we really are. Ever since then I've only told the closest friends that I may or may not be... not straight. One took it pretty well, and admitted that she was also in certain questioning. The other, however, seems to slowly be drifting away from me each day. A shame, really, but I guess you can't please everyone in life.
As for Trans and Asexuals, I respect them and their decisions as a whole. The state my school is now... I doubt that there will be any change.


Jan 8, 2015
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instead of focusing on homosexual rights, let's talk about the trans
why are they even categorized with lgb, they have different issues
mostly prejudice, hate, and discrimination

you also don't hear much about asexuals. how are they treated in your area?
I don't hear jack shit about asexuals here. Either there are none here or it's unheard of. Sure, we have some LGBT people here, but from what I've seen you'll only be bullied for being gay/trans/etc if you shove it in peoples faces (and I mean it in a very literal sense, like bringing it up in every sentence and just saying it directly to people for no reason). I know when we discussed transgender stuff in dual enrollment psych I was stuck with a class of preppy kids (the ultra conservative group) and I don't recall them having a vocal opinion. I do know the class had the stubborn "gay is a choice and it's the wrong choice" type of people in it, and one guy was pretty vocal (and proud) of it too.


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
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Asexuals pretty much don't exist as far as people here are concerned, unless you regularly go on tumblr. It's just not something people are even aware of/understand, so it's a non issue. (Asexuality is basically a sexual preference anyways, except in reverse, and that's a private thing that mo one else really sees as their business.)

Trans are less respected, esp. because the attitude (even in my area) is that trans people are basically effeminate gays/butch lesbians.

They're lumped together because when the movement started, the mass populace honestly didn't understand the difference between all of those groups. It's just a holdover from more close minded times

edit: and wanted to make it easier to understand for the public as a whole, hence one acronym
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Aug 6, 2011
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As a sort of shut-in with some social anxiety and a MtF Trans... Can't say I know much about here in Columbus, Ohio for this sort of thing.

I have heard that, around the end of December last year, a MtF Transgender committed suicide due to her parents completely not accepting her, and then roughly a couple weeks ago, some people were beat up simply because they were Trans...

So, I'd say there are some people accepting of it, but there's definitely some crazies here that go beyond the negative limits...