I'm not gonna live long. There's way too many outed PRs, at least one of them is going to come snooping. I mean, it's not for certain, but I'm fairly sure I'm dead soon. Least std is riding the inno train.
I'm probably gonna get investigated again tonight by somebody so it's really gonna be all-out madhouse tomorrow with everyone trying to say someone else is guilty cause they investigated them last night, etc.
If I cover sploorky and he is investigated he is dead (probably) and that might also reveal the fact that I am a lawyer role. I can cover std again so if any role comes snooping again they get the same result as timdood, so at least then std should be clearish by the town. However the minute I die its more than likely std will be lynched :S
cover std, I'm not as important to the mafia right now.
We have a huge list to pick from. Jivvi might be the best bet I think, timdood and notty are going to be doc priorities because cop>all and notty says she has some crazy plan.