making my own role playing game 2

Oct 27, 2012
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Its not the beginning, I just wanted to test to see if this part of the game worked the way I wanted it to, so I set the character to start there so I can test it out. It works pretty much how I wanted it to, I just need to figure out how to get the king to stick around. He disappears after you finish talking to him and I need him to stick around because you will be talking to him some more in the story.

As for it looking like Fire Emblem, I have never played any of them so I have no idea what the content of the games are like.
Oct 27, 2012
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I am also not done with the decorating. I plan on changing it around a lot. I just have that stuff there as placemarkers so I can have a general idea of how I want the room to look. Expect there to be a lot more stuff there and things either moved around or removed.

Also, for anyone who is interested...

This is a preview of some of the music you will hear in the game. There are no videos on youtube with the songs, so you will have to listen to them using the music player on the page above.

UPDATE: I will not have very much to do this weekend, so I will work on my rpg in hopes of having the demo ready on Monday. I will not have the action battles on the world map because of the complexity of how it needs to be setup; so I have to figure out how it works before I will incorperate it into the game. There will be some combat however, as I plan on having the first dungeon available in the demo.
Oct 27, 2012
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Just when I thought I would have some free time for working on this, I get slammed by schoolwork. I have a 2 page essay to write, a 4 page speech to write, and I have to come up with something to write about for an in class discuss which I will lead :( I probably won't be able to work on this very much, but that's college for ya :banghead: