Map Making Information


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Welcome to the AoD Map Submissions section! The purpose of this thread is to provide players with the necessary information for creating and submitting their maps to the server. If you have any additional comments or requests, please feel free to add your two cents.

Army of Darkness is a unique premium zombie apocalypse server. There are no other servers quite like it. To keep things fun and interesting, we need your help to make amazing maps that provide our players with fun places to run, hide, and fight.

Walrus-Approved Tools
Currently, the best way to make maps for AoD is through either using our BuildBox premium build server or through creative mode in single player. Buildbox comes with all of the tools you'll need once you are promoted to Builder (check out the plots with /mvtp plots!), but if you decide to go it alone in Creative mode, you'll want to install a few tools.

Many better men than me have written guides to installing addons so I'll leave the nuts and bolts to them. If you really get stuck, feel free to contact me either in IRC or on the forums and I'll do my best to help as a last resort.

Single Player Commands: Essential! This allows you to make cuboids, spheroids, outlines, walls, etc while in Creative mode! Recent versions have been a bit buggier than normal, and it takes some time to update to the latest patch but this is still the best and simplest way to go about things.

VoxelSniper: Apparently this is amazing, and looking at the options makes me realize how people generate those nice smooth surfaces. Guide here: courtesy of Olix. As a warning, you will not be able to use this in single player. It is accessibly to the very advanced ranks on BuildBox, or you may set up your own bukkit server (not terribly difficult).

MCEdit: This stand-alone Minecraft editing tools lets you rapidly perform chunk manipulations, rotations, and other heavy duty operations that single player commands may struggle with. Personally I love the Relight tool for handling those annoying lighting glitches.

BiomePainter: This lets you change your biomes. One very important trick is to set the biome to MushroomIsland if you want to disable mob spawns. This allows you to create dark caves without the added hassle of hordes of zombies attempting to eat your players.

TooManyItems: Very useful for rapidly doing enchants and custom potions. Not entirely necessary, but still fun to play with.
General Tips
Make sure that your map fits in a square or a circle! No unusual geometries or borders please.

Use anything and everything available in SMP. This includes brewing stands, enchanting tables, chests full of items, etc. Just be sure that all the fights are balanced (see Item Tips for more information on this).

Maps are reviewed based on gameplay, creativity, and aesthetics. Each of these are definitely important, but always go for gameplay over all else. Sure your map may look a little worse with extra passageways and lights, but if they positively impact gameplay you'll want to include them. For creativity, try to come up with a theme that isn't already on the server - you'll always get bonus points if you come up with something that hasn't been done before. Finally for aesthetics, just focus on making the map as detailed and well constructed as possible. I'm sure the BuildBox staff will be happy to provide pointers and guidance on this.
The AoD file system allows users to specify different options. These include:

Limiting blocks that survivors and hunters can break.
Limiting blocks that survivors and hunters can place.
Enabling TnT damage.
Enabling separate spawns for hunters and survivors (ask for more details).
Starting "kits" of gear for both hunters and survivors that you specify.
Architecture Mistakes
To build the best AoD maps possible, there are several things you want to avoid.

Unnecessary Secrets: There is no need to hide random rooms or chests underground hidden from view. This is something we'd rather not carry over from classic zombie. If you want to make secret doors or place entrances in dark corners, go ahead. If you want to make a chest or room hidden behind a stone wall 10 blocks thick, smack yourself.

Dead Ends: Dead ends provide two problems. First, they provide a very easy way for survivors to camp and slaughter hunters in mass numbers. Second, they can trap players and make it difficult for them to escape. In particular, avoid narrow passages with absolutely no room to run as a player with a bow can dominate others. Always provide a secondary pathway to places. It doesn't have to be convenient or anywhere nearby so long as it exists. For example, if a player holes up in a room and is picking off the hunters as they enter, the hunters should be able to go to the other side of the map and find another way in.

Wide Open Plains: Conversely, providing large wide open spaces with no buildings can be a detriment as well. Due to issues with MC and hit detection, it is nearly impossible to hit a survivor while they run away. Hunters may become very irritable if the map allows players to sprint around merrily with no obstacles or corners.

Repeated Architecture. Copy/Paste is amazing and can enhance the look of the map through uniformity. Using it too much can result in players getting lost and confused. Try to add a few distinguishing details here and there so that players can easily tell where they are.

Towers and Distance from Spawn. Towers in particular are very easy to defend. If your map includes a tower, try to place your spawn near the middle of the tower rather than at the base. If the hunters take 3 minutes to climb to the top from the spawn only to get knocked back down with ease because there are no additional pathways (see point #2), you'll see a lot of players ragequit.
Item Tips
A common complaint is that certain items are overpowered. This is true, but keep in mind that overpowered is a relative measure. As a rule of thumb, make the hunter kits nearly as powerful as the best items on the map. For example, if humans are able to obtain full iron armor, make the hunters start in chainmail. If the humans are only able to find leather gear and stone swords, make the hunters start in something similar. The only thing you want to absolutely avoid is having a single lonely hunter with a leather chestpiece and a stone sword against 10 humans in full iron gear with diamond swords, or hunters in full iron vs humans in leather.

Feel free to include "bonus" items that are powerful, but only slightly more powerful than the easily obtainable gear. Don't place a few wooden swords with a single diamond sword hidden in the map. This will result in a mad dash for the diamond, followed by one player having fun at everyone else's expense.

And finally, a HUGE RED FLAG WARNING. Do NOT add in massively overpowered chests in random buried spots. Not only does this violate the guidelines in the previous paragraphs by introducing an imbalance in gearing, it makes us the reviewers suspect that you've placed that item in the map for your own benefit. You are making maps for the entire community, not just for your own fun. If we find chests such as this (something Baker is startlingly good at), it is likely that it will not be accepted unless you have a very good explanation ("my brother did it while I was away" is not a good explanation fyi).
Configuration File

Please provide us with an input file in your submission to expedite the uploading process if your map is accepted. The item names should follow the format in the bukkit link above. When you are finished writing your file, use this handy site to check if there are any spacing errors - (courtesy of GmK/Baker). Here is an example input file that you may use as a template:

Guide for input files:

NOTE: WorldTime uses the following values:​
  • 0 for dawn
  • 6000 for midday
  • 12000 for dusk
  • 18000 for midnight
MapName: Desert
Author: Unknown
BuildTime: 180
GameTime: 600
WorldTime: 13000
SpawnProtectTime: 5000
WorldWeather: 0
  SpawnType: 0
	==: Vector
	x: 85.5
	y: 64.0
	z: 134.5
  ChooseKit: false
  OneKitPerRound: false
  KitResetTime: 120
  BoxChance: 15
  SpawnType: 0
	==: Vector
	x: 85.5
	y: 64.0
	z: 134.5
  ChooseKit: false
  ==: Vector
  x: 85.5
  y: 64.0
  z: 134.5
WorldSize: 50
SkyLimit: 256
ResetInventory: true
CanUseLocate: true
SurvivorRestrictedPlaceAll: false
SurvivorRestrictedBreakAll: false
HunterRestrictedPlaceAll: false
HunterRestrictedBreakAll: false
MysteryBoxChance: 5
	- BOW
	- WOOL|64
	- POTION.8258|1
	- POTION.5|1
	- POTION.5|1
	- POTION.5|1
	- POTION.8257|1
	- ARROW|64
	- BOW
	- ARROW|8
	- DIRT|32
	- BOW
	- ARROW|16
	- DIRT|64
	- BREAD|8
	- POTION.5|1
	- BOW
	- ARROW|8

Staff members will now download your map and take a look around. They will then provide advice and feedback on changes they'd like to see before the map is added to the server. Once you've made all the requested changes (or explained why you think the changes are not necessary), staff members will vote whether or not to add your map to the server and (hopefully) players will be running around gawking at your amazing architecture in no time!

Ideally several staff members will provide feedback and a verdict of either 0, +1, or -1. If your map achieves a cumulative score of +3, it is automatically accepted. If your map receives a cumulative score of -2, then it will be automatically rejected. If sufficient time (currently up in the air) passes from the date of submission and neither score has been reached, then a Controller + will check the map and pass judgement. If your map is accepted (huzzah!) it will be added to the server in the near future. Keep in mind that due to server derps and real life obligations, this may take a few days, weeks, or months but we know that it is in the queue and will get to it as soon as our schedules permit. Adding maps is a bit of a tricky business. If your map is declined, then you may resubmit in a week after making all of the requested changes.​
Last edited by a moderator:


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for the tips Guin! A tool I'd recommend (especially for map environments) is VoxelSniper. While it does require a private server, if your computer can handle it and you can learn how to use it, it is the best landscaping tool around.
Ooooo, I'd forgotten about VoxelSniper. Added it to the post. I'll look into using it in the future, it looks very handy. Thanks!


Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
This. This is fantastic. It should definitely be stickied or something.

One thing I might suggest as another tip is that people should look to try and build unique maps. While sometimes variations on already-existing maps can work and be fun, we don't want the server to be clogged with maps that all look the same. Think of a vague theme (volcano, island, airships, etc.) and develop it further off of that, adding details here and there as you go.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Information on this thread is subject to change in the upcoming months based on what the staff would like to do with map submissions, but for now I'd just make a thread following the format with the schematic attached. I know that Baker and Qube have worked with schematics for adding a new map to the 1.4 server, so they may have a new method in place. In the past I've added schematics via either worldedit or MCedit, but none of my software has been updated to 1.4. Good luck!


Aug 27, 2011
Reaction score
I am delighted to announce that, due to the wonderful work of LISTINGS09, enchanted items may now be added to the kits.

The list of available enchantments and proper names can be found here:

The formats to add enchanted items are as follows;


So, for instance,


Input files for maps where the hoarding of enchanted items will be generated to avoid issues, but this may take time. If you wish for such items to be added to maps that you have made, and are in the server, kindly provide me with a functioning .yml file.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Quick note - currently enchanted items (even without the names and lore) are all turning into WOOD_SWORD from what I can tell. This means that some of the kits are very underpowered in comparison to others unfortunately. Maps that should be affected right now are Westfire_School, Reverence, Organic, WinterPalace, and Skyscraper City.


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
1 is the map and this is the info:
MapName: Circular
Author: Wazap567
BuildTime: 120
GameTime: 600
WorldTime: 12000
SpawnProtectTime: 5
WorldWeather: 0
Team0: 0
==: Vector
x: 6
y: 123
z: -28

ChooseKit: false
OneKitPerRound: false
KitResetTime: 60
BoxChance: 25
Team1: 0
==: Vector
x: 6
y: 123
z: -28
ChooseKit: false
==: Vector
x: 6
y: 123
z: -28
WorldSize: 23
SkyLimit: 222
ResetInventory: true
CanUseLocate: true
SurvivorRestrictedPlaceAll: false
SurvivorRestrictedBreakAll: false
HunterRestrictedPlaceAll: false
HunterRestrictedBreakAll: false
MysteryBoxChance: 25


Leafy Op
Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
1,019 is the map and this is the info:
MapName: Circular
Author: Wazap567
BuildTime: 120
GameTime: 600
WorldTime: 12000
SpawnProtectTime: 5
WorldWeather: 0
Team0: 0
==: Vector
x: 6
y: 123
z: -28

ChooseKit: false
OneKitPerRound: false
KitResetTime: 60
BoxChance: 25
Team1: 0
==: Vector
x: 6
y: 123
z: -28
ChooseKit: false
==: Vector
x: 6
y: 123
z: -28
WorldSize: 23
SkyLimit: 222
ResetInventory: true
CanUseLocate: true
SurvivorRestrictedPlaceAll: false
SurvivorRestrictedBreakAll: false
HunterRestrictedPlaceAll: false
HunterRestrictedBreakAll: false
MysteryBoxChance: 25
You have to post a separate thread in the Map Submission section to submit it. ;)