Name of the map: shire
Creator's: Frenchsanta12 & Harold1995
Size: 89 x 89
Biome: Forest
Screenshots (included the suggested timer areas!)
Download link (Shire!)
Hobbit Hole:
Roof top view:
lovely Flowers:
If you included chests, then list the items that are contained in each of them (Optional): There are three chests in the map, they contain some wheat, seeds, eggs, bones, gun powder, grey dye and a water bottle.
Any block that you prefer to be no-break or no-drop?: x
Any extra information about your map?: There's sugar canes, wheat and carrots in small farms near some houses but we would like the farms to stay like they are.
Name of the map: shire
Creator's: Frenchsanta12 & Harold1995
Size: 89 x 89
Biome: Forest
Screenshots (included the suggested timer areas!)
Download link (Shire!)


Hobbit Hole:

Roof top view:

lovely Flowers:

Timer 01:
Timer 02:
Timer 03:
Timer 04:

Timer 02:

Timer 03:

Timer 04:

If you included chests, then list the items that are contained in each of them (Optional): There are three chests in the map, they contain some wheat, seeds, eggs, bones, gun powder, grey dye and a water bottle.
Any block that you prefer to be no-break or no-drop?: x
Any extra information about your map?: There's sugar canes, wheat and carrots in small farms near some houses but we would like the farms to stay like they are.