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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 6, 2011
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Minecraft Roleplay - The Realms of Minecraftia*
*Temporary name for now. xD
Just a small simple game I wanted to try out with the people who actually want to try.
Basically, this is a roleplaying game. It's quite simple, because you don't need to apply!
You will be using your current Minecraft skin, and considering we can't really tell what your avatar is without looking it up, we'll need a picture of your skin. In-game or via skin creator, please. :p
Oh, and if you want to speak OoC (Out of Character), please add (()) or [] around what you say OoC.
Use the following site to get your skin;
Just replace Duffie with your MineCraft username, copy the picture of your skin, then place it on your post.
If you don't have a MineCraft skin, feel free to use one from Google or other search engines, or the following site;
Now, onto the rules;
  1. No instant death without consent.
  2. Be fair. It's just a small game for having a little fun!
  3. Play by your current skin. Don't go changing it just to be overpowered or switch out. (If you don't have a skin, feel free to find one via the internet!)
  4. Don't speak for other people, unless they allow it. This includes their actions.
  5. If you drop out of the game, try to be unique about it.
  6. Have fun. That's the sole reason for this!
Remember, it's just a little roleplay fun. :laugh:
Players as of;
StoryMaster - The Dungeon Keeper
(StoryMaster controls the NPC (Non-Playable Characters) of the story, mainly the large plot-based characters.)​
Duffie Shirayuki - Main Character / Opening Character
Darth Lego - Sith Lord
Defiant_Blob - Renown Blob of Defiance (Compliant_Blob)
Durwin Drauka - Powerful Wizard
Balloon - Survivor
Refresh - Confused
? - The Stranger
Blinx - The Time Sweeping Cat
Amek - Assassin


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie walks in the snow, down Skyloft Avenue. She keep her hands in her pocket, protecting them from the cold.

She feels a beckoning heat as she passes a wooden door. She looks at the sign above the door; "The Brewer's Stand"

She walks inside, delighted to be free of the cold chill from outside.

Looking around, she notices the place to be almost empty, minus a couple guys bashing cups together, laughing their heads off from their almost-public conversations.

Duffie walks to the bar from across the room, sitting down in front of the barkeep.

"What'll you be having, ma'am?" the barkeep wonders.

"I'll take a cup of Hot Cocoa, please," Duffie replies, rubbing her hands together for further warmth.

The barkeep nods as he grabs a mug and fills it up with crushed cocoa beans and milk. "Here ya go."

Duffie nods her thanks, taking the cup with pleasure. She takes a sip, burning her tongue. She puts it down, deciding to let it cool for a little while.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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May as well give it a go, since I'm on the forums often anyways.

Le me^

"Darn, it's cold!" thought Darth as he strode through the streets of Shizuka, snowflakes drifting down softly from the sky.

He decides to pop by 'The Brewer's stand', a snug little bar on one of the streets.

"That's a good choice, even though it's nothing like they have back home." he thinks to himself.

He does not have his compliment of troopers with him, as they have stayed at home because there have been no threats of violence.

Darth stomps the snow from his boots, and enters the The Brewer's Stand, wiping his feet on the welcome mat.

A wave of warm air hits him, along with a not-unpleasant smell of a fire roaring in the grate.

He waves off the bartender with a short "Nothing for me today, thanks" and sits down in the far corner booth to mull over his thoughts, and to observe the other guests that are already there.

"Not that I could drink it without taking off my helmet anyways.", Darth mutters ruefully.

The bar is almost empty, save for a few guests. Darth stretches out his feet, and sits.
(Am I doing this right?)[Fixed]


Aug 6, 2011
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The shrouded figure would be perched in a corner of the tavern, the dim flicker of a torch casting a heavy shadow over his visage, leading the mysterious chap in solitude from the frequenter. Rested on the small table beside him would be an emptied mug and a rolled up parchment, the black lining intelligible from a fair distance. Only upon the entering of a newcomer to the tavern would prompt the concealed figure from shifting his cowl to gaze at the new person, almost scrutinizing them for a brief moment before he returned his gaze to the absent horizon infront of him.

The barkeep would, having served a new drink, return a momentarily wary gaze to the figure, as if contemplating if the figure was going to cause a mess or bring any more money to his own pocket linings. Shortly thereafter a wise thought would prompt the barkeep to returning to cleaning the counter for the umpteenth time.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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The snow fell softly in the quaint forest. It was fairly still, except for a red figure moving quickly through it, followed by something green.​
Crap, it's almost caught up! But I see the town! Nearly there.
The figure bursts from the forest into town, fortunately grabbing the attention of several guards, who quickly slew the creeper. The red man took a moment to catch his breath, then headed to the local brewery after tipping the guards with some gold ore. "The Brewer's Stand"... it was a welcoming name.​
The man had recently returned from his last job as a spy in a town called Orken. He was an expert, posing as nothing more as a bread peddler. Though he'd gotten asked some questions, he'd managed to distract the residents long enough for his comrades to infiltrate it. He was known as the Defiant Blob, or rather just shortly "Blob". No one quite knew his real name or past, but it was suggested that he was caught in the crossfire of an experimental endergun on one of his jobs, causing his odd skin color.​
The door to "The Brewer's Stand" bursted open. Blob waved at the barkeep; he only smiled back as he served some cocoa to a girl in purple. Blob was a long time friend and customer who he knew he could count on.​
"So, how'd it all turn out?" the barkeep asked.​
"Got in, got out. No one died and we got what we needed, so good enough," remarked Blob.​
After denying a drink, Blob walked off to a table to organize his pack. It tended to become rather chaotic when he went off somewhere. As he did so, he noticed a figure in some sort of suit in the corner... he seemed to simply be.. watching. He shook it off. Probably nothing... the customers today are rather strange however...


Aug 6, 2011
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Diago's feet flew down the hill, he was approaching the Tavern, and fast! He had to slow down but it was far too late for that. Diago braced for impact, from inside the Tavern a large THUD! Could be heard coming from outside following by some cussing. It was obvious who just crashed into the door.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth sat in the corner, silently watching the others. He noticed a cowled figure in another corner who appeared to be doing the same.
"Wonder what he's here for" thought Darth "No matter, as long as he doesn't threaten me."

He also noticed the red skinned humanoid, who appeared to be on friendly terms with the barkeep. He would have to chat with him later. It would be interesting to find out his profession.

Darth stood up from his chair, and quietly asked the bartender for a newspaper. After paying the barkeep, he went back to his chair in the corner to read it. It wasn't a very large paper, and he was soon halfway through it.

Shortly thereafter, his attention was brought to the door by a loud CRASH. Outside, some muffled curses were heard.
"Diago." he muttered. "Doesn't that man know ice is slippery?"

He set down his already-finished paper on the table next to him, leaned back in his chair, and continued to watch and wait.


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie continued to keep to her cocoa, when he noticed a dark figure approach the bar, asking for a newspaper.

Thinking it odd, she looked up to see that it was a guy in a mask and cape-- or what seemed to be a cape.

The man then proceeded to give the barkeep money for the newspaper, walking to the corner of the room.

She scratched her head, feeling slightly discomforted in the tavern now. She then remembered that she has a pair of headphones on.

She plugged the headphones into her iPod, going about to listen to the song she'd been listening to for the past few days, Forever Gamer by SkyMarshall.

Deep in her music, she starts to tap her feet a little bit as she finishes her cocoa.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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[someone should be the barkeep]
After finishing organizing his stuff, Blob began to get ready to leave when he realized something. The man in the cape... he was familiar. His name... it starts with a D I think. Wasn't it Da- SLAM. It sounded as if someone had rammed into the door. Startled, Blob thought for a moment decided it was better to not get involved unless he needed to. Though, out of curiosity, he addressed the cloaked figure in the corner, who was watching the door eerily.
"Hey, where do you come from? You don't seem to be from around here."


Aug 6, 2011
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The door burst open and the snow started the flow in through the doors,
"Helloooo!" Diago said cheerfully, "drinks are on me!"
Diago made his way to the bar and leaned against it looking at the barkeep,
"One for me, and one for this err.. Lovely Lady" He nodded to the barkeep.


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
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Sitting at the table on the left of that of the cloaked strangers was a light-heartedd young man, happily working his way through several bottles of ale. He had been staying in the town for several weeks already, drinking his way through the innkeepers stock and, as gossiped by old greta down the road, waiting for something. HE didn't have the same cool aura of professionalism about him as the cloaked stranger, but there was something... different about him, that set him apart from other travellers in the area. No one was sure exactly what he was waiting for, but he was a happy drinking companion, and free with his gold, so the townspeople (and the town drunks) held him no ire.


Aug 6, 2011
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Diago is disgruntled by her lack of attention and simply leaves the two drinks on the counter. Diago storms out the door but forgets that ice is still slippery and simply glides out of the Tavern. A crash can be heard just outside the Tavern along with some cussing. He also leaves the door open.


Aug 6, 2011
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The cloaked lad mused to himself, noticing the very same wary gaze that radiated from the barkeep to come from Darth. Letting a small smile slide under the hood, his gaze would be, briefly, disrupted by the obnoxious vocabulary from an incompetent fool from outside the warm confines. Taking a small moment to shift after the monotonous gaze had been violated by such obscenities, the chap grasped the mug firmly in a gauntleted right hand and took another chug at the contents, before relaxing and letting a small clank resound as the mug returned heavily to the table. It was within this moment that he would look up again and notice the swift changes to the tavern: new people, new occupations and new bumbling idiots who had shown their flattened faces and misguided attempts at flirtation.

Blob had also conveniently made his approach at this moment, to which a simple response, "Deepwood" would be returned as an answer to a question of origins. The voice would notably be rough and without courtesy, carrying a tinge of dismissal. Taking a moment to contemplate on this new talkative person would then occupy the rest of the sober and shallow gaze of this strange figure in the corner, although having shifted the shroud to give leeway to think otherwise of his attentive behaviour.

((Apologies for the late response; hopefully you can rollback your actions to respond properly :p))


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie suddenly felt a cold chill, thinking of The Last Apprentice.

She turns off her music, looking behind her, noticing the door was open. She sighs and shakes her head as she stands up to close the door, but looking outside it, noticing a wreck on the opposite end of the road.

"Well, I didn't see it," she says, as she closes the door to return back to the warmth of her chair in front of the bar.

Sitting down, she picks up her cup, noticing that she's out of hot chocolate. She looks to her left to see that there are a couple cups, just sitting there.

"Barkeep." She hands the cup to him, as he nods and takes it.

Duffie stands up, stretching her arms and back, suddenly hears a large CLANK, startling her as she jumps in fear. She looks over to a table occupied by a hooded figure with a questioning stare.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"Enderman," Blob said softly.
Blob knew that as long as he didn't shift his attention, he was safe. He began to slowly pull out his enchanted diamond sword. By this time, the barkeep had realized what was happening, and equipped himself with a bucket of water. It wasn't long before everyone had discovered what Blob was looking at, either by looking at it themselves or by seeing it in their peripherals. Blob quickly looked away and back; the Enderman instantaneously teleported inside the brewery. Blob swung and missed, the Endermen turning into a poof of purple particles. He stood still, wary. It could appear anywhere. Suddenly, it appeared in the corner his eye. Blob was faster this time, and managed to get a direct hit on it. It died quickly, leaving behind an Enderpearl. The bar stood aghast.
It's been months since the last seen Enderman... are they returning?


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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[I love that three of us all went to close the door. XD]
As the young man seemed to be lost in his drinks, Darth went to sit back down. Then, the Enderman appeared.
It suddenly teleported inside the tavern, and so Darth suddenly stood bolt-upright, his right hand grasping his weapon.

He stood erect in the corner, watchful. Seeing that Blob managed to dispatch the Enderman without too much trouble, he began to return to his seat when he noticed the enderpearl lying on the floor.
He stooped, picked it up, and lobbed it to Blob with an underhand toss.
"I believe this is yours now." he said to Blob in his deep voice.
He turns, and walks back to his seat.
"Endermen here again?" Darth thinks "I've not seen one of those since I was a youngling." he mulls.


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
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Disgruntled at how the stranger approached him and then completely forgot about him, the man sitting at the table began a drunken tirade on the politeness that old men ought to show to their youngers. Consequently, he was far to caught up in yelling at the air (accentuated by pounding on the table) and thus was initially oblivious to the arrival of the enderman and the sudden change in atmosphere. He eventually noticed the arrival of the slender creature, but "I'm sure they can handle it, plenty of able-bodied men and women in the bar" he thought, shrugging to himself. He then began drinking copious amounts of alcohol once more.


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie stops her gaze toward the hooded figure as she hears something from the door; A soft whisper. She couldn't recall what the whisper said, she she turned around--- ENDERMAN!

She retreated to her seat at the bar, retrieving her enchanted staff from her inventory, when the Enderman was soon slain, dropping loot.

Duffie sighs as the danger decreases.

She put away her staff, feeling safe once more.

((I feel like this is going along pretty nicely, considering we have no plan whatsoever on how we're going about this random piece of awesomeness. :laugh: ))


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"Thanks," Blob briskly says as he catches the mysterious object. I've killed hundreds of these things, and this is the first I've seen one of these. Only read about them in books. Said to posses the ability to transport beings to the universe of the Endermen. "The End".
"Wait, actually, I didn't quite catch your name," Blob stated, addressing the caped man. "I'm sure you know of me though, I'm quite famous. In case you didn't, I'm Defiant Blob."


Aug 6, 2011
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The sudden callout of an enderman, shortly followed by the appearance of one hardly fazed the person in the corner. A discrete movement was prematurely made at the shout, but other than that the hood concealed much of the man's flickering eyes, entertained by the dancing figures in combat and panic. He would, however, join in union at the sigh of relief that nourished the inn as the enderman dispersed into a small pearl. The hooded man would shift his position, concealing the return of his discrete movement, rendering those who decided to be curious enough suspicious of the lonesome figure, who tugged his cowl further down over his eyes.

((I'm already enticing some plots.))