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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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He regards Blob cautiously, as one might do a strange animal that one meets.
"The name is Darth, for now." he replies, slowly. "And I don't believe I've heard of you before, either."

He pauses a moment, then turns back towards Blob.
"Best hang on to that enderpearl. It's what allows them to teleport to wherever they choose. You may consider yourself very fortunate to have gotten one. They usually vanish with the creature once slain."

He turns away, and goes back to his table to polish his weapon; which appears to be an ornate handle of a shiny metallic design.


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
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The young man in the corner, shocked out of his drunken stupor by a stranger polishing his weapon, noticed the ruckus has stopped (Edit: Aside from a disturbance by a nearby mage Edits edit: The nearby mage appears to have removed his post Edits edits edit: The nearby mage appears to have re-added his post after mine, so lets pretend this parentheses neeever happened). He also appeared to gain a keen interest in the hooded man on the other table, going so far as to walk up to him, when no others had dared. "You..." he spoke, softly, slightly slurring his words because of his previous drinking. "Are you the one that I've been waiting for?"


Oct 8, 2011
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This is me Durwin Drauka.
As Durwin walked into the Tavern, he came across a man holding a Diamond Sword in one hand and an Ender Pearl in the other.
"Oh no.." He said quietly. His eyes going from a content light blue to a darker orange, Durwin advances on the man uncaring of the tool the man gripped in one hand.
"Where did you get this!?" Durwin demanded as he swiped the Pearl from the man's clutches.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Another person in purple walks into the tavern and, after seeing the Enderpearl, swipes the it from Blob, demanding to know where he got it. Blob quickly snatches it back, and glares angrily at the man.
"What does it matter to you?" Blob says, with an unmistakable arrogance. "It's mine, slayed an Enderman for it." Blob couldn't help but notice they'd gathered the whole Tavern's attention. "And you're mad if you think you're taking it from me again. You got lucky the first time that I didn't chop your hand off."


Aug 6, 2011
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((Assuming Kloud_Strife refers to me))

The cloaked figure would glance up at this approaching individual, tilting his head to the left slightly. With a brief silence, he'd then sigh, shaking his head. Following thereafter, he'd make a much more noticeable movement, collecting up a long metal container with a hilt and a leathery handle protruding a short distance from that hilt: A sword. A grumble later, he would stiffly rise and push pass the inquisitive lad and head over to Blob, his movement slow, appearing aged and feeble, but still walking with a strong purpose. He would momentarily stop before coming close at the sudden upstart person barging past, but after a moment would shoulder pass that stubborn figure to reach Blob.

A moment would pass, before the cloaked figure would bow his head slightly.
"It's been a long time since the Enderman carried pearls. Too long." A long moment of silence would follow from the individual, before he once again spoke. "If i'm not mistaken... history may repeat itself, starting with you.".

A lengthy silence would follow from the figure. He would take a moment to observe the brash person to the right, noticing the misguidance they were under, but said nothing. His gaze would return to rest on Blob, his own eyes full of intent and purpose, but also a spark of fear.


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
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Grumbling to himself once again at the audacity of people; first asking him a question and running off, then completely ignoring him. He is, however, far too annoyed by now to simply go back to drinking his brains out. The hooded man seems likely to be the one he's searching for, but, obviously he won't be answering any questions immediately. He instead turns his attention to the Defiant Blob, a spy, according to his dossier. Despite his occupation being slightly... different than that of Blob's, he decided to approach him nonetheless: He may have information on the hooded man.

Edit: I really have no idea what point in time that's taking place at Trap, so I'm afraid I can't react to it. Sorry.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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The cloaked figure in the corner finally spoke. He'd walked up to Blob while the incident with the purple man occurred, taking Blob by surprise. He said words that did not make much sense... how history would repeat itself. Blob wasn't sure what to make of it. He knew the Enderpearl held power.. what was this figure trying to tell him?


Aug 6, 2011
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((Updated the OP to include a more efficient way of getting a picture of your skin.))

As the tavern had quieted down from the occurrence from the Enderman, there was soon an uproar of arguements in the fray. Duffie stands up and walks to an empty table near the bar, where she can lay down her head and rest her eyes as she listens to the song she was listening to before.

((You guys have fun, making the story that I've yet to significantly notice. xD))


dam u str8 babygurl
Aug 20, 2011
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((OKAY WAIT. I deleted my original post because it seemed to be interupting something and went a little un-noticed. But here's the content in a spoiler. When would be the appropriate time in come in?))

((I do not have a skin so atm I'll use something temporary until I find one appropriate for me. C: ))​
((It's so everyone can identify my posts quickly and it just applies to my username. IT IS NOT WHAT MY CHARACTER LOOKS LIKE. I will describe him more.))​
Trap panted frantically in the dim light coming through the window from The Brewer's Stand. It may be right at this moment the only chance.​
Trap has lived a good three years in the small town of Shizuka. Being small time accomplished through tiny jobs and assistance throughout the village. He worked to be accepted and acknowledged through decisions he made towards the general public. Although well liked no one could really connect with him without having thoughts of an ill history.​
He lived in a small rental space above his lovely landlady, Mrs. MacCrady. A woman well past her peek but still in a prime moment of her life. The two accepted each other either as partners or a nephew visiting his aunt. Both spent most of their days trying to actively find something to do or dwell on the nearing famine caused by the low harvest of the year. Both knew that they could not survive solely on the small created green patch in the fenced area behind the house. So Trap was working more continuously than before. Working into the wee hours of night and nearly the waking dawn. He barely had time to sit down and read the frayed books that were a constant reminder of his past, but relevant information that was important for the future.​
It was nighttime and there were five crates left to move from the wagon to the General Store two blocks away. Why it was here is because it was in the middle of the two major stores so all crate boys had to walk the same distance in all fair. Personally Trap thought is that they could move the cart after the other store had finished loading. Trap had never enjoyed the night and it always caused Trap to feel uneasy. He could be standing in the Town Centre and he would feel irrational impending doom. Never less he always tacked his fears by addressing them in small amounts at times. It was a little more than past a hour he usually stayed out are sunlight. Thoughts of danger pricked in the back of his head which he promptly ignored until turned around the corner and saw it.​
It was an Endermen.​
By instinct; he turned his eyes to the ground but it was too late. It had turned and looked Trap straight in the eye. Trap stayed completely still. Knowing it was imperative that as of this moment, right now, to keep looking into the forsaken eyes of the Enderman. It did what Trap knew it would do, just look right back with an ogle.​
Trap slowly walked backwards. Not exactly knowing where he was backing up but he knew that getting inside a building may assist him for a short time. Any building did not matter; just as long as there was solid matter between him and the Enderman. As the wall was just about to break his connection with the Enderman, Trap turned and ran down the dark alley.​
Already knowing where the objects where in this alley Trap was able to dodge and jump over many hidden things. He could hear the objects fly noisily into the walls and out of the way of the charging Enderman. It would not be slown down forever as Trap began to feel a little panic as he quickly ducked around the corner just to hear the Enderman do it's freakish shrill scream that nearly stopped Trap from moving. Trap had reached the door but adding to the panic already rising in his chest, it was locked. He ran down the porch and onto the larger one next to it with a sign hanging ontop of the door "The Brewer's Inn." Jared had always told Trap that The Brewers Inn was only to be entered when he was of age or when he needed some muscle. That second option was now.​
Nearly falling as Trap crashed through the door. He felt a sudden sense of relief that there were people that could help him. That there was light from lamps that lit up the room in a friendly, cozy way that made his shaking calm down.​
This moment was short lived as the Enderman crashed through the door behind him, "HELP ME,"was the automatic response as he flatted himself just to feel a sharp jab nearly pierce his back.​
((LONG I KNOW. But my character introductions are long just so people get a feel of my character. Sorta. U: ))​


Aug 6, 2011
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"As much as I dislike telling stories," he began, "the new valiant and brave protectors need to know what has happened."
Taking a moment to recollect his thoughts whilst a few people stopped their idle chatter to listen to, what would appear to be, a storyteller, a small adjustment of his posture and a moment later, he launched into his tale.

"Several.. scores of years ago, we first discovered these... Enderman. It was shortly after the breakthrough of the Nether portal and the discovering of lightstone. The motion behind the light of that lassies' gadget. Then we started seeing these... black figures appear. Out of nowhere, these fiends, Enderman, came. We knew little. Except that eye contact led to death. They were different back then though...

The we begun to succeed in fighting them individually and killing them. Sir Etho was one of those to discover that they carried these very Ender Pearls on their person. A project spun off so elaborate it was the Nether all over again. Except, after they figured out their use, they figured out the Enderman's origin as well.

Whilst I don't know much beyond that... common history, I do know that something had to be done to quell the Enderman, and that involved venturing into their birthplace. A band of champions ventured forth, and the Enderman stopped bringing the pearls. Some burden was lifted off of this world. But considering you just picked one up, all I can say is that, with a diamond sword and a good arm, I'd be surprised not to see you venture forth like them.

After a moment, the figure shrugged. It seemed the entire tavern had taken a moment to listen to him for those few fleeting moments, with some mutters in the dark.

"Then again, it's all speculation, really." would he conclude, taking the heavy weight of eyes off of him and letting people return to their business. Some perplexed, others carefree. And then the door crashed down.

((Only apply the BOLD if Trap's introduction was AFTER the first Enderman attack.))


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
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((Trap, just randomly enter the bar and approach someone or something. Or you can be sitting in a corner or being chased by a creeper. Just try not to make it too lengthy so that you can react to others posts, I guess.))

Edit: After listening to the conversation that the hooded man had with Blob (it never hurt to gather info on the job, and it was almost certain that Hoody was his target now) and realizing it was unlikely to end soon, the young man instead approached the woman sitting by herself. Even the importance of a job couldn't suppress his capricious (the drunkenness didn't help) nature for long. "So..." he said, sitting down. "Come here often?"


Oct 8, 2011
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The man's arrogant tone and unsupported boast could not diminish the importance of the Pearl's presence.
"When the Ender Pearls arrive, there is NO such thing as property. And if you think that you can "own" an item such as this, then it is you who is lucky." Eyes now a deep red, Durwin glares at the man.
"What is your name and how long have you had the Pearl. Think wisely before you answer for many things will come to pass after you do. Whether they are for your benefit or destruction is up to you."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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With a SNAP-HISSSS, the figure dressed in black ignited his strange weapon. Almost white-hot, yet a brilliant crimson, it was beautiful yet terrifying.
"Before you start off with threats, young one, I suggest that you listen to this robed stranger's story. He speaks the truth. Endermen are terrible beings."
He gives the angry young man a cold stare, before continuing.
"Young one, he *gestures to Blob* slew an enderman. He was blessed enough to have a pearl drop from it when it was slain."
Silently staring at Durwin, he waits for a reply, his blade humming softly.


Aug 6, 2011
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The man would simply bow his head, remaining ignorant to the strife between Darth and Thetogolopian, although backing away from the intensive and light radiating blade, musing over the foreignity of it. In a much more powerful stride than before - one of rejuvenated vigor and virtue, the individual would return to his corner, appearing a little more younger than previous: It seemed the telling of the tale had reinvigorated adventure within him as he settled his metal sword-sheath to lean against the table and unroll the parchment once more, becoming quickly entranced in the strange and cryptic writings within..


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"Listen up," Blob says, addressing the purple man and ignoring Darth , "I don't know who you think you are, but the first thing I want to get straight is that this right here," Blob says, holding up the Enderpearl, "is mine. Now, if you must know, I am the famed Defiant Blob, known by many, except for by those who don't know me. As well, I just got this thing. An Enderman decided to attack me, and, unfortunately for it, it attacked me. Now, whether you care or not, I'll be headed home." The purple man readied himself to protest when Blob interrupted, "If you really want to talk, meet me again tomorrow". Blob then walked out of the Tavern with his pack and slammed the door behind him, the place dead silent.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin eyed the man in black and dismissed him. Durwin rushed off after Defiant.
"You fool! That Pearl belongs to no one! And you will give it up lest it destroys you." Durwin took advantage of Defiant's halt in stride to get infront of him once more.
"Another thing, you do not walk away from me..."


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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Outside of the brewing stand a dark figure is hiding behind a tree hopeful no one see's him. For years he has secretly watched over the town making sure everything was in order. After the radiation blast from years ago everything was wiped put... except me. For never being taken in with the rest of the survivors I remained alone and changed into one of those...things. After that I never showed my face in hope of a cure or just to stay alive and now... no one would even remember who I am...


Aug 6, 2011
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She drops her hand as he walks away, sighing in boredom and dreariness.

She walks toward the barkeep, asking if there is a room available.

"Yes there is, ma'am." he replied, "Just 3 shillings per night."

Duffie brings out her pouch, bringing out 3 out of the 5 shillings she held, giving it to the barkeep.

"Thank you, ma'am. You're room is up the stairs, first door on the left."

She nods toward the barkeep, proceeding to walk up the staircase and enter her room, where she slept for the night.

((As well for me. Night, keep up the plotting.))

((Edit: Jeez, so much progress. Remember to read everything, so you don't fall behind. xD))