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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 6, 2011
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[well I gotta know the number of back up I should bring. 100 wizards for something like 1000 demons is a bit over kill. But 100,000 or 1,000,000, would kinda require that amount]
(( How about, we keep it a surprise, and go with the flow, as if this were a reality, no one could tell you how many soldiers Herobrine was taking to attack us with... ))


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Besides my fighting talents, I have a limited use of an undisclosed magic language I learned while on a spy job. Oh, and I am an excellent spy, meaning I am trained in any skills relating to it." Blob paused for moment, then continued, "So, what do you suppose Herobrine's main goal is anyways?"
"Totally domination." Darth said briskly.

"I myself have the Force, it binds all life forms. It allows me to do many things with my mind, telekinesis being one of them, and reading/influencing minds as well."

Darth leaned against the wall.

"What you didn't see at the table was the mental struggle between the Caretaker and I. It almost broke me. I am now almost recovered, but I am not 100% yet."

As Darth finished, he turned 90 degrees to the right, and walked face-first into a fancy coat of arms and fell to his knees.



Aug 6, 2011
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[ At friend's house, replies will be slow for now. ]
Refresh bit his lip, closed his eyes, and turned his head bracing for impact. He heard a clunk and looked up. He saw the knife implanted in his chest with Cernunnos' hands around the handle. A mysterious black ooze was seeping out of his chest around the knife.


[ At friend's house, replies will be slow for now. ]
Refresh bit his lip, closed his eyes, and turned his head bracing for impact. He heard a clunk and looked up. He saw the knife implanted in his chest with Cernunnos' hands around the handle. A mysterious black ooze was seeping out of his chest around the knife.
Cernunnos attempts to slice down Refresh's chest, but his knife is stuck in Refresh and he attempts several times to pull it down, each time unsuccessful.

He examines Refresh's chest, and is astonished at what he's found.

"Oh my Go- oh wait, that expression doesn't work since I am one, but what sort of entity are you?"


Aug 6, 2011
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push it down, each time unsuccessful.
"Oh my Go- oh wait, that expression doesn't work since I am one, but what are entity are you?"
[ Fixed ]

Refresh stared at the blade being jabbed into him. "I'm-- I'm not sure..." Refresh took two fingers and dipped them into the black ooze that was starting to puddle. He raised his fingers to his nose and sniffed them. "Smells like... oil..."

[panel]Project Log: 49
Date: 5/10/32

Finally! The most powerful robot the world has ever seen. Project Refresher has given me the Refresh model 100! Those bastards who took my daughter wi-- someone's coming, I'll save the logs on the robot for safe keeping, if I don't make it back to activate him myself, he'll activate a hundred years from now and all knowledge of Scientech will be erased and the knowledge of being a robot will be too, after all I have created a person, and if I won't use him for his purpose, he shall live a normal life of a human.
Signing off, hopefully not for the last time...


Cernunnos wiggles the knife about. Peeking underneath the skin, Cernunnos discovers all sorts of strange metal work and strange tubes that he could not make head or tail of. With great force, he managed to remove the knife, but at the result of the knife breaking in half as he pulls it out. The other half falls to the forest floor, and the two gods and the animals stare at the shard in amazement.
The vines unbind Refresh and the forest animals bow (or at least attempt to).
"Forgive me, for if I had known you were a god..."


Oct 8, 2011
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"Besides my fighting talents, I have a limited use of an undisclosed magic language I learned while on a spy job. Oh, and I am an excellent spy, meaning I am trained in any skills relating to it." Blob paused for moment, then continued, "So, what do you suppose Herobrine's main goal is anyways?"
[I don't want Durwin to just pull wizards out from nowhere. This is what I meant earlier :/ Though, if you got wizards from the Togolopians, I'd be fine as long as it is kept reasonable.]
[what do you mean from no where? I have never pulled anything from no where. And yes there will be a few Togolopians. along with White Willows, Sunbursts, Gladesmen, and Marianers]


Aug 6, 2011
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[what do you mean from no where? I have never pulled anything from no where. And yes there will be a few Togolopians. along with White Willows, Sunbursts, Gladesmen, and Marianers]
(( He means so suddenly out of the story. I do agree it is quite abuseable to just be able to take a gigantic group back with you. It's not like Herobrine's case, where he most likely had all the time in the world to prepare, as you know several close friends who are willing enough to just come along with the ride and fight against an army of dark soldiers/zombies/creepers/skeletons/etc. ))


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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[what do you mean from no where? I have never pulled anything from no where. And yes there will be a few Togolopians. along with White Willows, Sunbursts, Gladesmen, and Marianers]
[in plays it is called Deus ex machina. i.e. when an almost impossible problem which is solved by an improbable solution. What are the chances that you would have just enough wizards to defeat the enemy, and that you would be able to get all of them on short notice]


The Evening of War

Alarms begin sounding, echoing throughout the mountain valley. The denizens of Sky Base barely ever hear the alarms of war sound in their city, for few ever dare to strike them. But not this night, for he alarms are the sound that runs like a cold knife breaking through the peace. While most would like to return to their beds, with their family safely sleeping in their beds, they cannot, however, escape the call of battle, and so they march towards the Plaza Commons. Commander Parsinius is awaiting their arrival.
"We have received word from our Queen that a great evil is coming, one which has apparently already been among us, waiting for the best time to strike. This dark devilspawn by the epithet of Herobrine, "The Dark Lord". This dark creature shows no mercy, and according to this book..."​
The Commander holds up a journal that used to belong to the Caretaker
"...it seeks to destroy us all. It has no use for us as slaves or pets, for it regards us as mere vermin. It seeks to eradicate us, and destroy the race of man. While we all wish we had more time to say goodbye to one another, this foul beast has decided to send his armies to kill us this instant, so we have no time to waste. All able bodied men and women should report to the barracks in order to receive the standard gear..."​
"...and then you will be directed for further assignment. All unable to fight shall be escorted through the tunnels, where the Queen will lead you out. May the gods help us."​


Aug 6, 2011
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(( By Season 2, I say we have it go off to continue some time in the future, after we all settle down once more. Duffie will want to head back home to Kira, or along with, and I'm sure they'd stay there for quite some time. Plus, I feel as if I should take a break from RPing, or at least in this universe. It's tough to think things through after overplaying and overthinking so much, especially with no rules set up. But, this was expected when I made this.

StoryMaster can create the Season 2 thread, when we reach the end of this season, but I may in fact start the next one I had been planning, with a more defined ruleset and character creation. It will quite possibly have a player cap, as well.

But, for now, let us enjoy these last 2 ~ 20 pages of war, epic battles, over-powered fights, duels to the death, tragedies, and reunions as we set off to destroy the evil who has taken over the lands he occupies and is known as The Netherworld. ))


Aug 6, 2011
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A man comes into plain sight in front of Cernunnos. "Here's the beast!" he yelled. "This way!"
[ Fixed another one :p ]

"Forgive me, for if I had known you were a god..." Cernunnos started. "God? No no, I... don't think I have the 'god attributes'. I--" Refresh was cutoff by the sounds of sirens that came from the floating SkyBase. Suddenly a man ran into the opening,"Here's the beast!" he shouted "This way!" He motioned for the others to follow and ran off. "Must be that Herobrine guy. Let's follow him to see where he takes us." Refresh told the two gods and followed the man.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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(( That was from Thetogolopian, who changed it to say you guys went to Avalon. :p

He should mention, and quote, everytime he does that. :L ))
[Actually, Razinao did it.]
Suddenly a huge mob appears from the forest, lead by the same man. "There is the demon who binds men and slays them, then possesses their body to do its bidding!"


Oct 8, 2011
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(( I still have that teleporter device I used to get Duffie, it only teleports me to the Red Eagle though ))
[in plays it is called Deus ex machina. i.e. when an almost impossible problem which is solved by an improbable solution. What are the chances that you would have just enough wizards to defeat the enemy, and that you would be able to get all of them on short notice]
[not short notice, and the number was figurative. I'm not gonna "RP bomb" so to speak, the place with entirely way to many wizards at once.]
(( That was from Thetogolopian, who changed it to say you guys went to Avalon. :p

He should mention, and quote, everytime he does that. :L ))
[was not needed, fixed after someone had called it out already.]

[geez you all sure like to gang up on me :p

so without further adue, I would like to know SPECIFICALLY, and ONE AT A TIME, each and every one of your issues before I go on. Tired of being shot at like this, so some soothing is required. feel free to start [enter name here]]