Moderator Application Format
A moderator’s job is to enforce the rules of the server, whilst also maintaining fun and enjoyment for all players. In order to be accepted as a staff member, you must fit the following requirements and fill out the application below by copying it into a new thread:
- At least 12 hours of ontime (Options > Statistics > Time Played)
- Active and mature enough to hold the position.
- At least one reference from an Moderator+
Username: Tell us your current in game name.
Age: This is optional, but it would be useful to know.
Sharing: If you share an account, mention it here
Timezone: What timezone are you in
How many hours can you contribute per week?: Tell us how active you can be on the server- a detailed description helps.
Previous Staffing Experience: Tell us what previous staffing experience you’ve had, if any.
Why do you want to be staff?: Tell us why you have applied for staff and why you should be accepted.
What qualities do you believe you would bring to the staff team?: You can also tell us your strengths weaknesses, and how you aim to overcome them.
Additional Notes: Anything else you would like to add.
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