Most important thing in a game?

What do you think make a game good?

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Aug 7, 2011
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Since I think every game should have a smooth and easy gameplay, I voted for that. But I also think that music is very important. Story is quite important to me too. Graphics not so much, as long as the gameplay and the story is good. Any game with a dark atmosphere is less appealing to me.


Ghast Hunter
Aug 6, 2011
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Story. I played Resident Evil 1 regardless of how fucking difficult it was for me to grasp the controls and why my character was so slow about everything, but the game was amazing. I do require a tad thing about graphics too, though. Here, let me get a picture.
Mostly with PS1 games, I'd say. They tried their best, as if to build pixeled layers on top of one another to make a 3D object but the result makes me nauseous. It's why I probably won't ever get to play the second and third Resident Evils, sadly.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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I'm surprised no one has actually said yet that a good game should really have ALL of these aspects in one form or another (Not counting the favorite character part).
-Gameplay is always a must need for a game. I mean, it IS a game, and we use this medium to have fun. If the controls or just general essence of the game in question isn't really that enjoyable, or perhaps the game is even broken to begin with, then really there isn't really a great point in playing it.
Take a "sort-of" recent release of Dear Esther. This game has an interesting storyline, impressive graphics, and what I would call a fairly interesting title. That would make it a good game right? Not really, as for the whole game you are simply walking, from place to place, without much to do, and the entire process is fairly tedious/slow and not very needed.
-I don't really consider Minecraft a great example of gameplay either. I feel we place that on our lists because we are really fans of the game, and normally stay around for our great community. I never liked the SP aspect after the first 30 or so minutes of it, and only recently started playing it again because its fun to play with friends. And the combat's a bit wonky at times, but it is very immersive, and was scary in the begining: never knowing if a creeper was right behind a corner.

-I don't think I play very many games with good graphics... I've always preferred a great aesthetic that immerses me into the experience a greater feat then good graphics, and I think that's all the other topics besides gameplay(and Bacon) does: They immerse you more into the universe of the game.
-I'm a lore freak, and so I love story, and will normally play a game simply for a great single or multi-player for a good few ours in an interesting story.
-Atmosphere: Oh jeeze, I'm everything for atmosphere. I normally don't even do certain things unless I feel an atmosphere is just right for the occasion: which Is normally why I only play certain games at night, because it just adds to the atmosphere. It can always help along the game, like Bioshock.
-Music, even before gameplay, I always love listening to. If a music-track is absolutely terrible, I feel it always breaks my experience, and I loose interest in the game quickly(again, the immersion aspect in all of these topics in the list). Bastion, Lock's Quest, some Pokemon games, Deus Ex... The list goes on and on for fantastical musical talent. My love for game-music may just be a phase but... Meh! Its fantastic.

...Oh cmon, can't I make a single post without it being a wall of text. SHEESH.
(Also: you can vote for all of the topics, which I did. :3)


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

The reason I chose MineCraft for gameplay is because that's what I think of it. :p

The reason I got hooked into MineCraft, and stayed with MineCraft, is the gameplay. The music is iffy, but still awesome. The atmosphere is definitely there at times, and the graphics have never mattered to me.

Graphics don't matter to me, because I'm a retro gamer. SNES is probably one of my most favorite consoles, so 8bit and 16bit graphics have always been one of my favorite types of graphics.

Atmosphere is definitely not just a horror thing. It can be used with action games, puzzle games, mysteries, etc. But I always love it when it's there. I hate horror movies, and playing horror games, because I honestly hate the feeling jumpy. The main reason I watch horror LPs is for the reactions. xP

Story is on the top of my list. If a game has a great story, I'll probably either keep playing it to keep going on with the story, or watch an LP of the game. A prime example, other than Ghost Trick, would have to be the Ace Attorney series. I thought I was going to hate Apollo Justice, because I loved Phoenix Wright as a main character so much. Getting into the game, I realized why he wasn't the main character, and now accept the game to be apart of the series. When there are games like this, I wouldn't mind sucking up to the gameplay, even though I love the Ace Attorney and Ghost Trick gameplays, just so I can get on with the story.

Music. While it may be awesome to have awesome music in a video game, if the video game gets on my nerves, while the music doesn't... I'll probably just get the music from YouTube, and never play the game again. :p

The inclusion of my favorite character could probably fall under Marvel vs. Capcom. In my case, the inclusion of Phoenix Wright... To be honest, I question why he's in a fighting game, but I would probably get the game to check it out. xD

And finally...

The Baconing.

And in the end, here's my list, top to bottom. Top being what I think is the most important, and bottom being least.

  1. Story
  2. Gameplay
  3. Atmosphere
  4. Graphics
  5. Music
  6. Bacon
  7. The inclusion of my favorite character
Sorry, roxaschao. Graphics is pretty high on my list now, especially after I viewed at the options more closely.

On the other hand, here's the list as to what the people that voted in the poll feel is the most important, to least important.

  1. Gameplay
  2. Story
  3. Music
  4. Atmosphere
  5. Bacon
  6. Graphics
  7. The inclusion of my favorite character
In the end, this all drops down to a matter of opinion. And as my Chemistry teacher says, matter matters, and since thoughts aren't made of matter, they don't matter.

If I go about making my own game, though, I will definitely aim on making a great story first. Then, I'll put more focus on gameplay. I would definitely love to have great music on my games, too, but it is not required for a game to be super awesome (in my standards).

Sorry for the large wall of text. At least it's spaced out, and more professionally ordered.


Dec 9, 2011
Reaction score
I got to say that the only two nessecary things are gameplay and music and a good AI programme.

If any of you know Hearts Of Iron 3 For The Motherland you will know what I mean.

Not intending to advertise since as a game it takes weeks to learn. And I cant really at the moment since I need to upgrade my computer.


The noob himself
Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
I chose atmosphere and gameplay I did not chose favorite character, grapics music story or bacon.

the reasons i chose atmosphere was because i like having some of the same people online alot and getting to know them, I chose gameplay because well.... >.< why would i play a game if i did not like it?

I did not chose favorite character because I can make a new favorite character in whatever game I might be playing and I was not sure exactly what it meant, I did not even THINK about chosing grapics because they dont matter at all and I dont know why 3 people voted for grapics :(, I did not chose music or story because the music does not matter to me and I always turn it off if there is any at all (or even noise :/ ) , and the story does not matter in most games (like minecraft) and also I dont play many story games so.... Now i come to my hardest decision: BACON! why roxaschao you must tempt me I dont know :p, but it just seemed too irrelevant.