Paste what you have copied :D

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rotarepO eibmoZ-xE
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
I was posting this in the IRC quotes thread, I spoilered it here because it was long, but the spoiler didn't come with the paste.
[18:35] <ZombieBot> Matt_Allen: I wish that more Deadmau5 songs were like strobe
[18:35] <ZombieBot> smoshyman1 Kicked: Pillaring like a champ!.
[18:35] <ZombieBot> Alpha102: Some parts it's enough
[18:35] <ZombieBot> masongreat9: i understand
[18:35] <ZombieBot> ModestMouse1364: ah! i love deadmau5
[18:35] <ZombieBot> Alpha102: Who is deadmau5
[18:35] <ZombieBot> DeltaSalamence left the game.
[18:35] <ZombieBot> Matt_Allen: :confused:
[18:35] <ZombieBot> minecrafter1414: D:
[18:35] <ZombieBot> darkariel08: g
[18:35] <ZombieBot> emosquirrel: ./slap alpha
[18:35] <ZombieBot> Game: tomcattoo catches samrin06
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Game: samrin06 catches Nellahorse
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Alpha102: what
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Super_Mario_Bros: deadmau makes dubstep
[18:36] <ZombieBot> gargle99: mason
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Nellahorse: :mad:
[18:36] <ZombieBot> gargle99: stop trying to make yourself illegal
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Super_Mario_Bros: i HATE dubstep
[18:36] <ZombieBot> JtTorso: No
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Alpha102: What's dubstep?
[18:36] <ZombieBot> minecrafter1414: srsly dude?
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Matt_Allen: Yo-o-o-o-ou ... you don't know deadmau5?
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Alpha102: Music?
[18:36] <ZombieBot> masongreat9: yeah
[18:36] <ZombieBot> carolina100: brutally xD
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Matt_Allen: and no SMB
[18:36] <ZombieBot> JtTorso: He doesn't make dubstep
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Matt_Allen: He doesn't make dubstep
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Super_Mario_Bros: it's music sort of like dubstep
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Alpha102: lol look what I caused again
[18:36] <ZombieBot> JtTorso: No
[18:36] <ZombieBot> JtTorso: Not even
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Super_Mario_Bros: i'v heard it
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Matt_Allen: His genre is best classified as Progressive house
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Game: Nellahorse catches ModestMouse1364
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Game: tomcattoo catches Super_Mario_Bros
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Super_Mario_Bros: and it sounds like dubstep to me
[18:36] <ZombieBot> masongreat9: that will make you illeagle
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Enceladus: basically imagine a fan running
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Enceladus: then imagine putting a rock into it
[18:36] <ZombieBot> gargle99: now just stay over there
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Alpha102: I have a fan running
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Enceladus: that's dubstep
[18:36] <ZombieBot> minecrafter1414: xD
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Game: Nellahorse catches kirbyofthestars
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Alpha102: lol
[18:36] <ZombieBot> gamefan__15: I'm a fan running
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Game: samrin06 catches Epic_Danny
[18:36] <ZombieBot> gamefan__15: :confused:
[18:36] <ZombieBot> iamnotnotch joined the game.
[18:36] <ZombieBot> Alpha102: I just need a rock
[18:36] <ZombieBot> iiigg joined the game.
[18:36] <ZombieBot> gargle99: hey gamefan
[18:37] <ZombieBot> Game: Epic_Danny catches Mars_Man36
[18:37] <ZombieBot> Game: Nellahorse catches evil_king69
[18:37] <ZombieBot> Matt_Allen: Ence .-.
[18:37] <ZombieBot> iiigg: hi
[18:37] <ZombieBot> minecrafter1414: lolollo
[18:37] <ZombieBot> gargle99: gl humans
[18:37] <ZombieBot> gamefan__15: SOMEONE STICK A ROCK IN ME
[18:37] <ZombieBot> gamefan__15: o_o
[18:37] <ZombieBot> *Damer_Flinn throws a rock at gamefan
[18:37] <ZombieBot> Enceladus: i'm not serious omg dont do that it'll break the fan
[18:37] <ZombieBot> Game: samrin06 catches ChaseCox14
[18:37] <ZombieBot> Game: Super_Mario_Bros catches NOBLEdude54532
[18:37] <ZombieBot> gargle99: xD
[18:37] <ZombieBot> Game: tomcattoo catches xXchorasXx
[18:37] <ZombieBot> Mars_Man36: how u find me?
[18:37] <ZombieBot> gargle99: hey damer
[18:37] <ZombieBot> carolina100: xD
[18:37] <ZombieBot> *gamefan__15 breaks
[18:37] <ZombieBot> Alpha102: Damer, throw me
[18:37] <ZombieBot> gargle99: oh nooo choras!
[18:37] <ZombieBot> Alpha102: :3


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Cmat = Cb*{{1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, -1, 0,
0}, {0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1}, {0, 0, 0, 0, -1,
1}}; MatrixForm[Cmat];
Gmat = Gb*{{(1 + alpha), -1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {-1, (1 + alpha), -alpha, 0,
0, 0}, {0, -alpha, (1 + alpha), -1, 0, 0}, {0,
0, -1, (1 + alpha), -alpha, 0}, {0, 0,
0, -alpha, (1 + alpha), -1}, {0, 0, 0,
0, -1, (1 + alpha)}}; MatrixForm[Gmat]
Fmat = {{-alpha*Gb*F1}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}};
eqns = Cmat.{{V1}, {V2}, {V3}, {V4}, {V5}, {V6}}*s +
Gmat.{{V1}, {V2}, {V3}, {V4}, {V5}, {V6}} - Fmat == 0;
Simplify[Solve[eqns, {V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6}]]

(Mathematica Code - saving me lots o time)


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
i hope you fall into the ocean and the current leaves you helpless swimming around as the waves crash over you until you drown


This is lyrics to a song.. I'm socially awkward and need to double check that they're correct before tweeting/facebooking lyrics. And an awesome song, at that.
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