Paste what you have copied :D

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Former AoD Dev
Aug 6, 2011
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A .jar containing some code that I wrote. What it does is moves the mouse randomly around one's screen for 10 seconds.

I'm posting the source code below to show that it is safe and does as I said:
import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.Toolkit;

public class Control
public static final int SECONDS = 10;

public static void main(String[] args) throws AWTException
Robot robot = new Robot();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < SECONDS * 1000)

Da Jinks

Political Nerd
Dec 13, 2011
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A .jar containing some code that I wrote. What it does is moves the mouse randomly around one's screen for 10 seconds.

I'm posting the source code below to show that it is safe and does as I said:
import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.Toolkit;

public class Control
public static final int SECONDS = 10;

public static void main(String[] args) throws AWTException
Robot robot = new Robot();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < SECONDS * 1000)
Could this keep your comuter, say, turned on while your leaving it idle? That would be useful for me :eek:

also, C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin

Was making my path variable java.


Lego Block Op
Sep 12, 2012
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Here you go! A nice troll to start your day!


The noob himself
Sep 17, 2012
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the Iran nuclear issue:
How does your country plan to make a difference?
Germany will urge Iran to stop enriching thier uranium to wepons capability, and a solution is for the international community to accept Iran's production of 20%-25% enriched uranium and for the Iran government to accept a monitoring system that would set off alarm bells and send an alarm to the UN headquarters if they made any move toward weaponizing or further enriching the uranium in their "peaceful program".

lol im doing model United nations and i was working on writing my position paper :p


Former AoD Dev
Aug 6, 2011
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A conversation between me (<Person1>) and a friend (<Person2>). I removed our names from it.

<Person1> said (5:49 PM)
You blocked? Lol
<Person2> says
i pressed something
<Person1> says
<Person2> says
and it turned every1 offline
<Person1> says
I know lol
<Person2> says
<Person1> says
I'm fine lol
<Person2> says
i was panicing


Aug 14, 2011
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Panel 1: Frodo Baggins stands inside the hobbit hole, his eyes distant as he stares into the fireplace. It is night time, and the flames flicker light onto the wooden floor. A great matter of papers and scrolls lie upon the table in the background. His hand in his pocket as he holds the One Ring, given to him by Bilbo Baggins.
Panel 2: Zoom in onto his pocketed hand.
Panel 3: Still zoomed in, but the hand begins to withdraw from the pocket.
Panel 4: From Frodo’s view, we look at his once pocketed hand which holds the ring in its palm. He holds it waist high. The gold band glimmers from the fireplace, which is dominating the background except for a bit of the floor at the bottom of the panel. Gandalf’s voice echoes in Frodo’s head.
One ring to rule them all…
Panel 5: Zoomed in more onto the ring.
…One ring to find them…
Panel 6: Zoomed in more. One can see more light reflected off the ring.
…One ring to bring them all…
Panel 7: Zoomed in extremely close. The images of fire actually appear on the edges of the ring. The colors are much gloomier surrounding the edges of the panel frame.
Panel 8: Now we are viewing the underside of Frodo’s hand and up towards his face. Deep shadows are on the side not facing the fireplace. Frodo expresses a wide-eyed look on his face, as if dazed by what power he holds.
Panel 9: The image of the front door of the circular hobbit-hole entrance. Someone is knocking on it.
Panel 10: Frodo quickly pockets the ring. He is startled at the surprise visitor, but realizes that it is most likely Gandalf.
Panel 11: Frodo opens the door, but is surprised to find Samwise Gamgee supporting a drunk Gandalf. Gandalf’s grey hair is slightly greasy, and his mouth is moist with beer. His mouth is agape, but curled in some sort of weird smile. It’s taking great effort for Sam to haul the wizard all the way up the hill, since he is about ¼ the size of the tall Gandalf.
Sam: Mr. Frodo! Mr. Gandalf has been drowing himself in Mr. Calberry’s fine mead at the tavern. He almost caused the place to catch fire!
Panel 12: Sam and Frodo haul Gandalf towards an oak chair. Gandalf raises his arms and flicks his hands, as if spreading some sort of imaginary magical dust. He’s still smiling.
Gandalf: Be free Dark Lord! Be freeeeee!
Sam: He’s quite lost it. He was blathering about this thing, this “ring.”
Panel 13: Zoomed back to see all three characters, we see Frodo catches fright again. His skin turns a bit pale at the thought of the ring being told to the wrong people.
Frodo: How many people…overheard this about the ring…
Gandalf: *burp*
Sam: The whole tavern. But it was quite silly really. The most powerful ring in the world, in the Shire?
Panel 14: Frodo reaches into his pocket and retrieves the ring, holding it out for Sam to see. Gandalf in his drunken state also looks on the ring, his mouth forming an “o” shape.
Frodo: This… is what he spoke of, Sam. What he has said is true.
Gandalf: O…precious
Panel 15: Gandalf grabs the ring from Frodo’s hand and rambles out the door.
Panel 16: Hobbits exit the hobbit-hole and chase after the lumbering Gandalf.
Panel 17: Gandalf, being grabbed at, takes a wild swing at Frodo. His hair swings wildly with his right arm, and the wizard somewhat loses balance. Frodo falls to the ground.
Panel 18: Frodo is on the ground laying on his bottom. He is raised up by both arms which hold up from the back, and his legs are bent and slightly scraped.
Sam: Oi! Come back here you!
Panel 19: Sam jumps onto the back of Gandalf, causing him to fall. Simultaneously, Gandalf’s hand extends forward, the ring at his fingertips. It shines in the moonlight.
Panel 20: A zoom shot of the ring, spinning in the air at great speed.
Panel 21: The ring lands on the cobble road in Hobbiton. It begins rolling on its side.
Panel 22: The ring falls flat against the road. A black horse hoof has stopped its progress. This hoof has scars and scratches all throughout, and it shows signs of age and rot.
Panel 23: A zoom out shot shows the Black Rider, mounted on its horse. The moon shines behind it, and grey clouds loom on the horizon. The hooded being has no sign of a face, just a deep black visage.
Panel 24: The Black Rider leaps from his horse onto the street, it’s cloak swishing in it’s wake.
Panel 25: The Skeletal hand bends down and retrieves the gold ring. The eye of Sauron can be seen.
Panel 26: A zoomed out shot from above the Black Rider’s left shoulder. The Black Rider’s upper body can be seen. Sam and Frodo lie on the ground, too scared to move. Gandalf is just too drunk to get up.
Panel 27: The Black Rider rides off, returning the ring to Sauron, which will plunge Middle-Earth into darkness.
Panel 28: A frightened Sam looks back at Frodo.
Sam: I don’t believe that was one of the good guys.
Frodo: No, Sam. That was not one of the good guys.
Panel 29: The two hobbits have stood up, and they face each other. Frodo looks understandably shocked at the situation.
Frodo: We shouldn’t speak of this… Let us forget this night.
Sam: I’m sure it’ll be all right, Mr. Frodo. Like we’d ever be able to WALK into Mordor! We are just hobbits from little old Hobbiton. We are not heroes.
Panel 30: Frodo, looking slightly relieved that he wouldn’t have to do anything. He smiles.
Frodo: Yes, Sam, we are just hobbits.
Panel 31: The two hobbits walk back towards the hobbit-hole, leaving Gandalf on the ground. The drunk wizard, his cap hanging over his eyes, watches a worm slowly wind its way through the cobblestones.
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