Paste what you have copied :D

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The noob himself
Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
...daily alliance codes...::day two hundred seventy::25 codes::(((five special codes:QCSEV3 knn7d2 U85DRD P4HRBQ uxxq93)))4WQBUW qfmupu YH5QU5 AGHG5K KHT827 KG9DXQ J2X4BD X7C2V7 J944MA BAGKM5 P67HK3 EJTFYQ 8KBBHM JWR363 FB3DK2 ND2QAB HNSC4Q 8GSHGT VPEDCK S72A2D XG6K5N 66BVUD XH3MVC C9C7SE 2VY5KQ QYRSUP

grr, I almost always have this copied in the morning so yea...(day 270!)


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Ryan Reid
English -4th Period
Reasoning and Example Paragraphs
Example Paragraph
Participation in athletic competition and other extracurricular activities teaches students important and useful life skills. There are three examples to support this claim. Firstly, Jackson, working together with his teammates on a swimming relay was taught the value of cooperation and how to work with others efficiently to reach a common goal. Secondly, even in the face of failure, the Mount Michael basketball team knows of humility and humbleness that will cause them to bounce back after defeat and become a better team because of it. Thirdly, and most importantly, the Mount Michael varsity track team took Gold because they practiced perseverance through track training.
Reason Paragraph
The best movie I have ever seen is Taken Two. This is my favorite movie because of three separate reasons. One, I am a fan of the genre - Taken Two is a sort of action, adventure movie with multiple fighting scenes. A second reason is the use of the characters in the first movie put towards the second movie. I felt like the characters from the first movie were used differently and creatively in the second movie that portrayed different parts of their character you wouldn’t have previously seen. The third and most important reason for my liking of Taken Two is the plot. I had watched the first Taken, as previously stated, but the advancement of the old story and the events that took place in the second movie were to me, fantastic.
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