Duffie: I still like Solitude the most, to be honest.
Duffie: Even if it's more evil.
Duffie: I /expect/ the evil.
Duffie: And even partake in it.
Refresh100: Solitude was a fun one
Duffie: Yush.
Duffie: And I love the fact there are no OP diamonds, oto.

Duffie: Too*
Refresh100: Great for RP'ing too
Duffie: And those events
Duffie: Yush
Duffie: I loved the Enclave
Duffie: Iguana did such a great job with that. xP
Refresh100: Lol, I remember I had found a village and established an underground network between the buildings
Duffie: What. xD
Duffie: I just joined people in their village.
Duffie: I think it was...
Duffie: Kap's
Refresh100: Lol, it had traps too to keep unwanted people out
Duffie: EphermalKap I believe.
Duffie: Oh gosh, I remember it so well.
Duffie: Kap went to his house
Duffie: Found a lever
Duffie: Look at it
Duffie: Someone else flipped it
Duffie: BOOM
Duffie: Explosion.
Duffie: His house
Duffie: Gone.
Duffie: He just stood there.
Duffie: And then he attacked everyone.
Duffie: And then we killed him.
Duffie: We RP'd saying "He had gone mad."
Duffie: We tried to figure out who put TNT in his house
Duffie: Made some assumptions
Duffie: But apparently never got hte right guy. xD
Refresh100: XD I can just imagine that in my head
Duffie: Then we went to sleep for the night
Duffie: Woke up in the morning
Duffie: Well
Duffie: I
Duffie: Woke up
Duffie: In the morning
Duffie: And I found no one around.
Duffie: And some signs
Duffie: I forget
Duffie: Wait
Duffie: It was
Duffie: Something from a Marauder
Duffie: So he called himself.
Duffie: I noticed
Duffie: All of my stuff was gone
Duffie: in my secret chest.
Duffie: I looked around other people's stuff, to find out they're gone, too
Duffie: And we had probably the one enchantment table in the world
Duffie: And that was gone, too
Duffie: Shadowofgods soon went back to the village and found me
Duffie: And told me they had been raided numerous times
Duffie: And have a new place
Duffie: I followed him, and then we had the Enclave attack us, and called us "The Resistance".
Duffie: After some struggles, we found everyone else, and went into a vault
Duffie: in which all the torches disappeared, and more mobs spawned.
Duffie: We escaped, and found the Brotherhood of Steel
Duffie: We teamed up, then headed to their base with the people we had left.
Duffie: And then
Duffie: We fought
Duffie: The Enderdragon
Duffie: Wait
Duffie: Did we have that yet
Duffie: It was that
Duffie: or
Duffie: A ghast or two
Duffie: But either way, boss battle.
Duffie: I died. xD
Duffie: But I heard it was epic.
Duffie: As was the whole trip.
Duffie: My
Duffie: Top moment
Duffie: In Blocktopia
Duffie: Right there.