Hey there! I had a brilliant idea to make a thread where all the members of the community could post something that they're proud of, and maybe, show off a little bit
It could be something that happened to you, a big game you won, or a story you wrote or picture you drew, just anything that you're proud of. I want to see what you guys really like, or what you guys can really do :)
Since I made the thread, I guess I should go first, huh? Here's a recording, that I was a part of, that was recorded this past weekend. This song was composed by Cam Wharram, the alto saxophonist and, uh, colleague of mine, I guess. We're just acquaintances, so I can't really call him my friend lol.
Anyway, Cam is on sax, Neil Murphy is on bass, Joey Hartigan is on drums, and I play piano :D
I don't know how into jazz you guys are (if at all), but that's what this is! For those of you who don't know how jazz works, the "head", or main tune to the song, is typically played at the start and the end, and everything in between is improvised. Okay, before you guys fall asleep, here it is
http://s3.amazonaws.com/berkleemusic/network_file_shares/files/13381/original/02 Got No Rhythm.m4a?1323663718
Okay, now I want to hear/see what you guys are proud of :)
It could be something that happened to you, a big game you won, or a story you wrote or picture you drew, just anything that you're proud of. I want to see what you guys really like, or what you guys can really do :)
Since I made the thread, I guess I should go first, huh? Here's a recording, that I was a part of, that was recorded this past weekend. This song was composed by Cam Wharram, the alto saxophonist and, uh, colleague of mine, I guess. We're just acquaintances, so I can't really call him my friend lol.
Anyway, Cam is on sax, Neil Murphy is on bass, Joey Hartigan is on drums, and I play piano :D
I don't know how into jazz you guys are (if at all), but that's what this is! For those of you who don't know how jazz works, the "head", or main tune to the song, is typically played at the start and the end, and everything in between is improvised. Okay, before you guys fall asleep, here it is
http://s3.amazonaws.com/berkleemusic/network_file_shares/files/13381/original/02 Got No Rhythm.m4a?1323663718
Okay, now I want to hear/see what you guys are proud of :)