Project roundup.


Jan 20, 2012
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Hi all,

I'm well aware that the allure of the server has worn off for some people, or that some of us just don't have time anymore. I'm making this thread as a last ditch effort to list out the clan wide projects that are still ongoing, and what needs to be done. The hope is that we'll have a somewhat complete looking Gaia in the near future, so we can all be happy with the entire thing and have something to brag about. What we've already done is beautiful, picturesque, and downright amazing. I'm proud of what we've built, and the only thing that can spoil it for me is unfinished work. Hopefully, something on this list will inspire you to come and build another thing. :)

To that extent, here are the things that need completion:

** The upper city **
After the wall expansion, we made a bunch of new space for homes and whatnot. There has only been a few new people to use this space. Conveniently, most of the town is filled up anyway, there's just a bunch of space around my tower. I've set out a bunch of plots and laid the road for them. Anyone at all can build a house, or a shop, or anything in any of them. Hell, if you have an idea of what you want to do, take several plots at once and go nuts. I laid out about 4 small ones, and another 4 medium sized ones, plus minus a few. I'm not going to count on new people building things here anymore, so anyone with any ideas at all, please build something.

** The walls **
Well, they're tall enough. The cobble shit is gone. All that's left is to expand the pattern that I started all the way around. That's gonna take a lot of resources and time. We should have a bunch of resources for it, and I'll be starting back on this once the gardens below are in good shape.

** The lower city **
DKnucklehead put a lot of effort into setting up this area, and it really does need to be used. As with the upper city, I'm not counting on new people to come and make stuff anymore. The rules for building here are less restrictive, so get an idea and build something. I'll be adding at least 1 building to it myself. There are many plots.

** The royal gardens **
This is new. Outside the capital, in front of what used to be the legal entrance for our vault, I've laid out 8 large circles. These will be dug down, about 10 blocks, and then connected on the inside. The top will be covered in glass. I've already made one exhibit, so people can have a look and get an idea of what's going in these. The idea is to build some exotic vegetation. Plants, trees, crops, anything you have an idea for to make something exotic looking (that will fit inside the chamber), anyone can build it in the base of any of these circles. As a bonus, I've rounded up some new villagers for us, and they'll be living in these chambers as well, so they'll look like gardeners or something. Above ground, I'll be laying out a path and some fence to help the area look fancy.

** The roundabout **
Dk also put a lot of effort into all of the areas surrounding the capital. These have expanded slightly since we took down the cobble wall, and there's a few spots that haven't been touched yet. We need someone to just go around and touch things up. If there's already a theme there, make sure it expands to the walls, if not then just do something, make a path or something. I'm building the royal gardens as part of this effort, but you don't have to put that much into it. Something as simple as making the nearby trees a little more dense and adding some cobwebs for a spooky forest will do.