Roobarb on resignation and future in the community

Roobarb Pie

Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hi there. I'm roobarb_pie. You may recognise me from staffing on SMP, and most likely staffing on SMP later on too. I'd say I've been an active member of this community for several years now. Unfortunately, I have started uni and am under a lot of pressure to get coursework and assignments and lab work complete before the dreaded deadlines. As a result, I have no spare time to dedicate serving as a staff member in the upcoming NUSMP. I have had to come to a tough decision to resign from my position as operator, as it is unfair me lagging behind and leaving everyone wondering what's happened to me.

As a result of the heavy workload presented to me, it's likely that I shall become highly inactive in the BT community, and for that I apologise. I will try my best to still attempt to get online once in a while. However, I am not good with time management and at the moment I am spending a majority of my time in the labs doing work til crazy o'clock. I can't fit in much a social life, let alone online life. I'm not going for good, but it'll appear that I've disappeared off the face of BT. For that I apologise.

If I get lucky, I may have a little free time over the christmas, easter and summer holiday, but even that I am unsure of.

Hope you guys understand.

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Roobarb, thanks for all your hard work, the entire SMP team is sad to see you go, but we all understand how important it is to get your work and studies completed. We wish you all the best, and the amazing work you put forward towards the New SMP will not be forgotten, by both the SMP team and the players who witness it for themselves when the server is released. Hope to see you back once you get a break from your studies, work hard and keep well!