Name of signature:dessern5
What you want on it (If you want your name on it): my name (dessern5) in black print and Impact Font surronded by lava and burning plants if possible
What colors: Black, Red, orange ,yellow, (color of lava/ fire)
Size: the size of chillingworths please XD
And any extra bits about your signature you want to add: I dont really know... if possible a burning creeper? but you decide
Thank you if you can make it XD
What you want on it (If you want your name on it): my name (dessern5) in black print and Impact Font surronded by lava and burning plants if possible
What colors: Black, Red, orange ,yellow, (color of lava/ fire)
Size: the size of chillingworths please XD
And any extra bits about your signature you want to add: I dont really know... if possible a burning creeper? but you decide
Thank you if you can make it XD