Minecraft login/session is down.Failed to log in: The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request
Edit: Can't connectt to the lobby either
Minecraft login/session is down.Failed to log in: The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request
Edit: Can't connectt to the lobby either
Sephhh was trying to find me, as I were him. xD@Sephhh are you still in the town where you put a sign in the road saying 'sephh is in this town find him!'
Yeah, Sephhh found me and List shortly before I diedSephhh was trying to find me, as I were him. xD
... I think he ended up finding something a bit more, though.![]()
I died... with enchanted iron armor and stuff! My base is still there though, complete with food and stuff. Then I found Jivvi and List, then yeah, he died. If you want to get to my base, contact me@Sephhh are you still in the town where you put a sign in the road saying 'sephh is in this town find him!'
I'll describe it when the server is back on. I didn't look around much.Which home?
To create a new radio beacon tower, place an iron block next to powered redstone.
The redstone current activates the antenna and it begins broadcasting signals within
a three-dimensional spherical range, available to be received by other fixed antennas
(simply click the iron block to show the received signals) or mobile radios
(compasses held in your hand automatically scan for signals periodically).
Extending Range: To transmit and receive further, place any number of iron bars on top of the iron block.
As you build up, the new antenna radius will be shown to you in the chat area. The
antenna tip can be destroyed to decrease the radius, or broken in the middle, and it
behaves as you would expect, broadcasting from the highest contiguous iron bar.
Setting Messages: Attach a sign to the side of your fixed antenna base, and the text of the sign will
automatically be included in the transmission.
Relay Antennas: Built using a gold block instead of an iron block, relays
retransmit messages from nearby antennas. To set a relay message, build a normal antenna
within range and set its message. All relays within range will be notified using a special signal.
Relays retain their message even if the original antenna is destroyed, so they can be used to add redundancy
or extra range.
Weather: Rain decreases the transmission and reception radius. Thundering slightly increases it,
but lightning has a chance to strike antennas, causing their destruction.
Mobile Radios
Fixed antennas can receive and transmit, but are limited by their lack of mobility.
Compasses serve as mobile radios, allowing for both receiving signals and navigating
to their origin.
To receive transmissions, hold a compass in your hand. It will continuously scan and
report any nearby signals, their range, and message (if any). Switching to another item
will turn off scanning.
To tune into a signal, left- or right-click the compass. The next scan will report
which signal you have locked onto, and the compass needle will point in its direction.
If it interferes with other plugins which use compasses, players can turn off their
radios using the /toggleradio command.
Further examination reveals I was mistaken. Someone else lives here!Which home?
I would love to!...
D'aww, you still never found your way? D:I would love to!...
...If I could only find my way back to base. ;-;
There's just too much empty forest to find my way.
Meet a swarm of baby anything and you're dead tho (you can't leave that pillar basically). Especially with what lee said; a lag spike at just the right moment can and will get you killed if/when running away. :TCollect zombies ~ don't fall off!
Wait for them all to burn; hope that there aren't any babies or armoured zombies.
Whatever you do, don't hit a pigman; this allows them to sprint after you.
If you were unlucky and have a sun-proof zombie at the base of your tower, break blocks down until you are just above the zombies, then run for it.
Beware of eating flesh, the hunger in this version is like poison for your food bar.
Find shelter, try to find seeds from grass also.
Set up home in a solitary tree or on a platform above the ground.