idk, maybe he confirmed it today whatever lol."Joined: Today"
edit: Besides, s/he'll have a nasty surprise if he tries to take on our actual base
:cEveryone murder Elita and/or Choclate_god; only people with same birthday as this mystery fugitive
Definitely choclateEveryone murder Elita and/or Choclate_god; only people with same birthday as this mystery fugitive
Hmm looks like vanilla thingy - its like tntMkay so not sure if it's a minecraft bug or something in just Solitude but a creeper blew up next to an emerald ore and this happened
Great, if you walk 7000 blocks east you'll find my home =DSTONE TOOLS? Build get out there and look for a while, I guarantee that with enough search you can get at least a stack of iron ingots.
Also I have found the West-most point of the map.
Good afternoon.
I am the VCR Repairman.
Some of you, might have a raided base. With a sign, Marking my past presence in that specific area.
Now i shall introduce myself.
I am, The VCR Repairman. I am the madness and terror of Solitude;
Your radios are not safe
Your chests are not safe
Your base is not safe
You. Are not safe.
Now if you mind me. I got work to do
It was about time someone noticed.
Skip to 1:42
Hey. That's something we have in common! Now it's just to see who's the cleverest.i have 9 tnt and a triggerhappy motivation
ill be fine
I don't have minefields.hi how are you with large minefields
Just name the dirt with an anvil. Same difference. <3@Nottykitten To the East border I go then!
Also full enchants. On everything. Just not my dirt. And potatoes.
Somebody should really implement that, we'd have op dirt.
but I don't have a VCR.It was about time someone noticed.
Good job Roobarb Pie.