Spotlight: The Engineers


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score

The Engineers
Introducing Nottykitten and Ooglie101 Terrama's Engineers.​
Referred to, by myself, as the Beavis and Butthead of the community; known for their larger than life personalities and tomfoolery. They took on two major projects within Terrama's walls. First was The Maze, one of Terrama's best defences. An annoyance inducing structure that forced you to commit suicide when you took the wrong way. Due to constant raids and PvP'ing, desperate demands for security were high. It was Notty and Ooglie took it upon themselves to build the hell labyrinth. A creation that would invoke a lot of outsiders to condemn it to eternal damnation. Unfortunately due to new rules and complaints The Maze undertook some serious reworking. Nevertheless, we persevered and now it's back in business!

So enter at your own risk.
Second build was The Pit. A 100x100 square hole in the ground that took these two (and various others) days to dig out. It has since been decorated by Jackamel. The Pit acts as a safe haven and contains most of Terrama's agricultural needs.​
Don't forget, they were the one's who started "Project: The Pitt!," and were some of it's tireless diggers alongside a few others of us.
...Jeeze, digging out that place was painful. You two are crazy. <3

About the Engineers


Born John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt on the 34th of Junetember, 109 BC. His real age is four in cow years. Prefers to be called Michael Finnegan due to the whiskers on his chinnegan.


Tiniqua Laquanda Sashay Dequan "Le Puss Puss" Shequeena was born in the fifty-sixth month, 189 days before and after Ooglie. Likes to go by the name of Smoochie these days.

(As an added little present. Notty's very own winning gif)
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