Story of your account


Apr 17, 2013
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Post the story of your Minecraft account(s) here, including username and skin, and anything else you can think of. GO
Use more than a few sentences too:
IGN: roboboy777
I made this when I was like... 10 I think. I called it that because I loved robots.
My skin: Found it on the web from spaceangel, customized it-- made it red.

IGN: dijon316
This account isn't actually mine, it's my Dad's account. He got it as a shared account between all of us (3 siblings), but it became a big fight most of the time cause I wanted to go on the servers my bro was finding but couldn't, there was only one account he used for them, dijon316.
The name is a mix of my parents' names, and the numbers a from a verse in the Bible-- John 3:16.
The skin: I let my friend use this account to play on, he changes the skin himself. First it was a cool guy with a green suit and shades, then it was Spiderman, now it is Joker.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Ooh, this is fun! I like origin stories! Except for certain superhero ones I get tired of constantly being remade. You know who you are.

IGN: Alpha102
I first made my name in Halo 2, and it carried over to Minecraft when I found I hadn't used it in a while and I had fond memories of killing people. Though I'm aware it's a common name, I think I'm at a place in Blocktopia where I can't be confused with other people, I hope. I like the word Alpha, since it's associated with the beginning.

102 is more of a random number I suppose, though since I've used it for years it's become my favorite number. Come to think of it, I was young when I made that number, around 10 as well...and it was Halo 2. Who knows, I didn't choose it like that on purpose at least.

My minecraft skin is entirely original, and was a lot of fun to make. It feels innocent since I put two faces on it so people would get confused when talking to me. Though dannyboymed made my skin prettier and filled a missing texture, so I'm greatful for that!


Jun 11, 2014
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Back in beta my friend had gotten MC, and he showed it to me. At first it seemed bad, but then I realised it was quite fun. It took me ages to MANN UP and ask my parents for MC, because they disliked videogames n' all that, but I asked and they said ok. And so I got my account on the 21st of September 2013. Sure, my parents did end up hating the game, but I don't really care.

I'm sorry if this bored you.

My first skin? Oh yeah, the ender boss.
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Jan 22, 2013
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This could be good for some people.
Namely, I wonder how IQDestructor got his name (anyone that wants to tag him, be my guest, I'm not taking the blame this time xD).

IGN: 755someone755
The name has a story of its own. It was first made for a forum account on a forum about Rubik's cubes (the admin lives two blocks away and the community was very friendly, though mostly locals). I barely convinced my mom to allow me to make one (I joined in early 2011 so I was 12 back then), under the condition that I'd keep my information hidden whenever and wherever I am online. Following that, I wanted to be known as "someone." It hides everything about me save for the fact I don't want people to know things about me. But "someone" was already taken/not allowed, so I needed a number of somesort. Originally, "755" came from a friend's GMail address -- he just punched random letters in and I happened to like the combination.
And so, on February 4th 2011, "someone755" was born.

"But why did you get another 755 in your name, 755?" you might ask. It's a pretty good question, to be honest.
The number-adding began on YouTube, where a someone755 existed at the time I made an account. So I went with "someone7557." My first MC account was my original name, but I one day forgot my password and was too lazy to reset it (plus I don't know which of my bagilion email addresses it's registered to), so I made a new one (and a new email address just for it -- one of the three addresses I use from that day forward, I dropped all the others).

My first skin was the default, Steve, and I refused to change it for about a week. Then I became BMO, and, quite recently, I ripped off Kevin_28's skin so as to confuse as many people as possible on RoF.


Aug 6, 2011
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Username: Duffie
I came up with my username as I played on TheOne's Classic Zombie Survival on my friend's Minecraft account, Amoriea. As I played it, I had heard of a "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" at the time. I took her name, then replaced the B with a D; Duffy. I didn't really like the y, so I replaced the y with an ie, giving the final result, Duffie. Duffie the Zombie Jumper/Runner. :p

First Skin: Junie Knytt

My friend, Amoriea's, initial Minecraft skin, to this day. It's of the main character from an obscure game known as Knytt Stories, made by a man named Nifflas.

Second Skin: Mizore Shirayuki

My first skin I've ever made, as well as used, on Duffie. Based off of the character from Rosario+Vampire, and had been my mascot of a character during the first year of my time here at Blocktopia... Or, TheOne's, as it once was. I had made the skin based on a Kairi skin I had found, but the initial result is of my own creation. :p

Third Skin: Duffie Shizukira

My first ever custom look for my own character. This actually came first before any of the drawings I've done of her. I made her skin based off of the Mizore Shirayuki skin I made previously, with some minor edits here and there. I even gave it the blonde ponytail I have in real life. I wasn't a fan of the costume, so I had changed it after this initial point.

Fourth Skin: Duffie Shirayuki

The skin I use almost all the time now, except for when I make special skins based on holidays. Her costume is based off of a Ness skin I had found online, but colors changed to fit the purple theme for my character. Her eyes are also the same color of an Enderman's, and I like to note them as "Enderman Contacts," but I might make it a thing that she's part Enderman in the future. ;)

My skin will surely change again now, though, due to 1.8's new skin update. Duffie will probably now have slim arms, as well as a possible costume change. I think it'll turn out quite nice, with some editting and such. x3

Edit:And now I've got a new skin for 1.8~

Fifth and Final Skin: Duffie Izumi

The last skin I'll be using for quite some time. I may switch between this one and my previous ones, but this one's definitely going to be my main skin, with some outfit changes occasionally. This one's based off of my Mabinogi character, Duffieizumi of Alexina, which is an elf that goes through many, many costume changes.
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Nov 29, 2011
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The original name I wanted was too long, so I settled for sporky, a word that has no meaning besides the fact I thought of it on the fly. That was taken, so I added another o and an l.

I don't remember why I started using the hobbes skin, but the eyepatch and bandanna was added because of the pirate ship plans in discordia. I liked the changes to the skin, so I never changed it back.


Apr 17, 2013
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The original name I wanted was too long, so I settled for sporky, a word that has no meaning besides the fact I thought of it on the fly. That was taken, so I added another o and an l.

I don't remember why I started using the hobbes skin, but the eyepatch and bandanna was added because of the pirate ship plans in discordia. I liked the changes to the skin, so I never changed it back.
The bandanna makes your guy look like he's smiling.


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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This is from when I first started playing minecraft and it was a classic account (still is). I couldnt figure out a name I wanted, so I just typed in anfew random letters and boom. (lt (OHH I KNOW)
So now I go by this or some varient on the internet usually.

This one is bit more stupid.
So we had decided to get minecraft premium (me and my bros) and needed a username. My mom wasnt about to spend $60 on 3 accounts, so we had to make a new one. One of my bros suggested a bunch of names from things he saw (guess what they are for bonus points) such as Asus. (I cant actually remember any others, 'twas a while ago). The point is they all were stupid. And then my youngest bro had an idea. The baseball bat he was holding said "power" he lived in a house, and he was 9.
/end story


May 16, 2012
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Origin: Back when I was like 8, I used to play Moshi Monsters often and roam around the forums known as Charmcaster167 (from Ben10, used to love that show. No idea where the 167 comes from.) I then changed it to nyancat167 the day I discovered that pop-tarty goodness in my computer class. It has stuck with me ever since, rainbow and all.
As for my skin, I fell in love with Shingeki no Kyojin last year, so I have the soldiers' jacket and 3DMG.
EDIT: I also still have that darn signature all the way back from 2012. Too lazy to change it.


Jul 30, 2013
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My name was originally used when I made an Imvu account to play with one of my friends from school. I was sick of using my old silly names like "KingdomHeartzXxXxX" (Still have a youtube channel with this name XD) and "xskittlemasterx" (which anyone i have on skype knows .-.). At the time I was overly obsessed with Japanese names. Every story i wrote had characters with Japanese names XD. So I googled some and found "Miyako" I loved it! The name was taken on imvu though so I had to add something, but i didn't want any numbers. The "wolf" part was just a random thing that came to the top of my head and I thought it sounded really cool! I was so proud of the name and got overly excited XD

It was a while after this happened that I got minecraft. My dad had showed it to me before but i never really got into it. It was actually Hoog that got me interested properly. And, me being the derp I am, i thought the noises that the animals made were funny xD. Anyway finally my dad got me my own account and so I named it MiyakoWolf.

The first skin I had, I made myself and it was terrible, but at the time I was so proud! XD (I don't have an image of this unfortunately)
The second I had was of Katniss Everdeen.
The third is my second attempt of a skin which I use now.
I changed it for Winter to some white and blue dress thing but then changed it back XD
Okay this turned out longer than I expected...​


Mar 24, 2012
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First off I obviously like Eggnog so that is where I got the first portion of my username. The second portion was from my brother's username, 9troglycerine, I have no idea why I thought it would be cool to take "trog" from his username. I was only 11 at the time and can't really define what my though process was but, I liked the name so I took it and stuck with it.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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My name came to be when I was only a small child, seven or so. I discovered a game that actually required an account. My name was "himboy6" I have literally no idea how that name happened.

After a while, I decided that that name needed a change. I started playing runescape, and just said "err...dude is a synonym for boy....Tim rhymes with him...timdude6.....gross. Let's halve that. has symmetry. Timdood6. Better. Let's halve the number. Timdood3. Perfect.

Meanwhile jivvi over here.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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Oh my lord.

Mmk, here goes x)

IGN: In roughly year 4 or 5 (so 5-6 years ago, well before I even had minecraft) I had an eraser. I named it coolio. I really like that eraser. So hey, 'cooliorules' sounded like a good name for an account on places. I slowly got more attached to the name, and still am. Like, can you tell? My minecraft name is 'coolioruless' now, because I couldn't think of anything else, and didn't want to, frankly.

Skin: I've gone through a lot of skins. I used to be like a wood elf thing which was cool. I liked that one. Then I changed it to something, not sure what, but eventually I was BMO from adventure time. From there I changed to Fiona, also from adventure time. In April, as many of you would know, one of my closest friend FrenchSanta12 was making easter skins, so rabbit skins that were cute and adorable and omg.
Since then, I haven't changed it. So yes, I have an easter skin on in September.