Story of your account



This could be good for some people.
Namely, I wonder how IQDestructor got his name (anyone that wants to tag him, be my guest, I'm not taking the blame this time xD).
his friend bought him the account for a valentines day present i think IQDestructor correct me if im wrong

and he used the name beforehand under where "rof op" would go like you have "member" when he had clockwork because hes batshit crazy, am i right.

edit: he has the most annoying name to tag I swear

edit: i give up it wont let me tag him but thats what i know of his username

edit: third times the charm


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
I literally just wanted something different, since before I kept changing usernames. I wanted a username that starts with 'F' so I kept thinking of random names until 'Faliara' popped up. It was catchy, so that's what I used. I didn't use it much at first, though, since my laptop couldn't go on Classic Multiplayer and I just go on Singleplayer and play on boredly.

Then I saw a video on Lava Classic, wanted to see it so badly I went on Multiplayer on my brother's laptop the first chance I got, and you know the rest.

Thanks to you crazy peeps, I can no longer think of myself as anything else but Faliara on the internet. I commend you. :slowclap:

(As for my skin, I always, always make my own, as you can probably tell ^_^ Haven't made a new one in a while, though. How do you make a kimono?)


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Okay, my name actually has a nice little successive history that led it to where it is now.

Back when I was eight, I made a runescape account, [rebel]much to my parents' lack of knowledge muhahaha,[/rebel] and I was hard shot for a username. The only custom username I had ever made was my Club Penguin one, Jeans7beans (i don't even know), and I wanted something more relevant to me. So I put my friend's name, Sam, then put whop for literally no reason (I think I just thought the word sounded funny, lol 'whop, whoooppp') and then 8 (my age, begrudgingly) to end up with the final result, samwhop8. I continued to use this username for a fair while until I just wanted a new name to go by and so that people would stop thinking my name is Sam.

So what I did is I initialised "samwhop8" to get SW8 and then read that phonetically. Swate. One nice syllable. I loved how easy and unique it was, and so I kept it. To this day, I still predominantly use Swate, but I still pay homage to the ol' samwhop8 everywhere I can, like in my Steam profile url. So yeah :D

tl;dr My username is a sort of shortened version of an old username I came up with when I was eight.


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
After sharing account Younggeezer999 (yeah, my dad is a total genius at making usernames) with my sister during Beta 1.7.3 and Beta 1.8, I got my own minecraft account in early October of 2011 (Beta 1.8... HOLY CRAP! 10 9-update anniversary for my account! 9 because 1.7 ate 1.9 (fail joke)). (More in spoiler to conserver room]
After playing one several different servers in 1.8 that either sucked or lasted about 2 weeks, I finally came across a multi-world server called Blocktopia Freebuilddude. Spent about two and a half months building some things based off of certain locations in LoZ Skyward Sword (Cuz it had just come out around that time) in their creative world while running a potion shop. As I recall, FBD died initially in late January of 2012 due to lack of donations, and died again in early February.

After the very sad and painful death of FBD, I then discovered the Bukkit mod named Spout craft. I then played on many servers that either ran or were listed as spoutcraft friendly, as well as developed my first real redstone skills in that time. About a month of spout craft later, I then came across a server deceptively called "Blocktopia Primordia" (with a 100% accurate image of an enderpearl to boot) while searching for any servers classified as adventure servers. Of all the "adventure" servers to show up, this one was the only one that actually had anything to do with adventure. AND THUS, I MET BLOCKTOPIA.

Little did I know, it was actually A&T 1, but at the time, I whole heartedly believed that it was called Primordia, which got me confused when it said things regarding evidence of some history of something that I couldn't find no matter where I looked. I spent a lot of time playing around on maps like Sewer, Father, and most of all, Whoosh Games. I also played much survival games in those days.

Then somewhere in August 2012, I logged in to find a massive pyramind with weird terrain everywhere and stopped visiting for a good while. Luckily, I had shown my cousin, who you all may remember as Flare10101, this server, and he really liked it.

I think then, at this point, I then started looking into Tekkit, played a LOT of this one ssp modpack (I forgot what it was, but it was on technic launcher and had most of the same mods as the technic mudpack, though with some key differences. I think it was called Yogbox), Tried out and liked the original version of Dwarfs VS Zombies, then 1.4 came out in the middle of October and I started playing Herobrine's Mansion and Wrath of the Fallen over and over again. I then found the Feed The Beast launcher, and got the genius idea to play Wrath of the Fallen, Herobrine's Mansion, and some other 1.4 maps including the first map by Bodil40 that sky (get this, I was actually a sky fan back then...) had played through.

Until of course, Flare brought me back to Blocktopia (and introduced me to Ghostcraft) around late November or early December. The only difference was that it was Buildbox 1.0. It was about that time when I met a few people, including Jenben101 . I soon left out of boredom and started playing on the Renervted Gamin Harry Potter server, and virtually spent Christmas there, or would have, if it didn't have such ridiculous down times. The server was fun though, and I did get into Ravenclaw (by choice...), but it was a little longer before I really got to full blown Christmas.

Earlier, I had found a multi-world creative/factions server (back in the summer) known as Nodigit. It took me a little while, but after a few days, I had finally built a sky colony. For about two and a half months, I had a nice little iron town in the sky with all its wounderous facilities, the likes of which will not be seen for a while. Or at least, it would be wondrous to a kid who had only been playing Minecraft for a year and a half. It was massive-ish. stretching from just above the cloud barrier (whoo, moar skyward sword... damn silent realms ruined that game.)
to the build limit. At most, there were about 11 people living there at one time. Then, one day, the map that colony was one got wiped.

I then went back to modpacks as my main focus, but I simply just couldn't find anything to do... that is until, I remembered Blocktopia. So, for about a month, I spent every hour I could of the newly released 1.5 update in the summer of 2013 playing Rituals of AFK Fire. I then got bored and a little tired of burning every other round, and went on to Ptnt, until that shut down. I had also done some JtE, but I think I started playing that one a little late in its life time. I mostly RPed in Buildbox (as well as build things including an ocean, which the first 3 layers of water took legit 7 hours to do, since I did those by hand) and at that point, I was deep in my Wind Waker phase. I also did a bit of AoD, but only got to veteran before I got a bit bored and decided to move on a bit. Then, I started playing Terraria.

Now, I know what you must be thinking: "what relevance can a 2D 'Sandbox adventure' game have to Minecraft?"
Once Terraria 1.2 initially came out, I finally found the minecraft skin that was Catcocomics (And not a failed thaumaturge man-cat with ice wands). It took a while for me to notice, but, spoiler for those who do not want to be reminded of a very tragic loss.
I finally learned of HeroofTime's, so far permanent, departure from Blocktopia. For those who don't know, this was basically the equivalent to FBD dyeing yet again, since HeroofTime was pretty much the only person I could continually talk to about anything LoZ related that had not known me my whole life.

With school, came massive inactivity, and I soon went on to Terraria as my main game for a while, though still occasionally meeting friends on BB and AoD (not to mention I did try out werewolves VS vampires, though didn't like it. I then went to playing on the Mineplex mini-game server, and successfully completed both the Halloween event and the Christmas event .I also didn't initially play DoD when some one relentlessy killed me the second I left the spawn borders.)
and once again played on Renervated Gaming Harry Potter server, though I felt less enchanted by it than the first time I played there, since I was mostly hoping for nostalgia. It was also around that time when I started playing on the Void launcher, mostly to play the Fellowship modpack.

February rolled around, and I had been doing some more new things. I had worked, with help, on making my old Luigi's Mansion map that I had intended originally to be some AoD thing (and now, I could probably have it added to A&T 2, assuming that BT server lasts past February). Then came spring, and the school year was starting to end. Terraria had released its still latest update, I was playing Super Mario Galaxy 1, and I was once again active in BB. This was around the time when I recreated Rosalina's Comet Observatory in my first plot. Sadly, no one, including myself, have had any real use for it (except when I ran multiple laps around it over and over again).

BB 2.0 was soon realeased, so I then decided to use it for builder rank. How ever, it was originally Nintedno's idea, and it was a little too small, so it wouldn't pass the new standards. Luckily, I had built an underground lab back in the summer of 2013 for Zeus and I to do redstone contraptions and airplanes in. Sheerly due to the amount of time and effort put into the multi-facility lab, I was again made a builder. Now into Sonic Adventure (Gamecube version), I built a workshop in the new terrain world on a remote island. Even as of today, not one person has found this island without directly teleporting to me

Summer rolled around again, and I had stopped playing Terraria due to the lack of anything new in it.
Going back to RoF, I changed my skin to a skin of Miles "Tails" Prower that I had found online. I also joined tp GoTE RP thread around that time. I got Journeyman rank, but then went to playing AoD (and got Hero rank), Crackpack Modpack (The last mudpack the Mindcrackers used in anything multiplayer), and Yogscast Complete pack (Which replaced the Yogscast Moon Quest series).

Then came August, and I had decided to go give DoD one final try. After spending weeks building up my resources, I over hear a conversation heavily regarding the Crimson. Having recently been playing many games of the new Dwarves VS Zombies on Playmindcrack, I immediately decided to go see what it was all about, and soon learnt that DoD would be closing at the end of the following week in a massive DvZ-like event. As seen in a screenshot in DoD's closing thread, I was with the defenders from Day 1 of the waypoint's defensive construction.
Initially, all I could offer was helping to fend off Crimsons and take out Crimson outposts and giving all the resources I had to the keep. Then I got the totally genius idea to create the Juice Box, which solely existed as means of prociding potions to fellow defenders. Then building itself failed, having been removed under the pretext of being ugly and laggy, though the potions were saved and brought to excellent use in fending off the actual Crimson army.

So, in this week of greatness, what, out of all the things I did and could have done, would have been the most useful? Was it the remainder of the diamonds, iron, gold, and redstone that I had? Was it the chest-fulls of splash-healing and strength 2 potions I had brewed for the cause? Was it all the stone bricks I smelted and donated? Or was it me running out, wall breach to wall breach, doing everything I could to help fend off the crimson? I think not. Within the week of preparation, I had created 3 cakes of hope.

"Ok, so what the hell are 3 useless cakes of no significance other than being renamed going to do to help 40 people defeat thousands of insanely powerful zombies and skeletons?" I know, a lot of you are probably asking that at this point. Believe it or not, a lot of people actually seemed to believe in the Cake of Hope. Purely from a Buffalo Wizards reference, I had accidentally sparked some hope of victory, some drive and motivation in people without much other cause to fight, so as, if nothing else, they would at the very least, defend the cakes to the death and beyond the grave. Oddly enough, defending the cakes also meant defending the waypoint, for what would be the point of defending cakes if they only get blown up anyways?

I may not have contributed much, but from the reports of the aftermath that I had heard, our victory was a very close one, for I had been told that the waypoint survived with only 1% health remaining. So perhaps my participation, in the end, helped tip the scale balancing atop a sewing needle's top into our favor?

Well, I'm sure I'll find out what everyone else thinks by no later than when I can finally get on the new SMP server.

I guess to finish off this mega-post, I shall put in a bit of a timeline of skins I used with the account.

October, 2012; Creation of my account:
Link (downloaded)

Late November 2012; FBD days:
Link (Various versions of a Skyward Sword Link that I had made, until I felt I had made a perfect version)

Late Summer 2013; Golden age of Minecraft:
Catcocomics (As Lanayru GMO with technological abilities...)

Early December 2013; Mithril Faction days...:
Catcocomics (As Lanayru GMO with thaumic frost powers (Even then, I was a being of the cold))

Late August 2013; An old friend leaves...:
Van Hohenheim (Downloaded)Basically just decided to become Edward Elric's 400 year old Father for a few months or so...))

Early October 2013; Terraria's big time in my life:
Catcocomics the Frost Phoenix (Few skins I made to better represent who I am. Never fixed the problem of most people automatically assuming that I am a girl (Which I am not))

Mid Spring/Early Summer; Sonic Adventure!:
Miles "Tails" Prower [Currently in use] (Believe it or not, Miles is the character most like me from any story game.)

So, ending fun fact: I became Catcocomics because originally, I created paper laptops (that don't do anything). sometimes with glow-in-the-dark paper in 1st and 2nd grade. In second grade, I became (And thus, the first half of my virtual name came into being). I stopped with in 3rd grade, but then started making various comic strips from 4th to 6th grade, before I decided that comic-making wasn't the profession for me. I then got my hands of my very own Minecraft account. However, "" was not an acceptable username at that time and since I had gone so far as to create my very own "Catcocomics" logo on the comic books I made, I officially became Catcocomics on October of 2011.

So now we have it, we are nearing my 16th birthday (not going to be sweet sixteens, since I am a guy... and I'll be having the same kind of "party" I've been having since 2011 (And if I count the parties I've had since first playing Minecraft in August 2011, I have had three and will have a fourth on October 4th, 2014.

I suppose I can be called a Minecraft veteran, seeing as I've been playing for over 3 years.

[Edit]: I suppose an "Oops" rating would be appropriate. And to be fair, this post took roughly 90 minutes to type. *Sigh*. Maybe I shouldn't Recount <60% of my Minecraft experiences that I even do remember. That, or I'm just so damn tired, typing at 11:25 P.M....

[Edit 2]: I put it all in a spoiler so you don't have to scroll 5 miles to get passed this post
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The Canadian Nightmare
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Username: There isn't any real story that goes along with my minecraft name.
Minecraft skin: I've gone through a lot of different minecraft skins till I found a skin I liked. The skin I've used a lot was a skin of Kayako Saeki from the Japanese horror movie franchise Ju-on. I love Asian horror movies and the Ju-on franchise is my favorite horror movie franchise.


Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
My first account was Sourpatch145, back in 2010 I think.
I like sourpatch kids. a lot.
I got money for Christmas that year and decided to buy an account with a better name.
I was really into dinosaurs and I wanted to be an archeologist, I was 12 at the time.
it came to me in a dream..
no im kidding I saw it in someones signature on neopets and stole it.



Feb 3, 2014
Reaction score
I first started using tyukmn for AIM, back in middle school. I don't remember if I made an actual account name by myself, but somehow I eventually got my older sister's best friend's account name. I have no idea what tyukmn has ever stood for, but it does make a sort of candy cane on the keyboard. I have always used tyukmn for everything ever since, it never seems to be taken. I played for free on classic lava survival and eventually left because I could'nt get on it for some reason. Then like 3 years later some friends we're playing minecraft so I bought an account of my own, and discovered the server to still be alive in a survival mode form.

I usually pronounce it as (tie-youk-min) or (teeyouk-min) if your still confused on how to read it in your mind :/

As for my skin... I like wearing nice/formal clothing irl, so I just looked for a skin with a nice looking suit.


IGN: katman46
This name's first iteration was from when I was 7 or 8. I had just started playing Club Penguin, and I made my name a mix of cats (I was obsessed at the time) and my gender. I had the name katman3 until I was about 9 and stopped playing that and Webkinz. I started playing Roblox when I was about 11, and the name katman3 was taken. I decided to name myself katman46 (I don't know where the 46 came from, though its possible those were the ages of my cats at the time, four and six.)
My skin: Looked up a skeleton skin and modified it to bear a resemblance to the DC Comics character, the Red X. More info can be found about him here:
Really interested in:
(Sorry about the tags)


Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
I posted my story somewhere, but the thread got buried long ago I think.

Either way, my name was originally going to be a form of "TheIceman" considering that was my name for almost everything at the time. but alas, I couldn't think of anything snazzy, so I thought of "love_da_ice" but me, thinking then and now underscores seperating woeds is tacky as fuck, removed them and went with "lovedaice".


Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
Cannot unsee. I always thought it was love-daice
I and pr3tty much everyone who's known me since 2012 Zombies will remember it being pronounced "love-daice" since I adopted the pronounciation since bttlw4's video for me. It's just stuck ever since and it's a lot easier to pronounce, as 2 syllables instead of 3. (Any mis-spellings I blame on my phone and general not-knowing-words)