4 Regular Guests - cooliorules, Ltin, HypeBurst, Ooglie, Digitalmez, Mmarz
Cop 1 - Std
Cop 2 - myusername22
Doctor - Fiestaguy
SWAT Officer - Raxo
Floor 7 Director - Ansoro
Barman - GmK & Jivvi
Rough Sleeper - Hunter
Toymaker - Nottykitten
Siren - Endersteve
Alien - Fruitninja & 77_is_the_best
Ghost - Sploorky
Contested Roles
Confirmed through Death
Conflicting Claims
Currently UnCC'd
Stalker - Unknown; has no realistic guise due to both cops dying
Hooker - Guessed to be one of the Barman claims
Lockpicker - Unknown
Terrorist - Guessed to be one of the claims of roles with multiple claims
Saboteur - Unknown, could have posed as Toymaker, but didn't
From this list, I can assume that mafia consists of:
- 2/4 of the Guest claims
- 1/2 of the Barman claims
- Either Frutninja or 77 is mafia
- Unbeliever is mafia