This is going to be a simple challenge. I've randomly selected which Tribe is going vs which Tribe.
Anna Wapili vs. Fantabulous Tribe
Quad Squad vs. Cookie Monsters
Now, this is how it's going to work. Each Tribe will need to select ONE Survivor from their own Tribe to be the one that seeks or look for the other hidden Survivors.
So for example: Anna Wapili chooses Nottykitten to look for the Survivors from the other Tribe. All Four Fantabulous tribemates will first talk in their PM and choose which cave they want to hide in. They can all hide together, in pairs or seperate. However they want. They need to decide. Once they're done telling me in which cave they will hide then Nottykitten will send me a PM with FOUR different caves he thinks they're hiding in.
After they're done then Anna Wapili will now hide and Fantabulous Four will choose someone to look for them as well.
At the end the Tribe that found more Survivors will win immunity. The other Tribe will need to vote someone out.
First Round!
Anna Wapili will start by seeking while Fantabulous Four will hide.
Quad Squad will start by seeking while Cookie Monstes will hide.
First I'll need Anna Wapili and Quad Squad to choose someone from their Tribe to be the seeker!
Fantabulous Four and Cookie Monsters can stat discussing where they are going to hide.