The Food Challenge
From now on only ONE Tribe will be winning immunity.
For this Challenge I'll need a volunteer from each Tribe. (You can talk about it in your PM and choose the first one)
Each Volunteer will be choosing 3 of these 4 delicious plates to eat. One of them takes 10 seconds to eat, another one 15, another one 20 and another one 25. Whoever chooses the plates that adds the least amount of time wins and moves to the next round. The other two will be eliminated from the challenge.
After that I'll need another 3 volunteers from each round. And we'll continue doing this until only one wins. And that person will win immunity to their Tribe.

From Left to Right in the Top Line we have: White Worms and Black Worms.
From Left to Right in the Bottom Line we have: Pig Brain and Mysterious Egg.
I'll need each tribe to talk first and choose your first volunteer. One you have a vounteer. I'll need that person to post on this same thread which TWO plates he/she would want.
You can't choose the same two plates as someone else. You can choose 1 but not 2 as the someone else.
Also, since Ansoro's Pretty Attractive I Guess has 1 extra Survivor I'll need you guys to choose who will not be playing in this Challenge.
Good Luck!