Survivor Rock Islands


Jul 5, 2012
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Ooglie, i didn't vote for Stret. Stret was the person i trusted most apart from Notty. <3

Ooglie: Me, 77, Stret and love. 4
77: Ooglie, Stret, Love and Smoggy. 4
Stret: Me, 77 and Smoggy. 3
Love: 77, me and Smoggy. 3
Pim: Ooglie, Stret and love. 3
Smoggy: Ooglie. 1

Which means you did vote for Stret, or if not, which 3 did you vote for then?
I didnt vote for Stret once in this game - just checked my pms :confused:

Since I have like never seen any of you ingame or don't know any 3 of you at all, answer my question:
What do you think were your greatest and worst decisions within the game?
Please answer or I'm just going to use a randomizer :p
I feel that my greatest decision eas to start making my own decisions when it came to voting.
My worst decision was probably joining the mega alliance. I mean there were great people in that alliance, but being safe almost every week really took the thrill outta the game


Apr 27, 2013
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Since I have like never seen any of you ingame or don't know any 3 of you at all, answer my question:
What do you think were your greatest and worst decisions within the game?
Please answer or I'm just going to use a randomizer :p

Greatest and worst decision...
Like Smoggy said, the game really started for me when i left the superalliance, and played for myself. (the last 10 votings). But, I cant really say joining the superalliance was a bad decision, otherwise i wouldnt even be near the final 3. So.... worst decision, I cant really come up with one. But instead i will have 2 greatest decisions, joining the superalliance and leaving the superalliance! <3


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
My worst decision so far is not actually following my plan which I was going to do. My actual plan was to, at the second to last voting or last voting depending on whether Notty was here still or not, not voting so I would instantly go out rather than Notty go out because Notty deserved it much more than me.

My greatest decision (unlike others) was sticking with Alliance A since there was so many times I could of betrayed them and screwed them over but I trusted them and expected them to be good in return (cough obviously not Smoggy cough) and which most of them did and they kept me safe and I kept them safe (cough Smoggy cough) and yeah.

Hoping that votings will happen soon so you guys can vote for Pim (if anyone votes Smoggy ihy forever)


Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
My worst decision so far is not actually following my plan which I was going to do. My actual plan was to, at the second to last voting or last voting depending on whether Notty was here still or not, not voting so I would instantly go out rather than Notty go out because Notty deserved it much more than me.

My greatest decision (unlike others) was sticking with Alliance A since there was so many times I could of betrayed them and screwed them over but I trusted them and expected them to be good in return (cough obviously not Smoggy cough) and which most of them did and they kept me safe and I kept them safe (cough Smoggy cough) and yeah.

Hoping that votings will happen soon so you guys can vote for Pim (if anyone votes Smoggy ihy forever)
You're a sook. Ihy. I have the right to be voted for. I competed in this game just as much as you or pim.

Kindly stop telling people not to vote for me. It is not verysportman-oriented.


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The winner of Survivor Rock Islands Season 5 is... Pim
Congratulations Pim! You survived 83 days! You outwitted, outplayed and outlasted every single one of these Survivors!​
SmoggyWaffles got 2nd place and Ooglie101 3rd place.​
Pim received 5 votes​
SmoggyWaffles received 4 votes​
Ooglie received 2 votes​
There was a tie between Pim and Smoggy so the person who was voted out before Wasup was the decisive vote. Mythelf was that vote.​
Final Jury Vote Results:​
77_is_the_best- Pim​
Natsu- Pim​
755someone755- Pim​
Storm- Pim​
Mythelf- Pim​
Stretford- SmoggyWaffles​
Lovedaice- SmoggyWaffles​
Nitasu- SmoggyWaffles​
Hockeyfan- SmoggyWaffles​
Wasup- Ooglie​
Notty- Ooglie​
Pim, you've won 1 million dollars and the title of Sole Survivor!!


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Final Board​
1. Pim​
2. SmoggyWaffles​
3. Ooglie101​
4. Lovedaice​
5. Nottykitten​
6. 77_is_the_best​
7. Stretford01​
8. Natsu​
9. 755someone755​
10. Storm886​
11. Fjm12​
12. Nitasu987​
13. Hockeyfan1852​
14. Wasup58​
15. Mythelf​
16. Faliara​
17. Raxo2222​
18. Crashb23​
19. Cronaldo727​
20. Theodorre​
21. Jivvi​
22. Tommyleej​
23. Midlow​
24. xXxFruitNinjaxXx​
25. Myusername​
26. Xfolo​
27. TheSilliest​


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
Congratulations, Pim!

Also, I'd like to state what it was like from my eyes;

When I joined, I had only come in on a whim and wanted to see what this was like. I wasn't disappointed, and had a LOT of fun.

Xfolo was the one who had called up and started the alliance, guys. Not Notty. I was the one who had asked if we could bring Notty into the alliance.

At a certain point in time, Notty decided to strike up another PM with me. Someone had told her that Xfolo was backstabbing us. I believe I said something along the lines of 'well, then let's wait it out, and see if it's true or not, but for now let's just keep this conversation here in case of emergency!' Xfolo was, is, forever one of my closest friends in the universe, so I had just said 'wait it out'. But Notty is literally of the same status, so I said 'keep the conversation here'. I'm pretty sure Foly wasn't backstabbing us.

I'll be honest, I was planning to vote Cronaldo that first vote, as I knew him the least. But I was told not to just yet, so...

Later on, when Xfolo was voted out, he had chosen to pass the crown to Notty.

During a tribe change, I found that none of my fellow alliance members were in this. Notty suggested that I start up another alliance of my own during this case. I had asked if I could tell them about our alliance, because I did not want to keep any secrets from said alliance. She gave me the okay, but only that I'm in another alliance and she was the current leader. I think that it was alright, because at the very least they knew I was in another alliance and I didn't have to worry if I was backstabbing anyone. At least, I think I didn't backstab anyone... I didn't... Right?

Or did I backstab someone unconsciously?

(I hope that's not the case...)

Constant tribe changes, and there were those very annoying times when some from the alliance were left to fend for themselves. Happened a few times, even under Foly. I felt guilt for Nitasu constantly getting voted, but he managed to temporarily pull off a Raxo right until a few votings after my fall.

Surprisingly enough, I only ended up in the danger zone when Wasup sent me headfirst into it.

I still remember when Wasup decided to vote for me to go to the danger zone. Haa... Well, I was pretty much expecting it, but I had fun!

I still kept watch on this even afterwards. I admit, I lost track, but when I came back I was surprised to see Pim running from the alliance. He was part of the alliance Foly gathered up, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like him. He was nice, and it's fun being with him... So I kept watch.

To be honest, I actually wanted Notty to get into the final three as well, since my tactic was to follow her.

Like a duckling.

Haven't said that in a while...

But I also wanted those who're in the Final Three right now to get there, because a) Pim's an awesome friend, b) Ooglie's an awesome friend, and c) Smoggy's an awesome friend.

Of course, there was more to it as well... Pim was one of those Foly had called up as well, and was a nice guy :) Ooglie was one of those I had called up for that alliance Notty suggested, and I loved (and love) every single person that was called up for that alliance too. Smoggy, well, I don't remember if she was in the alliance or not, but she was nice and funny and she was planning to leave Blocktopia afterwards...

Anyways, that's it for my experience throughout it, and you can expect me in the next Survivor for another round of madness! :)

Congratulations, Top Three and Pim~


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Here's what happened the first voting for me:

About 20 seconds after ansoro made the survivor thread I send a PM to Smoggy, Fruit and Ooglie. Telling them my masterplan. The plan was simple: Every one of us makes a new aliance with 4 other people and we tell each other what's happening in their aliance and make sure we have insight and influence in what those people do. If we were to do this correctly, we'd have 20 people in a Mega-aliance only us 4 knew about. It didn't go entirely as planned, but we had around 16 or 18 I believe.

Then I was about to make an aliance PM with the 4 people I selected, when I got a PM from xfolo asking me to join his aliance. This aliance consisted of Pim, Faliara, 755 and Xfolo. I joined it since it had 4 people.

Cronaldo also asked me to join him. Saying he wants to make a giant aliance. I politely declined, and unfortunately he wanted me out because of that. However I could convince him to vote out myusername. Ofcourse since he started making a big aliance, I wanted him out as soon as possible as well =P. And whenever someone else asked me how I knew stuff I shouldn't know [like who is with who in an aliance that I learned via the Mega-aliance] I just told em Cronaldo told me. Best excuse ever for like 5 votings long xD

Later on the first voting however, xfolo described plans on voting fruit in his tribe. Saying he had the majority. Since Fruit was one of Leaders in the Mega-aliance, I did not like this. I started to make some PM's. I told Fal that Xfolo was probabily backstabbing us and gave some info as to how.

Then I made a PM to Natsu. Natsu was in Xfolo's tribe aliance which I believe consisted out of Fjm, Natsu, Midlow and Xfolo. I told Natsu that I heard from Wasup that Xfolo aslo has an aliance with Wasup, Fruit, Storm and 77[The rest of the tribe]. And that Xfolo is going to vote Fjm that voting. Later I added Midlow to this PM.

I made a few more PM's, which I am unsure about what or to whom. But during the voting quite a few people voted Xfolo. Even one of their own aliance, either Natsu or Midlow. And when they saw Xfolo voted fruit as he said, I told them Wasup had probabily lied to me in order to turn them against each other. The next voting Xfolo got voted alot again and got out.

Long story short: First two votings were the hardest to controll, took some effor to get Xfolo out. after that point however we had influence in 16 or 18 of the 25 people and basicly controlled most votings from there on out. And the fun thing is that they didn't even knew they were all connected till the merge when most of us voted the same people. x)


Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
Here's what happened the first voting for me:

About 20 seconds after ansoro made the survivor thread I send a PM to Smoggy, Fruit and Ooglie. Telling them my masterplan. The plan was simple: Every one of us makes a new aliance with 4 other people and we tell each other what's happening in their aliance and make sure we have insight and influence in what those people do. If we were to do this correctly, we'd have 20 people in a Mega-aliance only us 4 knew about. It didn't go entirely as planned, but we had around 16 or 18 I believe.

Then I was about to make an aliance PM with the 4 people I selected, when I got a PM from xfolo asking me to join his aliance. This aliance consisted of Pim, Faliara, 755 and Xfolo. I joined it since it had 4 people.

Cronaldo also asked me to join him. Saying he wants to make a giant aliance. I politely declined, and unfortunately he wanted me out because of that. However I could convince him to vote out myusername. Ofcourse since he started making a big aliance, I wanted him out as soon as possible as well =P. And whenever someone else asked me how I knew stuff I shouldn't know [like who is with who in an aliance that I learned via the Mega-aliance] I just told em Cronaldo told me. Best excuse ever for like 5 votings long xD

Later on the first voting however, xfolo described plans on voting fruit in his tribe. Saying he had the majority. Since Fruit was one of Leaders in the Mega-aliance, I did not like this. I started to make some PM's. I told Fal that Xfolo was probabily backstabbing us and gave some info as to how.

Then I made a PM to Natsu. Natsu was in Xfolo's tribe aliance which I believe consisted out of Fjm, Natsu, Midlow and Xfolo. I told Natsu that I heard from Wasup that Xfolo aslo has an aliance with Wasup, Fruit, Storm and 77[The rest of the tribe]. And that Xfolo is going to vote Fjm that voting. Later I added Midlow to this PM.

I made a few more PM's, which I am unsure about what or to whom. But during the voting quite a few people voted Xfolo. Even one of their own aliance, either Natsu or Midlow. And when they saw Xfolo voted fruit as he said, I told them Wasup had probabily lied to me in order to turn them against each other. The next voting Xfolo got voted alot again and got out.

Long story short: First two votings were the hardest to controll, took some effor to get Xfolo out. after that point however we had influence in 16 or 18 of the 25 people and basicly controlled most votings from there on out. And the fun thing is that they didn't even knew they were all connected till the merge when most of us voted the same people. x)
our alliance still beat ya, pim won :D


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
Here's what happened the first voting for me:

About 20 seconds after ansoro made the survivor thread I send a PM to Smoggy, Fruit and Ooglie. Telling them my masterplan. The plan was simple: Every one of us makes a new aliance with 4 other people and we tell each other what's happening in their aliance and make sure we have insight and influence in what those people do. If we were to do this correctly, we'd have 20 people in a Mega-aliance only us 4 knew about. It didn't go entirely as planned, but we had around 16 or 18 I believe.

Then I was about to make an aliance PM with the 4 people I selected, when I got a PM from xfolo asking me to join his aliance. This aliance consisted of Pim, Faliara, 755 and Xfolo. I joined it since it had 4 people.

Cronaldo also asked me to join him. Saying he wants to make a giant aliance. I politely declined, and unfortunately he wanted me out because of that. However I could convince him to vote out myusername. Ofcourse since he started making a big aliance, I wanted him out as soon as possible as well =P. And whenever someone else asked me how I knew stuff I shouldn't know [like who is with who in an aliance that I learned via the Mega-aliance] I just told em Cronaldo told me. Best excuse ever for like 5 votings long xD

Later on the first voting however, xfolo described plans on voting fruit in his tribe. Saying he had the majority. Since Fruit was one of Leaders in the Mega-aliance, I did not like this. I started to make some PM's. I told Fal that Xfolo was probabily backstabbing us and gave some info as to how.

Then I made a PM to Natsu. Natsu was in Xfolo's tribe aliance which I believe consisted out of Fjm, Natsu, Midlow and Xfolo. I told Natsu that I heard from Wasup that Xfolo aslo has an aliance with Wasup, Fruit, Storm and 77[The rest of the tribe]. And that Xfolo is going to vote Fjm that voting. Later I added Midlow to this PM.

I made a few more PM's, which I am unsure about what or to whom. But during the voting quite a few people voted Xfolo. Even one of their own aliance, either Natsu or Midlow. And when they saw Xfolo voted fruit as he said, I told them Wasup had probabily lied to me in order to turn them against each other. The next voting Xfolo got voted alot again and got out.

Long story short: First two votings were the hardest to controll, took some effor to get Xfolo out. after that point however we had influence in 16 or 18 of the 25 people and basicly controlled most votings from there on out. And the fun thing is that they didn't even knew they were all connected till the merge when most of us voted the same people. x)
You backstabbed Foly?! :c

Oh well. My plan for the next survivor plans to overlook all those details.

Next Survivor;

Will probably make alliance with certain members.

An alliance that completely ignores what happened in this Survivor.

So don't be surprised if two people that were enemies here end up in the same alliance together. :)


Apr 27, 2013
Reaction score
Wow... didnt expect this...

First of all, a big thanks for the people who voted for me, and the people who got me to this place.

When I started this game, I wouldnt think I would turned out to be the final survivor.
If I wasnt been put in the alliance I had with Fola, Fal, Notty, 755 and after some time Storm, I wouldnt have made it this far. So, thank you so much guys, couldnt have done it without you <3.

Thank you so much ansoro2112 for letting me be part of this amazing and (my) first season, I've had a blast!

Almost speechless, cant think of anything to say.

Hope to see you all next season!


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Wow... didnt expect this...

First of all, a big thanks for the people who voted for me, and the people who got me to this place.

When I started this game, I wouldnt think I would turned out to be the final survivor.
If I wasnt been put in the alliance I had with Fola, Fal, Notty, 755 and after some time Storm, I wouldnt have made it this far. So, thank you so much guys, couldnt have done it without you <3.

Thank you so much ansoro2112 for letting me be part of this amazing and (my) first season, I've had a blast!

Almost speechless, cant think of anything to say.

Hope to see you all next season!
Gratz on winning! =D. No hard feelings for turning on you at the last 10? <3