Survivor Tetepare


Jul 2, 2012
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I find the danger zone to be very silly honestly. Survivor isn't about luck, its suppose to be about skill. I remember one of the main reasons why it was implemented was because at the end, people knew they were going home and were just waiting for it. Im reaction to that is: Well tough shit, you got yourself into that position, you have to live with the consequences. Its just frustrating to see people who get the most votes, remain another vote because they were lucky. (refering to dio from last season). Im lobbying for another rule change, removal of the danger zone.
Tagging Nottykitten as well :roflmao:

Also, I think it is a nice idea, make it much more realistic. I think, if some rules are changed, and try to make it as close to survivor as possible, next season, will be one of the best.



Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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I find the danger zone to be very silly honestly. Survivor isn't about luck, its suppose to be about skill. I remember one of the main reasons why it was implemented was because at the end, people knew they were going home and were just waiting for it. Im reaction to that is: Well tough shit, you got yourself into that position, you have to live with the consequences. Its just frustrating to see people who get the most votes, remain another vote because they were lucky. (refering to dio from last season). Im lobbying for another rule change, removal of the danger zone.
I don't see any way to change it. The danger zone was implemented for multiple reasons, one of them was to have only 1 player out of the game most of the time.

Otherwise, if there is no danger zone then there could only be 1 tribe. Because if there were two then two people are being voted out. And I think that when there is only one tribe[So basicly no tribes] the game would be way less fun.

If you can come up with a way to remove the danger zone and still get only 1 person out, we'd be happy to consider it. Because you say that if there is a tie we'd just do a re-vote. But how would that work with two or more tribes? Unless people want to have no tribes.

I'll see what ansoro has to say about this.

Note: I re-read this post and it seems a bit offensive, but it's not. So don't think I'm trying to be mean =P


Jan 23, 2012
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I find the danger zone to be very silly honestly. Survivor isn't about luck, its suppose to be about skill. I remember one of the main reasons why it was implemented was because at the end, people knew they were going home and were just waiting for it. Im reaction to that is: Well tough shit, you got yourself into that position, you have to live with the consequences. Its just frustrating to see people who get the most votes, remain another vote because they were lucky. (refering to dio from last season). Im lobbying for another rule change, removal of the danger zone.

Okay, the reason why we added the "Danger Zone" to the game. (Which is the lucky part of the game) was to make it more interesting, hard to win and not a predictable game.
For example, Survivor Elba Season 1. There was no Danger Zone. But it was pretty predictable and kind of boring what the next move was going to be. (Not saying the season was bad. Because it was great).
But for example, I make a huge alliance. So it's a bit obvious that the big alliance will vote out the ones who aren't in that alliance one by one. So it's boring for the ones that are not included in the alliance because they know it's just a matter of time for them to be voted out. And it's kind of boring to the ones who are part of the alliance as well because they don't have to make that of an effort to do strategy to see who to vote for.

Adding the Daner Zone gives hope to the ones who may be in trouble. It brings the "Luck Factor".
This Season it's a mix between Luck and Pure Survival. You don't want to be sent home? Avoid going to the danger zone. You don't want to be sent home? Be QUICK and SMART when a twist comes. You need to think fast what to do in order to save yourself. So the ones who have been sent home was not because "luck" kicked them. Was simply because throughout the game they made some enemies. Which those enemies hunt them. Strategies were going on. Which they didn't know about. If they would've done something differently mabe they would've still been in the game.

So yes, the Danger Zone is staying for now.

For the next season we are indeed changing a lot of things. Notty and myself will have a nice long talk. The game will have totally new things added. And maybe we'll change the danger zone for something else.
If you do have any idea of what it can be let us know Hype! Thanks for the suggestion though. But for now it will continue like this.

Carry on with the game! <3


Jan 23, 2012
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Ansoro how is a survivor chosen to be eliminated from the danger zone? Is it a randomizer? Because I like what you did last season where you asked them to choose a number and the closest to your number was eliminated. Or some other type of game like that for the danger zone.

There's this website which I use a randomizer. I place the names in there and the one that come out it's out. I use that as well to make the tribes.
The problem with the number thing is that people always chose the same numbers. For example, I said, "The one that chooses the closest number to mine is out". So everyone always chose 1 or 100. And I had to do it over and over again because there was ALWAYS a tie.
So I changed it.
Like I said, for next season Danger Zone will changed completely. But for now it will stay the same.


Feb 29, 2012
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I arrive at my new tribe see Xfolo again and start talking strategy with him. I start to think of all the other tribes and alliances doing the same thing. I have a bad feeling our tribe will go to the danger zone but I could be wrong. I think about strategy until my head starts to hurt. I look up at the slowly setting sun. I gather some logs and twigs and lean them on the side of a rocky hill. There is an area in the hill pushed in a bit big enough for a small room. I lay inside covering the floor with leaves and even out the ground the best I can. The sun has already set I lay in the open for a while gazing at the bright stars. I slowly roll myself back into my shelter and fall asleep to the sound of a soft island breeze moving a few leaves from side to side.


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
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You should've been a jerk and picked 1 or 100 one of the times. ;)

OR who ever is FARTHEST away from your number is out.

I did that as well and people chose 50.

But oh well. Danger Zone it's staying this season.
Do make it random choice between farthest from 0/50/100 and nearest to 0/50/100 number, so they will spread out. (you will have 2 x 3 = 6 options)
For example some people voted for numbers: 1 30 90 and 100.
And your auto-magic randomizer will select Farthest from 50 vote. There is tie, so you use it again and it would choose Nearest to 0 option, so person who picked number 1 will be voted out.


Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
You should've been a jerk and picked 1 or 100 one of the times. ;)

OR who ever is FARTHEST away from your number is out.

I did that as well and people chose 50.

But oh well. Danger Zone it's staying this season.
Do make it random choice between farthest from 0/50/100 and nearest to 0/50/100 number, so they will spread out. (you will have 2 x 3 = 6 options)
For example some people voted for numbers: 1 30 90 and 100.
And your auto-magic randomizer will select Farthest from 50 vote. There is tie, so you use it again and it would choose Nearest to 0 option, so person who picked number 1 will be voted out.

they already said no, Raxo :c


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I did that as well and people chose 50.

But oh well. Danger Zone it's staying this season.
Do make it random choice between farthest from 0/50/100 and nearest to 0/50/100 number, so they will spread out. (you will have 2 x 3 = 6 options)
For example some people voted for numbers: 1 30 90 and 100.
And your auto-magic randomizer will select Farthest from 50 vote. There is tie, so you use it again and it would choose Nearest to 0 option, so person who picked number 1 will be voted out.

they already said no, Raxo :c
But I wanted to "upgrade" it :(


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
You should've been a jerk and picked 1 or 100 one of the times. ;)

OR who ever is FARTHEST away from your number is out.

I did that as well and people chose 50.

But oh well. Danger Zone it's staying this season.
Do make it random choice between farthest from 0/50/100 and nearest to 0/50/100 number, so they will spread out. (you will have 2 x 3 = 6 options)
For example some people voted for numbers: 1 30 90 and 100.
And your auto-magic randomizer will select Farthest from 50 vote. There is tie, so you use it again and it would choose Nearest to 0 option, so person who picked number 1 will be voted out.
But that's the thing. People don't vote 30 or 90. They almost always choose 1 or 100.

Also, if there is a tie, when we do it again only the ones who voted 30 or 90 are still in. Because in that situation 1 and 100 survived already so shouldn't be in it again.

And I don't mind the suggestions or "upgrades", they might be good and help us make survivor better!


Jul 2, 2012
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Well, you see, I had this very, very large role play typed out on here, but then I went to go hit the backspace button, and i wasn't clicked into the area to type, so it worked as a back button, aaaaand I lost everything. God I hate this laptop, IDK why I didn't type this out on my computer.... But, I'll try to sum up what I wrote in a funny fashion.

So, I took a bite of the mushrooms, everything was happy, and then I ate more, and an evil dragon appeared, and when i tried to kill it, it turned back into a bush, i fell through it down a steep, rocky hill. I slow myself down, only to have the ledge I'm standing on break, and the ledge slides down the hill, and gets launched due to a flat path going up the hill. i then fly over the trees, I also take a bite of a mushroom to try and make things better. the ledge turns into nyancat, and we manage to fall into a sea of chocolate milk. Then I pass out in a hammock.

God I hate this laptop, it was so good D: Idk why I didn't just type this up on my pc.... part of the reason i saved up for my pc was because i hated my laptop....

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


Oct 8, 2011
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Knowing that it's voting time, I get prepped and mull over my decision that is likely hasty and reckless perfectly calculated. I'm on the fence.... but I think I know. I go see my friend, and we talk about who we're each voting for. Turns out we were both on the same fence, so we decided to vote together.

*Walks into voting area*

Phew..... Gonna go sleep...

zzZZZZZZ..... ZZZzzz......