Survivor Tetepare


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
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Purdeni Tribe
Old Man Oak
I think I found strategy!: Everyone is going to vote on guy below his name on that list.​
So each our tribe member will receive only one voting :D​
inb4 we all end up in the danger zone x)
But it would be low chance for actually getting someone voted out :)


Oct 8, 2011
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Maybe Kattzen would fight for me, because I'd do the same for him.
Looks like an alliance to me.

Well, guys, I see a problem with a full tribe alliance, but maybe not. It'd be hard to decide who to vote out, cuz we're all so friendlies... but we could just randomize it, right? and no hard feelings :D Storm, don't read into it that much, because if we're all friends, we'd all fight for each other :D

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
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Anyways, with all the coconuts on the island finally gathered and safely hoarded, it was time to sleep. OR WAS IT! Having spent the entire day hoarding coconuts I had completely forgotten about building a shelter. Luckily the rest of the tribe were 2 steps ahead of me and had a shelter built and lots of fish barbequeing, yum!


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Purdeni Tribe
Old Man Oak
I think I found strategy!: Everyone is going to vote on guy below his name on that list.
So each our tribe member will receive only one voting :D
inb4 we all end up in the danger zone x)
But it would be low chance for actually getting someone voted out :)
But then there would be 8 people in the danger zone. And 5 of those 8 would be from your tribe. Which would make it more than 50% chance someone from your tribe gets chosen =P Instead of a normal 25% when 1 person from each tribe is in it.


Ghast Hunter
Aug 6, 2011
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inb4 we all end up in the danger zone x)
But it would be low chance for actually getting someone voted out :)
But then there would be 8 people in the danger zone. And 5 of those 8 would be from your tribe. Which would make it more than 50% chance someone from your tribe gets chosen =P Instead of a normal 25% when 1 person from each tribe is in it.
However, if all four tribes were to do this, there would be the same chance over all tribes to lose one person, BUT an even smaller chance for you to get voted out at 1/20. ;)

Also, to my tribe. I have these things planned out. Things will unravel further as I continue posting. :3


Jan 12, 2012
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Storm goes into the jungle to look for building supplies and some food. About a half mile into the forest he jumps back and falls onto the ground. He hits his head on a very large rock and is unconcious.

While he is in this state, he dreams of the secret location where Oak is hoarding all the coconuts. Oak is passed out by the pile with a half eaten coconut on his face. This image slowly fades away until storm is fully concious again.

He panics to see the skeleton of a man that caused him to fall backward. In this man's hand is a book. Storm slowly opens the skeleton's hand and takes the book. The book is literally glowing. He says, "It must have some magical ability." He opens the book to find a stained and torn book page. On this page is a blueprint for a beautiful jungle home. Storm whispers the name on the page, "Solis." When he says this he hears a loud "boom" in the distance and the leaves on the trees shake violently. He grabs the book and runs back to his tribe.




Ghast Hunter
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dude, that makes you more suspicious XD
:( To explain, I have ideas of events I could possibly do whilst roleplaying. For example, my first post. To be honest, I haven't really thought about much else other than the roleplaying so far. As far as voting goes, I'm at a loss for a decision as well. :coffee:

I'll be editing this w/ more roleplaying, moar ideas.

I violently wake up to the sound of an explosion.

"Good god, what was that? Was it in my head? -Sigh- This is getting to me all too easily." I think to myself. I go to move, but stop as I notice movement to the left of me. A wild boar is stationary, glaring at me with angered eyes. He stamps his foot, noticing my consciousness, and darts toward me. I quickly pull out my pocket knife and extend my arm out in the boar's direction.

I open my eyes to a gruesome sight. The boar still standing, my arm between us. The knife rammed deep into it's skull, with blood pouring down it's face. The animal falls over onto the sand, dead.

"This was exactly what I needed, actually." I think to myself as I stand up. Slicing into the boar, I manage to slice out a large hunk of muscle from the beast's back, from it's tail end to the neck. I use my hands to break the chunk into small, but lengthy strands. I lay them out into the afternoon sun to dry. I pick up a small, cube-like piece of tree, and start carving away at it.

"When that's dried out into sinew, and I'm done carving this piece, I'll be able to make a half-decent fishing pole." I whisper to myself, effectively forgetting that there was an explosion at all.


Sep 21, 2011
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This might go against what I've been saying but...
Forest_Knight If we make it past this section, you interested in being in an alliance? Last season I think we were on the cusp of one but it never happened due to, well you know.
When you say this section, do you mean these group that we're in now? If so, we would need to be in the same group, ORR are you referring to a main alliance?


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
I was gathering more coconuts, when a weird redheaded girl came up to me with a stick of dynamite. She cackled, said 'you'll never get me aliiiiiveee!' and threw the dynamite, which hit a tree and exploded. I heard some guy calling out 'Izzy, get back here! You can't leave now, the season just got started!' Then, Izzy said 'Shut up, I don't wanna go back to Total Drama! You keep roping us into more seasons!!!'

Izzy is from Total Drama, and I have no idea why she's on our island