Survivor Tetepare


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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Awws, I no gets Jury
The prestigious final three notice an uncomfortably heavily armed pirate ship pulling in near to the island. Manning the guns seems to be the survivors who were not in the Jury.
I initially set out to ask if everyone is allowed to talk soon or what. But I got bored (sorry)


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Awws, I no gets Jury
The prestigious final three notice an uncomfortably heavily armed pirate ship pulling in near to the island. Manning the guns seems to be the survivors who were not in the Jury.
I initially set out to ask if everyone is allowed to talk soon or what. But I got bored (sorry)

After the game is completely done the ones who didn't made it to the Jury can give their opinion or can say whatever they want but for now no one can talk except the final 3.

And digitalmez. You have 1 day left.


Jan 23, 2012
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HypeBurst's Final Statement

Ok well here goes lololololol

I hate to start off with a cliché but "I came into this game to win" Honey, this game ain't Survivor: Best Friends Forever, and to that fact, I played the way I felt would get me to the top and win the title of sole survivor.

I was a very behind-the-scenes kind of player. I didn't want people to see me as a threat, so I hung in the shadows mostly. And by the time the threat was discovered by Storm, it was too late.

My push for the removal of the "No outside conversations about the game" rule was just a push for my strategy of staying in the shadows to be easier managed. I wanted to align myself with two alliances from close to the start and when it came down to it, I had choices and protection in the merge. My first alliance consisted of Forest, Myuser, Vati and 77. The other being the old Hitalia tribe of Smog, Fruit, Digi and Mario which I put together. Now playing the game in two alliances, my biggest fear was I would have to betray at least someone in this game, but due to un-probable luckiness (or unluckiness), my first alliance crumbled and left me with only one full alliance and a pact of loyalty to Vati and 77. I can say 100% that I stayed loyal to them throughout this whole game, even when it would be easier for me to cut them loose, I stuck by them. Any person that was aligned with me could testify to that.

Now, in this game, the image of me from people who weren't aligned with me could have been that I only cared about protecting Digi and I was ready to betray if it saw me be in a better position. This is because of the mid-merge drama between Digi, Storm and I. Now, it is true there was a three way conversation between us three but it wasn't as close knit as Storm said. Me nor Digi ever officially said "We agree to the alliance", we only discussed who we going to vote for with Storm except for the vote that we eventually decided to vote for him (Well obviously). My Hitalia tribe members suggested Storm's name and since Digi needed a third name to vote for it just turned out to be Storm.

I would like to point out that I'm the only player to avoid the danger zone every vote. This is because within our conversations in the Hitalia tribe alliance, I was always trying to be as loyal and out there about the game I was playing. I knew that Storm would try to start a revolution against Digi and I (Which was only proved when Vati and 77 told me about it) so around that point I organised everyone in my alliance to choose an automatic three to go to the danger zone, instead of what we were doing before which was keeping our alliance a secret. This continued to the point where when it came down to the final 6 to final 4 I received 1 to 0 to 1 votes, saving me from the danger zone. I never wanted my fate to be in the hands of a randomiser, I always wanted to hold my fate in my hands. What fruit did was honourable, suggesting himself for the danger zone but just because I wouldn't do it, doesn't I deserve to win less than he does. Again, I wanted my fate in my hands.

Fruit's Final Statement

Wow. I have actually made it to the final three. Survived four danger zones, so a little bit of luck has helped me make it this far. This season I’ve tried to stay more on the quiet side, and that has obviously helped me. In the first season, I took more of a leadership role, and when it came down to the alliance I was in, I was one of the first they turned on, because they didn’t want to go against me in the final three. And because of this, I had considered turning on my alliance several times, but decided against it every time, because it really wasn’t worth it. Hype was smart, he took advantage of the danger zone and tribes and all the twists and what not, and didn’t have to form a large alliance. He picked a good group, that he knew, hopefully, wouldn’t turn on him, and that just happened to be the Hitalia tribe (we got really lucky with that.) So I give props to Hype, he did a good job this season.

Now you might be saying, “Why are you making Hype look good?” Well, that’s because I want you to look at it like this. He was calling most of the shots, he could very well be the reason you are not in the final three right now. Just keep that in mind.

As for digi, well I saw her as Hype’s right hand ”man”. Smoggy, digi, and hype were all in the same/similar time zones, so it would be hard to communicate with them sometimes. They would make a lot of the decisions, and then I come on while they’re sleeping, and didn’t really have any objections, so I just went along with it. So I feel like the underdog going into this.

Why you should vote for me? Well, part of me just wants to say. “I made it to the final three, I don’t even care at this point.” But now that I’m here, I kinda want to win. Managed to fly under the radar for the most part, which I hope will help me here.

And now a little message to each member of the jury.

SmoggyWaffles: Even though I know you’re already going to vote for Hype, glad we were apart of that alliance together.

Raxo2222: You had a lot of luck this season :p. I was scared going against you in that one voting, luckily i survived, but you did good getting as far as you did :p

mariosatr: I think you had the same tactic as me by staying quiet, was a shame that it couldn’t be us 5 as the final 5, but we were close :p.

Awwwyea: I hope you can understand why I had to break off that one alliance we had, there was some risks, but hey, I made it! Sorry you didn’t make it as well, but as mario said in that one post, you were a secondary alliance, and i tried to stay “loyal” to that group, but it was a nice alliance we had.
Kattzen: Really had no interaction with you this season. Never really saw you as a threat, and I don’t think anyone else did really. Which is a good thing because it took you to the jury, nice job.

Storm: I’ll be honest, I saw you as a big threat throughout the game. You were one of the more active survivors. Not a bad thing, but it draws more attention to you. You did a nice job getting yourself to the jury, but you just stood out as a threat to me :p

77_is_the_best: Again, never had much interaction with you. You managed to fly under the radar a bit, but then one dangerzone got ya. You seemed as a mild threat to me. I was in one convo with you for one voting, so I wasn’t sure what else you were doing in the pms :p.

Not exactly sure what the point of that was, but it’s there. Just a little “review” I guess on the jury. Everyone did something to get themselves into the top ten, and all should be appreciated for it.

tl;dr: A vote for the underdog? :D

Digital's Final Statement
I came. I saw. I conquered.​
There you go Jury. The final statements. Read them. And then feel free to ask any questions you want to them. In this same thread. DO NOT VOTE YET. And do NOT say who you're voting for if you already made up your mind. After the questions I'll open the votings for you. So for now just ask questions if you have some.​


Ayy lmao
Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
Don't really have any questions. I know who I'm voting for. Also congratulations to final 3!

Hypeburst: Alliance from the beginning, I knew you had something else going on, just didn't know with who. If only we didn't lose forest and my user so early, it was a really strong alliance.

Digi: Didn't really interact with you too much until you joined the alliance mid-way through.

Fruit: Hold on, I have a question. When you told me that you didn't have a written alliance was that truthful? It had me thinking that you were on your own until recently when the alliance was revealed.
I could that you were a threat, I was just busy with others :p