Swearing Filter


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Going to just reiterate what everyone else has been saying: Blocktopia is meant to be a mature community (though unfortunately we don't always demonstrate to be one but we try). While younger members are welcome to play, they are not our main demographic (legally you are not allowed on the forums even if you are not 13 years of age or older).

Censoring swears won't make the server any more "family-friendly", it will just censor swears. Mature topics could still be discussed and so forth. If a parent has legitimate concerns about their child's online habits, then they should either a) direct their child to a server that IS focused towards children or b) install a swear-censoring mod onto the child's Minecraft so that the censoring can simply be client-side. But like others said, filters will just lead to people finding ways around it, and no matter how many updates are made there will still be constant ways around.


In case anyone played Clone Wars Adventures, this would be what happened:
Message: hey man what's up I beat the final level of saber strike it took me like forever though
What came out: hey man what'# up I #### the final level of saber ###### it #### me like forever though

Numbers were also censored for reasons not explained, so instead of "four" we had to type "for"
Almost as bad as toon town, though I'm sure "woof woof to the woof" was worse