Can we say Myuser might of hid one of these? If so, Alpha was Third Party. I am Third Party. Hunter was town, can we safely conclude Samlem might be the Mafia here? Maybe. Since parquette is not in the game Myuser tagged Catgirl. Though since cat hasn't really said anything I doubt myuser would hide her. So my suspicions just went towards Samlem. Even though this is far-fetched and most people are gonna say I'm stupid for thinking this, I'll vote him anyways.Okay I realize It's only the very beginning of day 1 but i feel like putting a very unnecessary wrench into the game for completely unnecessary reason
I want each of you to answer the following question:
Are you town-sided
What about parquetteWhile I'm preparing another post with more information and whatnot, I'll ignore the questions asked to me for now since I'll answer them in that post. This post is more about Myusername. I'd like to throw this in here:
Can we say Myuser might of hid one of these? If so, Alpha was Third Party. I am Third Party. Hunter was town, can we safely conclude Samlem might be the Mafia here? Maybe. Since parquette is not in the game Myuser tagged Catgirl. Though since cat hasn't really said anything I doubt myuser would hide her. So my suspicions just went towards Samlem. Even though this is far-fetched and most people are gonna say I'm stupid for thinking this, I'll vote him anyways.
Vote Samlem
Idk what about parquette.What about parquette
Idk, it's a theory, I guess, which is more than can be said about the rest of the day so far. Seems far-fetched, as you said, but I'd at least like to see what Samlen has to say about this before I comment any further. And do note that as far as I'm concerned, you're still far from being confirmed as what you say you are, so you kinda fall in the same category as Samlen in regards to that theory here.While I'm preparing another post with more information and whatnot, I'll ignore the questions asked to me for now since I'll answer them in that post. This post is more about Myusername. I'd like to throw this in here:
Can we say Myuser might of hid one of these? If so, Alpha was Third Party. I am Third Party. Hunter was town, can we safely conclude Samlem might be the Mafia here? Maybe. Since parquette is not in the game Myuser tagged Catgirl. Though since cat hasn't really said anything I doubt myuser would hide her. So my suspicions just went towards Samlem. Even though this is far-fetched and most people are gonna say I'm stupid for thinking this, I'll vote him anyways.
Vote Samlem
Give her time to make a potsIdk, it's a theory, I guess, which is more than can be said about the rest of the day so far. Seems far-fetched, as you said, but I'd at least like to see what Samlen has to say about this before I comment any further. And do note that as far as I'm concerned, you're still far from being confirmed as what you say you are, so you kinda fall in the same category as Samlen in regards to that theory here.
It'll change your opinion on me! Also soonTM.What? I'm sorry, I don't see why my giving her time to make a post would change anything I said in that post![]()
Has to state how sexy he is once per day, can then make a person jealous of him. From the wording it looks as if he can make someone jealous during the day. The only mention I found of Alpha saying the word Sexy is on page 36 [which 77 already found]Alpha102 - Third Party Most Handsome Person In The World (has to state how sexy he is once per day, can then make a person jealous of him, wins if half alive players are jealous of him) - was killed
->implying something is different. Most likely nothing and was just situational, but just pointing it out.Hey, don't go claiming I'm trolling...
The only time that's really applicable was at the beginning of the game, when I was being sassy to no one but you. I definitely have a different sense of style now, and even then, I wouldn't call it trolling.
*shudder* I hate that word.
And your alignment? Are you Town or third party? If you're third party, then what is your win condition?So you might be wondering why I claimed cop. Well to be fair I'm not the cop. My name is still Hercules, though I am not a cop but an Inventor. There are several things/abilities to my role.
What does my role do? I can invent one item every night and immediately hand it out. And when I say invent I mean invent. I can create any item I can think of. For example I can create an item I'll call "bomb", and if the person with the bomb dies during the night, their attacker dies with them. Or I can create an item I'll call "bulletproof vest" that will basicly make a person bulletproof for 1 kill.
And the best thing is, I can choose to keep these items for myself
Now to the things/abilities about my role, the first ability is "Multitasking". It didn't have a name but I'm calling it this. I can both create an item, and use an item on the same night. However, I can not use the item I created on the same night.
Note: passive items like the bulletproof vest I mentioned will have their effect immediately and thus if I give this to myself and am hit on the same night, I will live. However if I create for example a knife that kills people, I can not use it on the same night and will have to wait till the next night to use it. And ofcourse that night I'll also be able to create something again.
Second thing to my role, before the game started I was allowed to create one item to start with. I made this a cop-like ability thing so that I could use it during the first night. I called it the "Detective Badge" since I'm so creative with names. I am sad to say I didn't get a Mafia out of it. My result was that Endersteve5 is innocent. [Like a cop, Third Parties show up Innocent on this one]. But atleast I trust Ender right now.
Third thing to my role is that I cannot create two items that are closely related. So I cannot create any more investigative items since I already made the cop one.
And last, I created a bomb tonight which I ofcourse put on myself since I can only create one. I claimed cop instead of staying in the dark since maybe they would target me tonight and I'd blow up one of them. But I guess that can still happen if they choose to get rid of me. If I go out I'll go out with a blast.
To clarify that means that you need to eliminate all threats to town?Win condition is still the same.
There are some things I cannot make, like a button that kills all mafia. A bomb is more usefull since not only does it keep me alive[important part of my win condition] since who would kill the bomb, and second it also intakills whoever tries to kill me instead of telling me who tried to kill me. That way we'll save more time for the town. So a bomb was obviously the best choice for me tonight.Well than Notty have you considered building some kind of watcher that activates you are attacked? With a vest thrown in that would make a powerful combo, certainly more useful than bomb.
BTW I was wondering what everyone thought about the odds about us having a town sided cop, Notty was counterclaimed, we have established a 3rd party cop, and this game seems item heavy like last game.
Guess it's definitely the closest thing to a lead we have, and if it wasn't for the fact I knew it was wrong, I'd go with it x) I could assume that he might have visited you and died from you... but you don't seem to be mafia-sided so that wouldn't make sense. My only conclusion from this is that he must have thought all of us untrustworthy or didn't even think back to this when he choose his action. Then again, I don't know where to go with my thinking on this, I just know that I'm probably going to try and skim through the posts to see whom Myuser seemed to trust the most.While I'm preparing another post with more information and whatnot, I'll ignore the questions asked to me for now since I'll answer them in that post. This post is more about Myusername. I'd like to throw this in here:
Can we say Myuser might of hid one of these? If so, Alpha was Third Party. I am Third Party. Hunter was town, can we safely conclude Samlem might be the Mafia here? Maybe. Since parquette is not in the game Myuser tagged Catgirl. Though since cat hasn't really said anything I doubt myuser would hide her. So my suspicions just went towards Samlem. Even though this is far-fetched and most people are gonna say I'm stupid for thinking this, I'll vote him anyways.
Vote Samlem