The Bastard Game: Day 5


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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First of all, Nottykitten is not Mafia. As in the real Nottykitten. I know this because I saved them last night (I was planning on protecting my boy hip but I changed my mind last second cuz i'm PSYCHIC) and they were targeted by the Mafia.
gonna bring this back up cause while you might still reckon me and inf could be in cahoots his claim is sort of separate and will impact areas of the game other than this particular standoff so i think it's worth something

Jivvi can you clarify whether your role works by inviting people normally or does it bypass target swapping mechanics
does not bypass


Sep 13, 2015
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Aqua has been lynched! He was Danni122112, the Town Profiler.
Dess has been killed! He was Ooglie101, the Third Party Gambler.
I'm the Town Medical Assistant.
I'm not the Investigator but I am the Town Bartender where I can visit someone and block their night action.
Jivvi can confirm. We were told by Ender that if we lied about our allignment, the Town Interrogator would be told, but that the interrogator wasn't in the chat.
TheWeakGuy48_ has been killed! He was Infected_alien8_, the Town Mayor.
I find it interesting that every role we have seen so far hasn't had the vanilla names (cop, doctor, role blocker) and that they all had their alignment first.

Notty's role followed none of these patterns.

Anyways I'm the Cop.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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I find it interesting that every role we have seen so far hasn't had the vanilla names (cop, doctor, role blocker) and that they all had their alignment first.

Notty's role followed none of these patterns.
definitely worth noting, however it could have just been paraphrased and even if it wasn't it's easy for her to claim it was. dunno why u'd go all bold fancy without putting the full name in tho
so was your action (lets call it invite) 'invite inf and dess' or what
nah it was "invite ooglie and [infs rolename]
Dess's name is pretty standard too for his type of role.
ngl i've never heard of a gambler in mafia ever. i know epicmafia has the clockmaker role but that's the closest thing i can think of (open to you providing an example though)


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Votecount: I would like to remind HKCaper and Unusual_Dood that voting for corpses is very disrespectful to the dead.

Nottykitten (3) - Nottykitten, Ooglie101, HKCaper
Aqua (1) - Fog
One one two (1) - One one two
Vatumok (1) - Infected_alien8_

With 17 players alive, it takes 9 votes to lynch and 9 votes to No Lynch.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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I would like to remind HK and Unusual_Dood that voting for corpses is very disrespectful to the dead.
actually i forgot about this but i've been curious since aqua died; if we voted danni would it lynch him or count as voting for a dead player? (not just danni obviously but i thought the easiest way to get the point across would be to use him as an example)


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
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Votecount: I would like to remind HKCaper and Unusual_Dood that voting for corpses is very disrespectful to the dead.

Nottykitten (3) - Nottykitten, Ooglie101, HKCaper
Aqua (1) - Fog
One one two (1) - One one two
Vatumok (1) - Infected_alien8_

With 17 players alive, it takes 9 votes to lynch and 9 votes to No Lynch.
So HK and Unu Bypass the role swap mechanics?


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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lets not ignore the fact that something fishy is still going on with unu's voting (him being able to target players and not flavour players), and that he played it off yesterday/today as if he didnt know he had this feature. Since we started on a day, i have reason to think either he was given this feature by ender and not told, or he did get told and he is hiding something.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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care to elaborate? you didn't particularly care about outing me
Since the Town Interrogator was supposted to give the town 3 confirmed players but instead we got you.

Inf however is supposted to save me during the night with his supposed 'target-real-players' mechanic, and it would be nice if people didn't know how to murder/roleblock Inf tonight.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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lets not ignore the fact that something fishy is still going on with unu's voting (him being able to target players and not flavour players), and that he played it off yesterday/today as if he didnt know he had this feature. Since we started on a day, i have reason to think either he was given this feature by ender and not told, or he did get told and he is hiding something.
i haven't scumread unu that much so far but a single role that can vote for playernames rather than rolenames strikes me as much more useful to mafia than town, for the purposes of pulling off a sneaky blitz that someone may not see coming as easily as a normal blitz (a blitz is where town is close enough to a mislynch for the mafia to all vote for that person and end the day before town can realise they're lynching the wrong person). admittedly blitzes are less common in forum games as opposed to realtime stuff like epicmafia or discord werewolf(?) but it's still a thing that's possible in the right circumstances. if someone thinks of something i've missed i'd love to hear it but i don't really see how a role whose only ability is voting playernames has use to the town. maybe there's another facet to his role that makes it make more sense but i don't think there's much of a reason to claim rn


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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Since the Town Interrogator was supposted to give the town 3 confirmed players but instead we got you.
yeah i already mentioned that as part of the reason i didnt really think claiming would be useful.
Inf however is supposted to save me during the night with his supposed 'target-real-players' mechanic, and it would be nice if people didn't know how to murder/roleblock Inf tonight.
this is inconsistent because previously you seemed to think the veracity of my and inf's claims hinged on each other but now you've come out as cop and touted me as guilty but still think inf is the doctor. also you're ignoring everything i've said up to this point about how killing anti-town killers are virtually guaranteed to have some kind of bypass for the playername/rolename mechanic. inf also claimed to know about the existence of a second doctor (unless he retracted that too god if i know) so if that's the case then we definitely want to out his rolename as it helps my credibility, allows town PRs to avoid him, and allows the other doctor to protect him (although evidently you dont want any of those things to happen?).


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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also while i doubt a massclaim is the best thing right now, if we have to it's a viable option for outing the rolename of someone we want to lynch since cc-ing rolenames won't work for mafia. you might have a different opinion of this as an option though since while i think it's fine because mafia can probably already bypass the rolename mechanic, maybe you're still convinced otherwise due to info i don't have

anyway it's LATE so im going now but i thought i'd stick around after my post to answer any immediate questions. i expected more of a rebuttal from notty but w/e maybe she'll wait until i can't immediately defend myself like she did last time.