The Bastard Game: Day 5


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Inffy couldnt the doctor protect Jivvi while you protect notty? You said there was no other way or something but I'm pretty sure that would work
Well I claimed that I couldn't protect notty since I couldn't save people twice in a row, thus the doctor had to

But that was all lies, I'm not even a protection role


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Disclaimer: If this has actually happened, and Jivvi has actually entrusted me with part of his Mafia team, I, and nor should you, put any blame on Jivvi for that, because what I did was a filthy move, I was extremely scummy day 0 (I think you'll all agree on that), so I don't blame him at all for not foreseeing the possibility that I was lying about my claim because it's such a dirty tactic that he couldn't assume it was something I was genuinely doing. So, to his fellow Mafia buddies, please don't blame Jivvi for this, because it's my fault for doing something extremely dirty/unconventional (again, Notme) and if his signals to me are accurate and you've been outed publicly then channel any annoyance you have towards me. I was considering not revealing any of this information because I feel quite guilty because it might give Jivvi some heat when it's not his fault at all what happened because it was all because of my dirty tactics, that honestly noone should be expected to be prepared for and it's unreasonable to assume Jivvi would.

However if Jivvi's signals aren't legit then ignore this.


It’s time I told the truth.

This is going to be a bit of a big post to swallow so bear with me here. I’ve been doing a lot of lying and a lot of scheming this game so far, and I kinda made this day drag out way longer than it needed to, but it was all with town’s best interest at heart.

First of all, here are some ‘facts’ to digest before reading my story (and by ‘facts’ I mean these are things that I have been told by Jivvi, who thought he was in a real lie detector with me and that his messages would be sent to some anonymous town interrogator and was going to kill me during the night, which makes me think he was probably telling the truth, but that isn’t certain).

Nottykitten was going to be killed by the mafia last night. As in the real Nottykitten. (No, not "I'm the real Nottykitten", AS IN the real Nottykitten!)

Jivvi is Mafia.

The Mafia have an ability which can charge another ability up (including their nightkill) so that it bypasses the role-name mechanic. This can even be used on non-mafia members.

The Mafia have an anonymous communication role, meaning they can communicate during the night to another person’s playername.

Jivvi thinks I am a separate Mafia entity working for him but I've actually been working undercover to get inside information.

I am the Town Innkeeper.

My ability is that I can setup an Inn chat during the day with up to three players of my choosing, as well as a name of my choosing. Last night I invited <my name>, Ooglie and Notty to an Inn called [Night 1] The Lie Detector - Role/Allignment Related Lies Will Be Sent To The Town Interrogator.

The reason I claimed the Medical Assistant was because I needed to claim a role that:

A) Encouraged a doctor to protect me so that I could continue gaining the mafia’s trust and getting more information without risk of death

B) Be unlikely to trigger a counter-claim

C) Be able to ensure to everyone that Notty was not Mafia

I did not however foresee the cop would come forward in light of my claim, which was an error on my part which I’m really sorry for, I feel really bad for Notty who claimed and took a risk based on my claim, I didn’t consider a cop would claim today, especially with a report on Jivvi. In hindsight, the cop could have remained hidden if I had just been honest from the start, but then I wouldn’t have attempted to get more Mafia information, which I’d have probably regretted. The likelihood of Notty claiming cop on Jivvi was small but it happened and so this plan has had more negative consequences than I envisioned.

My plan was to continue the charade of pretending to be Mafia with Jivvi until their communication role gave me as much information as I could foresee them giving me. Today I was expecting a signal to let me know if I was ‘barking up a tree that we don’t want you barking up’ so I tried to push on several people to get a read on who is in the Mafia team.

For a long time I thought their communication role contacted during the day, because when I asked Jivvi if he could contact multiple people during the day, he said he thinks they could, which implied to me that they could do it in the day because he didn’t correct me on it, but when I didn’t receive a message despite signalling that I was waiting for one (, I re-read what Jivvi said and I think I misunderstood because he seemed to imply it was a night communication role at one point, not a day one, by telling Dess that he should be communicated during the night. So I only had, what I believe to be, rating-signals that were being sent by Jivvi, to get reads from.

Here are some not-quite-facts but I’m pretty sure they're correct but they might not be:

Arelic is Mafia. I've been suspicious of her all game but when Jivvi gave me a disagree rating today for a post saying she was suspicious and asking if anyone agreed (, I can't help but think this was a signal attempt. This is why I suddenly retracted suspicion on her at one point ( – to try to prove to Jivvi that I was able to understand signalling so that he’d give me more signals.

Ltin is Mafia. Again, I’ve been suspicious of him all game, and when I made a post saying I’d be down for lynching Ltin, again, he rated it disagree (, despite not elaborating further and then making a post which implied he’d be happy to lynch ltin if others would ( Granted, there was a second part of my post that he could have been disagreeing with, but he also verbally agreed with that in this post, so I think it’s likely a signal.

The fact these two have already pinged my vibe radar puts even more trust to these signals for me.

Oak is Mafia. Looks to be another signal.

Less-certain things:

Vatumok is Mafia (this is very uncertain but just a theory of mine). When Jivvi told me he was killing Notty, I defended her since she makes these games more fun, and suggested several times that he kill Vatumok instead since I thought he was a PR, but Jivvi ignored me. Only when I finally suggested he target someone else, maybe vat, just anyone else, did he agree to change kills. Vatumok also believed my roleclaim even though even I myself find it incredibly suspicious, and the point I made about him earlier (with his weird response to me) still stands. I think he's probably Mafia but I'm less certain about him than I am about Arelic. Especially since, with all the posts I’ve made about being suspicious of Vat, Jivvi never signalled me.

Jivvi is the Mafia Killer, or the Mafia get to choose who does the kill and that person doesn’t have to be the one to send in the action, because he seemed to be able to change the kill himself last second. Thus he probably did the kill, meaning the two kills we saw last night were probably not mafia kills since he was blocked apparently, by rune.

HKCaper and One One Two are not Mafia. I left several posts indicating my suspicion on them and was never signalled.

Plans for tonight:

Doctor/protection role ----> Notty’s player name (which she needs to claim because the Mafia can do things to her regardless and they will kill her)

Notty ---> You may be blocked tonight but we should keep you alive until the Mafia blocker (if they exist) is lynched. It might be one of Ltin/Arelic/Oak.

I understand obviously if you’re reluctant to believe anything I say considering I’ve lied so much this game but this is honestly the truth, and you’ll know by tonight that this is the case. There is 0 logical reason for you to withhold your name or not go with this plan. Please just trust me on this. And I’m sorry for all the mess I caused, I figured it was worth it if I could get several names of Mafia members within the next couple of days, hopefully you’ll understand where I was coming from on that.

What happened in the Inn Chat:

The Inn did in fact detail that lies we sent would be sent to the town interrogator, in the title.

I feigned ignorance. I suggested the lie detector probably worked like Ender’s Lie Detector claim last game and that we should all claim our teams to prove ourselves as town. I claimed town.

Dess then claimed third party. I asked for details, he gave them.

Jivvi then, eventually, responded, and claimed Mafia. He told Dess that the Mafia team had a an anonymous communications role and that they would tell Dess who they planned on killing for the next night, to help him win. He also said that I was going to die tonight.

I asked how he knew it would be me he killed, and not someone else who had my rolename.

I panicked claimed Mafia Innkeeper, a role which I could create an inn of my design, invite 2 other players, and choose one to kill during the night. I said I was a separate Mafia entity who decided to create a Lie Detector inn to see if I could find any Mafia friends. I supported this claim by proving I knew their names (oog and notty), so I did in fact add them to the Inn. I said I was going to kill Dess tonight but I needed to know which of notty/oog Dess was so that I could kill him and not Jivvi.

Jivvi finally came online with about 10 minutes until the deadline. He said the Mafia had an ability which could power up one of their mafia abilities so that it bypassed the name mechanic, so that I’d definitely be dying if he wanted me to. He was reluctant to believe my claim at first, and Dess said he would bet on me dying tonight, and Jivvi said that whilst I was correct on his role, it could have been a guess and wanted Dess to confirm that he was in fact ooglie. He did. Jivvi ended up believing me, said I *could* be the actual town interrogator but said to Dess that if I was lying, the Mafia could easily shut me down in the day after doing my bit of damage. He also asked me not to kill Dess, because he could help the Mafia in an alliance, and so I said I’d nokill.

Jivvi asked for my name, and I gave him one (I'll not confirm/deny whether this was legitimate or not), and then Jivvi said he was going to kill Nottykitten instead of me. The real Nottykitten, and that their ability to enhance one of their abilities to bypass the mechanic was already activated for the kill that night so he could change it. I told Jivvi to get the mafia to send me some names of who to invite to my inn chat the following night by tagging me in a post with them or by sending me an anonymous message during the day (but now I realize I think the communication role is night-only, although this is a grey area), so that they’d get double kills per night when I used my inn to kill one of the people in it, or so that Jivvi could pretend to be proven town to other town members by saying he’s town in the thought-to-be lie detector chat.

Dess said he’d need Notty’s name for him to be able to bet on her dying. Jivvi said they could use their bypass-name-mechanic ability on him but then they wouldn’t be able to kill notty because they needed it to force their kill through, so it would be pointless. I said we could try to get everyone to massclaim, and Jivvi said it wasn’t a good idea because it would only be useful in this specific situation but the names being unknown was actually a benefit to Mafia right now, as far as he could see. Dess said he’d make no bet tonight, and Jivvi said it was a good idea and that Dess should be able to win after 2 nights once they’d sussed everything out. He said that in the meantime he should follow his lead and that he’d try to signal him if he was barking up a tree they didn’t want him to bark up.

I also tried to convince Jivvi to change the Mafia kill to someone else because Notty made mafia more fun, and suggested he killed Vatumok because I read him as a town PR. He kept ignoring me until I suggested he kill anyone else other than Notty, Vatumok or otherwise. Then he said he’d ask the mafia chat for ideas. I said that he should just change the kill because night would end any second. Then night ended a few minutes after. I’m not sure if he did in fact change it from Notty and thus if Rune, in blocking Jivvi, saved Notty’s life, or if I did save Notty’s life by getting him to change it.

What was my plan?

To act as Mafia-sided as possible to Jivvi and the rest of the Mafia team today, to earn their trust, and be given information about who to kill during the night (thus proving those people as not Mafia), and maybe given names of Mafia friends to avoid lynching in the day. Then, at a suitable time, to come clean, out all of this information, probably be lynched but my innocence upon death would prove all my claims were true.
Since Jivvi hinted at sending signals, and because, assuming Jivvi told them about me last night, I thought the Mafia Communicator role might contact me during the day to stop me pushing on one of their Mafia buddies, I tried my best to push on as many people as possible to try to get signals or messages to feel for who is Mafia. After I noticed Jivvi would rate small ‘X is suspicious’ posts Disagree and so probably felt this was the most subtle signalling method, I made sure to leave a small post about people who I tried to push on, indicating my suspicion of them, so that Jivvi could give them a disagree rating to signal to me that they were Mafia, but I had to make it so it wasn’t obvious to Jivvi what I was doing, or too suspicious so that the town wouldn’t suspect me and I wouldn’t have investigations/lynches/killings wasted on me, especially before I had managed to reveal my information.

It was a balancing act to behave/claim things so that it’d seem like I was trying to help Mafia but in reality I was trying to give pieces of information to the town (e.g. saying I couldn’t save Notty and that the doctor would have to – if I was truly Mafia I’d have most likely lied and said “yeah I’ll save Notty!” and let the doctor protect me and then let the Mafia kill Notty during the night and pretend I was roleblocked or something, but I thought maybe Jivvi would interpret it as me trying to give myself an excuse for the inevitable failing of saving Notty the next night and not drawing more attention to myself by having to pretend I was roleblocked or something, so I think it was safe-ish to do that and didn’t seem to compromise my position with Jivvi).

As I write this now (I’ve probably written this a while before I actually post it but just kept updating it when I got new information), I have three potential plans for the future.

1. Get Notty to claim their name, invite them to an inn with Danni with an inn title that explains as much as I can in the words I have, wait for the morning to see if I get a message from the Mafia communicator to give me any more information so that I’d have something more concrete when I claimed everything, and if I die in the night (which I shouldn’t because my claim is that I can only stop Mafia kills so theoretically any serial killer wouldn’t need me to be dead, but it’s still a possibility that my rolename would be targeted) then at least Notty and Danni could pass on the information and piece things together.

2. In the event that I’m unable to convince Notty to claim her name, or some other threatening factor comes up, come clean about everything today, because it’s not worth the risk of having 3 likely Mafia names and dying in the night without getting to share it to anyone that I can probably trust (Danni is a bit of a gray area; there is the possibility of Notty being a third party lyncher though since Jivvi seemed to be able to control the Mafia kill, which suggested he was possibly a Godfather, meaning Notty is lying about her report, and Notty’s absolute tunnel-visioning of her report seemed really weird and lyncher-like – but still, two people in an inn who I can *probably* trust is probably worth risking dying and withholding the information but I don’t think it’s the same with just having Dann in the inn because I find it likely he could be vigilante-killed and I be serial killer’d and the plan would fail, but with Notty, she’d (theoretically) have doctor protection.

3. The same as 2. Except I lie again about my Inn role and say that it has three ‘types’ of Inn that I can choose once – a lie detector, a gymnasium, and a regular chat. The gymnasium inn is where I can invite 1 person to it with me and that person becomes strongman-like and is unable to be blocked for that night. This way, provided they believe me, they will think Notty is immune to blocks this night and not use their blocking ability on her so that she is able to get another report. The risk with this option is that it is yet another lie, the claim seems a bit unrealistic/OP, (since why would this ability be included with an inn when it can just be included in a separate role), might be unlikely to coexist with another player’s role (e.g. a strongman-ability-inducer, though this seems unlikely) and the less authentic I seem, the less likely people are going to believe me and Notty may not give me her name and will die tonight. Plus, for all I know there’s a town-sided role who can, if they think Notty is going to be blocked tonight, deflect actions from them or make her immune from a roleblock themselves or something (though this seems unlikey), so I may actually make things worse by doing this plan and claiming I can stop her from being blocked, if the Mafia don’t buy into it and kills her and the other role thinks I’ve got it covered so doesn’t bother using it, or if Notty doesn’t buy into it and refuses to claim their name or something.
If you are reading this version of this post, then I chose option 2.


I currently have 4 likely Mafia members. Whether Jivvi has been honest with me or not, or whether these disagree ratings are actually signals or not, I can’t be certain, but judging by the nature of the posts he’s disagreed with and the context of each one and his position in terms of the other content of those posts, I’m pretty confident they are. I also think that, since I was extremely scummy day 0, and because Jivvi believed my claim in the Inn chat, he’s probably inclined to believe I am Mafia and thus his signals are probably accurate. So I blame my tiredness/nonsense/suspiciousness day 0 for this plan working to be honest.

I decided to post this now because I have 4 out of probably 5 Mafia members and it’d be fun to actually have to scumhunt for the remaining one and third parties. Also people keep claiming unnecessarily because of this whole charade, Oog just claimed, and I’m walking a very fine line between being helpful to town and being detrimental, especially since the signals may not be entirely accurate. Plus Notty isn't budging about giving her name.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Damn inf, you have outdone yourself.
Really interested to see what happens next. Leaning towards beleiving you, since face it, this is amazing.

So whats best action for now? Notty claims, we lynch jivvi, fog gets jivvi's power, rune blocks me to avoid blocking doc, doc prots notty?
I'm not sure Fog should take over Jivvi's role since I don't know how useful it is, I think we should probably wait until we have a more useful time for him to use his ability, so I suggest Fog retracts his action he sent to Ender


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
So after he posts his probably fake list can we policy lynch him
So oak and arelic have been very inactive, your story finally makes the whole inn situation and nottys reportsrand runes block make sense, and ltin read your claim about knowing mafias but decided to only post that it was prob fake and memed. It makes sense in my head.


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not sure Fog should take over Jivvi's role since I don't know how useful it is, I think we should probably wait until we have a more useful time for him to use his ability, so I suggest Fog retracts his action he sent to Ender
Well, to be honest, I was thinking taking a mafia role could be beneficial, due to the possibility that I may gain access to Mafia Chat. But Ender would not confirm or Deny this.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Well, to be honest, I was thinking taking a mafia role could be beneficial, due to the possibility that I may gain access to Mafia Chat. But Ender would not confirm or Deny this.
If you did you'd be killed that night anyway, unless the doc protects you and you give your name, but I don't think it's worth the risk of having the doc not save Notty in case you don't actually get access to the chat