The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
I want to thank all power roles for being extremely fast in sending in action, highly appreciated, and a good start to the game! We're just missing 1-2 small things, and then we can start the Day.

Please keep up the high spirit and speed of decision making, that makes it great for everyone <3


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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T’was the night before the start of the big week-long masquerade. Everybody was anxious, since everyone waited at least a year to finally take part in the proceedings. Before people went to bed, they looked at their masks again, into which they put so much effort, to shine and stand out during the first parade, happening on the opening day.

After a while, quiet fell upon venice.

And then, the shadows stirred.

And stir they did. In a flurry of action, almost like a whirwind, people seemed to move around town, hiding from anyone that was up still. Their intention became clear, latest after a first round of intensive screams: Murder!

It was a gruesome sight in the morning: One of the famous Venetian Oracles was gutted, lying in the street. Next to her, dressed all in black, an obvious female member of the Assassins Guild was lying, her throat slit from behind without remorse…? Just a bit across town, not far away from this terrible scene, the body of Cristofero Vasari was hung from a lamppost, stabbed repeatedly. He was best known for being a mad inventor of very dangerous and crazy things…and it seemed, like his latest invention had paid off at least: A gunpowder cake that he had eaten just a moment before on a very good gut feeling, which lead to him exploding upon the impact of the knifes…killing his assailant, Ambrogio Lorenzetti, in return. The mark in Ambrogios hand identified him as a high-ranking member of the Machiavelli Mafia clan…

Pierra Crevelli (HypeBurst) - Dreaming Oracle - was killed.
Christina Vespucci (cooliorules) - Ninja Tracker of the Assassins Guild - was killed.
Cristoforo Vasari (Ansoro2112) - Mad Inventor - was killed.
Ambrogio Lorenzetti (endersteve5) - Roleblocker of the Machiavelli Mafia Clan - was killed by the bomb of Ansoro2112.​

On a hastily written piece of paper, that was nailed to one of the main lampposts in the big Venice square, two sentences were written:

nitasu987 visited someone tonight!
And also std1997 visited someone…!

(Oracle based on this , Ninja: Actions not visible to Trackers/Watchers, Tracker: Can see if target visits someone else, Crazy Inventor: Can make himself into a bomb, Roleblocker: Duh) (Personal Mod note: This night shows, that no matter how many pre-game simulations one does, things still do happen in ways that can't be anticipated...)


It is now DAY 1

With 21 alive, it takes 11 to lynch and 11 to no-lynch


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
endersteve5 is allowed to post this message, to complete his (short lived) story in the game - GmK


"Night fell on the city and I put my mask on. There was work to be done. The city would know that the rumours were more true than anyone could anticipate.

On my nighttable there was a knife. I grabbed it and prepared myself for the deed that had to done. Next to the knife there was a note with a name written on it. Lord Machiavelli himself had sent me this note, meaning that I would execute the kill tonight. I do not know if it was his intention to eliminate the scientist first or if it was a pure chance, but as I would soon find out, the man whose name was on the note was mad and brilliant at the same time.

I hid my knife carefully so no soul would understand my intentions before they were carried out. The obvious choice for me to look for the victim would have been his home, so that is where I started. That is where I am at the moment. I think it is a very real possibility that this night will be my last, if I look at all the inventions and contraptions the man has installed in his house.

There are traps, there are guns, there is an incredible amount of inventions involving gunpowder. Whoever this man is, he is probably not going down without a fight, which, unfortunately, makes things harder for me. Still, it is my duty to fulfill my Lord's wish and put out the scientist's candle of life, even if I must give my life to do so. Which brings me to this diary.

I write this to you to know that the threat to the city is very real and the rumours are true. Machiavelli is indeed here with his agents. I write this to you so that you may fear his name and shake every time you hear it. I write this so that you may remember my name and that you may remember the Masquerade of 1738 AD. In case I survive the massacre that is about to begin, this diary will be destroyed. If I do not... this will be my last message to the world, my last will and testament.

Of course, I can not give you details on how many of my fellow agents there are in the city or anything of the likes. I will not sabotauge my friends and companions. However, you should know that I am not the only one. There are more. And you will have to deal with every last one of them if you wish to live.

I am Ambrogio Lorenzetti, an agent of the Machiavelli Family. These may be the last words I will ever write in this world, but I know that if they are, my sacrifice will not be in vain. This Masquerade will turn out to become a bloodbath and every single one of you is going to be a part of it. If my friends find this, forward my goodbyes to my family. Tonight, I have work to do."

Ambrogio took a quick look at the diary entry and deemed it to be sufficient. He placed it in his coat's inner pocket, safe from any kind of damage, save for swords, bullets and gunpowder. After he made sure that no traces of him would be left in the house, he stepped out the door in search of his target. He was surprised to see him standing right there, surprised to see a man walking out of his house.

The scientist ran.

Ambrogio ran after him.

The pursuit would turn out to be a quick one. The scientist had already seen better times and as such, he was not as fit as he had been back in the day. Ambrogio caught him fast and decided that he needed some way of preventing the man from escaping. He hung him from a lamppost, where the scientist was unable to escape. And then, Ambrogio took out the knife.

He stabbed the scientist repeatedly, before hearing an ominous sizzle coming from the man's gut. The killer's eyes widened in horror as he turned away from the man in an attempt to start running, but it was too late. The gunpowder that the scientist had somehow hidden in his stomach exploded, ripping him apart and throwing Ambrogio into the wall that was across the street. Ambrogio was intact, but blood was bubbling out of his mouth and nose. The internal damage both the bomb and the wall had caused him was too much. In his last effort he took the diary out of his inner pocket and placed it on his chest.

Then, life left his body.


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Okay. Explosive (And very Punny) start of this game. So let's start.

Why where Ansoro and Coolio and hype specificially attacked?
I don't YET see a connection really.

Now Endersteve. He killed ansoro who. bu sheer luck of the town was a role that takes the killer with him when dead.

But a 'Mad Inventor'. Could that be a role that gives out items? Would there be a Mafia role that gives out fakes?

Now let's Discuss the huge elephant in the room. There's a Ninja Assasins guild. It could be third party. But could this be a second mafia party? (Idk the term) Could there Both be third party and 2 mafia parties?

Now a question for @std1997 and @nitasu987. Care to collaborate who you visited? and if you want; For what reason? (With reason i mean as in 'Why this person' not as in 'What's your role do?')


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
I sit on the roof of the White Boar Inn concealed in the darkness carrying some sort of weapon with a scope that i brought from the future. I aim as Lorenzetti who hangs the man from the lamp post. I aim. Pull the trigger.

No bullet. No sound. Nothing. When the scope falls off his gun. The barrel melts down and the magazine falls out revealing a piece of paper reading:

"April Fools!
Your Friend

~Dr. Jack Bright"

I start furiously mauling the gun in frustration before walking back into the inn.

Note: This is Roleplay and it's for roleplay only. I have not done a night action or anything resulting in a failing kill or something.


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Hello there,

I did indeed visit you, Fiesta, and through my role I do know that you visited someone (Don't know who) as well. Basically all I know is that you visited someone, and I have absolutely no clue whether the nature of that visit was positive or negative. Just going on assumptions I'm gonna assume it's negative because although one mafia is gone, we lost 3 townies in the process.

The reason I visited Fiesta was because there was lots of suspicion placed on him and I wanted to see if y'all were correct in that (apparently that's a yes).

So to my knowledge Fiesta CAN visit someone, but I don't know the extent of his visit or if the outcome was that a kill was made. For all we know he COULD be a town-sided person who can visit people. You never know with these things.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Crowds gather along the stained cobbled roads; murmurs and hushed voices echo throughout the once bustling streets... The chaos of festivities seems to have died for but the moment, but it is piercing. The once brilliant splendor of the masquerade has been stained black by the sight of blood...
Mercutio enters the stage....

"Make way! Make way I say!" he shoves he way through the masses collecting like vultures to the corpses of the newly dead, baking in the Venetian sun. "Spostare fuori strada!" The scene is gruesome, and Mercutio quickly covers his face with the sleeve of his cloak as he finds himself in the vicinity of the bodies, already beginning to decay. Clenching his fists, he kneels, cursing under his breath at the sight before him.

"Why?" The people of Venice, this glorious city, is under siege from within, but why? Why now? For what reason to attack these people? Have the people of Venice done any harm? No! It is simply madness, a tragedy on such a glorious event! Mercutio's face, hidden behind his mask, darkness. He stands and walks away without another word. It appears that the whispers of yesteryear are indeed coming to pass...

...Machiavelli... Just what is this shadow blanketing the Masquerade with its dark hand?
Okay, interesting night; lots of roles and events I really didn't expect to occur, especially FOUR KILLS?! Luckily for the town one of these happened to be Mafia.... endersteve5....

But what's even more interesting is the fact that there is an.... Assassins Guild? Now, it is difficult to tell if this added name is simply for flair and the story, or it actually symbolizes a potential 3rd party group involved in this game. (Can they talk to each other like Mafia could in past games? Or do they not know who they are?)
The purple naming of coolio most likely symbolizes it to be a 3rd party, and I would say this is a more likely assumption as coolio's role is actually a combination of 2 roles: Tracker and Ninja, one of which happens to be Town-sided, and the other being Mafia-sided (at least, according to the role list provided by EpicMafia.), though anything can be possible at this point in time.

I to want to address what @Fiestaguy brought up in his post above, involving the the two "visitors," if you will:​
Now a question for @std1997 and @nitasu987. Care to collaborate who you visited? and if you want; For what reason? (With reason i mean as in 'Why this person' not as in 'What's your role do?')
There are not that many roles that I know of that directly "visist" a player doing the night. For the most part, those roles that visit during the night tends to boil down to vigilantes, cops, Mafia, various other roles that KILL (ex: serial killer), and role-blocking roles such as a town drunk or hooker.

Because of these limited selections, I have a theory involving these two players: they are not roles that want to kill anyone. Now, since I haven't played with any one of these roles before since I haven't played that many EpicMafia games nor did I play the past few Mafia Games, but in Supernatural Hotel there was a role known as the Rough Sleeper that, should anyone visist that player, their name would show up on the following day on a complaint board, similar to our current situation now. I'm not sure of any other roles that can do this, but I feel this is a likely theory.

Instead of a killing role, I feel @std1997 and @nitasu987 are both either third-party roles that have different winning conditions (such as Alien which wanted to probe everyone), or possible role-blocking roles, specifically Town Drunk or Hooker-related.
HOWEVER... I would say they could also be hybrid roles similar to the recently deceased Ninja Tracker coolio.

My opinion on this matter: I would say it is likely ONE of them could be Mafia, but I also suspect that there is a high chance that they are also role-blocking characters.
Though I don't want to make this post any longer, I also have something else I wanted to bring up.

Over the course of the previous night period, I went and looked back over the posts of the previous day (cause honestly, it was kind of a confusing mess of posts >.<), and through it, I noticed something interesting regarding @Fiestaguy

Take a look at this quote: (these are in picture form so I could remember them; if you want to see the actual quote they are on page 6 and 9)

Now, frankly this may just be me being idiotic/looking into things to closely/assuming wrong here but... Does it now strike anyone odd that you don't know how a third party is supposed to work?(first paragraph) I know that it may just be worded strangely or that you were simply implying that you didn't know how a third party worked in THIS game...

However, I don't think either really fit the bill, because you tend to reference the other possibilities of "not knowing how third party works" being implied differently in your following sentences: "I have no idea how to prevent me from looking like third-party..." "closed setup is definitely not helping..." You're first sentence feels out of place in a Mafia game, and it actually seems like it is a litteral answer in response to endersteve suggesting you were most likely third-party.

Since it does seem like a litteral answer, it makes little sense in conjunction with a previous quote you did on page 6:

You have experience with third-parties from your time in Supernatural hotel, and even blatantly show knowledge of how a third-party can work, which seems quite strange in relation to the previous quote.

But where am I getting at with this? Frankly, it's a bit of a stretch, I must say, and this is all very shaky evidence on my part. However... in the first quote I mentioned with fiesta responding to endersteve:
I wouldn't bet on him as mafia, but the possibility of him being a third-party is in my opinion possible.
Again, this is a bit of a stretch, but I can't get this nagging feeling out of the back of my mind that through these series of responses, and specifically this quote alone, it really feels like endersteve, whom we have confirmed as a Machiavelli this night, is sort of throwing Fiesta under the rug of being a "Mafia", and thus sort of throwing suspicion away from that specific set of roles. (possible teammates?) It just feels that way to me, and I'm curious if anyone else is getting that vibe or if I'm just a tad crazy.

That is about all I have to say for now. I'll be going to bed now and probably won't respond for awhile. Sorry for the long post.


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score


I Visited Fiestaguy, and Std visited Fiesta. Pretty much to sum up what I think;
Std probably is some sort of mafia OR town-ivestigative role

This is what the post SHOULD have looked like, please excuse my stupid mistake:

Hello there,

I did indeed visit you, Fiesta, and through my role I do know that std visited someone you as well. Basically all I know is that he visited you and considering that you're still alive, STD Is prolly town-sided

The reason I visited Fiesta was because there was lots of suspicion placed on him and I wanted to see if y'all were correct in that.
Once again, VERY sorry, and hopefully this clears everything up!


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Hello there,
I did indeed visit you, Fiesta, and through my role I do know that you visited someone (Don't know who) as well. Basically all I know is that you visited someone, and I have absolutely no clue whether the nature of that visit was positive or negative. Just going on assumptions I'm gonna assume it's negative because although one mafia is gone, we lost 3 townies in the process.
The reason I visited Fiesta was because there was lots of suspicion placed on him and I wanted to see if y'all were correct in that (apparently that's a yes).
So to my knowledge Fiesta CAN visit someone, but I don't know the extent of his visit or if the outcome was that a kill was made. For all we know he COULD be a town-sided person who can visit people. You never know with these things.
Not so fast there my friend. I claim that you are lying. Why?

Simple. My role cannot visit anyone.
You just saw there are 2 names written on a lamp post revealing you have visited someone. This makes a thing about my role clear: 'Anyone that visits Me gets their name written down.' now this means STD might have visited me or someone else.
Now there are 3 possibilities.
1.) You are a liar. (Wich is scummy)
2.) You are an 'Insane' tracker. Because you claim i visited someone while i did not.
3.) There is a lockpicker or Bus driver into play.
I'd like you to back up you statement by answering this question.
"Why would i have visited someone?"
I dare you to not blurt out 'Third Party'.

Lastly. Your wording is off. I asked this question:
Now a question for @std1997 and @nitasu987. Care to collaborate who you visited? and if you want; For what reason? (With reason i mean as in 'Why this person' not as in 'What's your role do?')​
HOWEVER. Your answer was
"I did indeed visit you, Fiesta,"

See the connection yet?


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Wow, that is a lot of death for one night. My guess is a vigilante type role, serial killer type role, and then obviously mafia hitting ansoro killed ender.

Now the visiting part is interesting, will read up on some of the posts so far and post more when I get home.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Significant Players

nitasu987 - Visiting Role
Fiestaguy - Visiting Role (according to nitasu)
std1997 - Visiting Role (visited Fiesta according to nitasu)

Unknown Players



Deceased Players

ansoro2112 - Mad Scientist (Bomb)
HypeBurst - Dreaming Oracle (reveal a player's identity to another)

endersteve5 - Roleblocker

cooliorules - Assassin (Ninja-Tracker combo)


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
This is a reply to @JKangaroo's post wih i cannot quote on my phone without getting nightmares and epilepsy.
With the sentence "I have no idea how third party is supposed to work" i meant it as in terms of SUSPICION. (Cant italicize it since phone and such to i capitalized it)
Now Endersteve saying i'm not mafia but third party. Think what would've happened if he yelled "MAFIA!" THAT early. Would've looked suspicious wouldn't it? My guess would be that Endersteve made use of someone saying something like "We might only need to worry about third party later". Perhaps he agreed with that "Town must eliminate everything non-town.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
From what I gather from this night:

The Oracle might have told someone an identity of a player. This has the potential to help us get another mafia lynch today. I'm really annoyed the Oracle got killed, since I'm concerned that might have replaced a standard cop for this game.

Assassin's Guild-Could be a 3rd party team like Mentor, or a full fledged faction. The use of purple instead of orange certainly confuses me xD.

nitasu and std both revealed as having some sort of a power role is interesting. I'd say it's likely one is mafia, but they could just as easily been a pro-town role that took a shot to kill cooliorules, or a doctor or something. Definitely on the watch list, but a vote is a serious gamble since they're both power roles.

Alpha noted that the hand mark led to Ambrogio being identified as mafia. WHY would such a high ranking member be identified by something he uses every day?


Ayy lmao
Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
I think we should lynch Std or Nitasu this day considering there were three kills.
This idea is a bit premature. I'm suspicious of @nitasu987 and @std1997, but also you now, @77_is_the_best. Before anything else I'd like an explanation from @std1997.
I'm merely saying that after the night, there were 3 kills and two people came up as targetting someone. So i'm thinking that at least one of those two were responsible for one of the three killings and you find me suspicous?! I may have been a bit quick to the point but I don't understand. Anyway of course I do want an explanation from both of them and even Nitasu's explanation has brought an argument into play where Nitasu says Fiesta targetted someone where Fiesta claims that he doesnt have a targetting role.

I am interested to see what Std thinks.