The Happy Vice Institute - Game Complete!

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Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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But didn't you say you can also protect? Why is Inf dead?
at this point to me its obvious my visit didnt go to inf last night (i missed that inf also got killed i just read he completed his wincon first time i read it, so that is more proof i didnt actually visit inf in the end) so there must be some redirection role in the setup. that means that, since twg says he has been roleblocked cus comp got killed, that could be true. why didnt i get an item yesterday though


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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The real question is how in the world did Inf die. Two claimed protection roles claimed to visit him yesterday so what sane person would attempt to kill Inf? The only way I can even remotely see Inf dying is if one of the two claimed protection roles is a liar but even then they would assume the other claimed protection role is town aka why would they target someone they thought was going to be protected? THIS MAKES NO SENSE HOW DID INF DIE


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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things that dont make sense:

night 2 edition:
  • inf claims to make pet cat to give to me when in reality i would instantly be able to prove he was lying about his role (since it wouldnt do anything for me)
  • twg gives inf a shield (proven) and receives a pet cat (so inf actually did make pet cats)
  • hk roleblocks + protects inf but doesnt receive a pet cat
  • i dont receive a pet cat (seemingly backs up hk) but i also lose all of my items (so inf could have not been blocked and instead i was just purified, which means hk wasnt purified (unless theres 2 purifiers) so why didnt he get a pet cat)
night 3 edition:
  • both protection roles claim they will visit inf during the night - inf dies still
  • twg decides to protect comp instead - comp dies still
  • hk decides to protect + roleblock inf - i still receive a shield (aka inf wasnt roleblocked)
  • tim visits inf - tim receives a shield (proving that inf wasnt bus drivered with somebody else)
  • how could both twg and hk be roleblocked on the same night


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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The real question is how in the world did Inf die. Two claimed protection roles claimed to visit him yesterday so what sane person would attempt to kill Inf? The only way I can even remotely see Inf dying is if one of the two claimed protection roles is a liar but even then they would assume the other claimed protection role is town aka why would they target someone they thought was going to be protected? THIS MAKES NO SENSE HOW DID INF DIE
they could have redirected me to twg (which appears to have happend), thereby controlling the actions of two claimed protective roles. still they would have gone through all that effort to effectivly kills inf. im wondering, WHY is inf killed. also, where did this second kill come from? then again, somehow a role which REDIRECTS my action is the only things that makes sense from my perspective.

ANYHOW, now im hesitant to go for twg.

i still like to put a lil faith in hip's earlier work and go for Ender a lot, or perhaps mulb still.

MEANWHILE im a tad curious why both moog and notty are 1-shot bulletproof, but am too afraid to even think about a scenario where both are scum.

in short, at this point i trust noone and least of all alisha.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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if twg said he would give a shield to inf again (which i dont recall but i trust your words), and he wanted me lynched yesterday, why did he end up not giving a shield to inf? tbf in the end it turns out it didnt matter, but still.
in my mind (where twg is town) he did it to try and psych out mafia since say youll protect someone -> mafia doesnt target them -> protect someone else and hopes mafia targets them

which is apparently what happened except the shield didnt work for ???????????????????????????????????????? reason



Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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in my mind (where twg is town) he did it to try and psych out mafia since say youll protect someone -> mafia doesnt target them -> protect someone else and hopes mafia targets them

which is apparently what happened except the shield didnt work for ???????????????????????????????????????? reason

honestly, ill be real i was considering visiting someone else, because i felt inf wouldnt be a target after i said i would visit him again, opted out of it cus i was afraid of blocking someone else again, and wanted to use my prot over my block (if that makes sense).


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Our lynch targets today ranging from best to worst (from my perspective).

  • Weak - Took way too long to claim his vice. Only Comp having video games as their vice is suspect considering shadow's vice stopped them from giving out video games. Why would shadows role even exist as town if it could only hurt a town? This is very suspect. They claim to have shielded Comp which gives them no alibi for not having one any of the kills tonight. Hip and Inf confirmed they got a shield though N1 and N2.
  • Hk - Things just aren't adding up for two nights in a row. They claim to have blocked + protected Inf N3 yet neither of these seem to have worked. N2 they claim to have blocked Inf too which stopped Oog from getting a pet cat yet Weak got a pet cat and Hk didn't.
  • Ender - 50/50 in my opinion. I could see their role both as town and scum. I'm leaning towards scum now that we've seen more vices.
  • Notty - Though no proof exists that I do any of the things I say I do, I did claim my role n1 to Oog so that should count for something. Also I knew about the abundance of third parties and so far there have been three (+1 more since second kill?). The fact Skele could only see Mafia/Not Mafia should be decent proof that I'm telling the truth about exposing third parties.
  • Hip - They could stop Mac and also help Mulb. Why would this be Mafia? Also proven to have done their actions all 3 nights aka they couldn't of done any of the kills which is especially important for N3.

Not an option:
  • Tim - He claims to be able to kill, let him try and prove himself tonight by killing Stranger. No reason to lynch Tim today.
  • Stranger - Might get killed by Tim and expose Oog.
  • Oog - Might get exposed by Stranger.
  • Mulb - We might aswell wait to see if Stranger dies and decide where we go from there. Them being unable to be roleblocked because of lip balm makes me think they're town.

I think our best bet is to lynch between the two claimed protection roles which both 'somehow' failed tonight to protect either of the two people they claim to have protected and can't prove they did their claimed actions. Also two protection roles along with me/Oog being bulletproof doesn't seem right even if there is a second killer. I think we should do one of the following two things:

Lynch Weak:
  • HK proves his action by roleblocking Hip (aka he isn't doing a nightkill).
  • Hip gives lip balm to someone they think isn't going to die (aka me since I'm still bulletproof).
  • Tim murders stranger.
  • Stranger exposes Oog.
  • Mulb exposes whomever they like.
Lynch HK:
  • Weak proves his action by protecting anyone (aka he isn't doing a nightkill). After all they should be able to prove it with their shield.
  • Hip gives lip balm to someone they think isn't going to die (aka me since I'm still bulletproof).
  • Tim murders stranger.
  • Stranger exposes Oog.
  • Mulb exposes whomever they like.


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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-giver: pokes
-beneficial vice if they have book: boo(maf), good skele(town)
-negative vice if they have book: twg(claim)

happy pills:
-giver: mactarvish
-negative vice if they get happy pills twice: shadow(town)
-other: tim(claim)/ender(claim)

fake items:
-giver: inf

lip balm:
-giver: hip
-beneficial vice if they have lip balm: mulb

video games:
-giver: shadow(town)
-negative vice if they have video game: comp (town)

abilities that have to do with items (besids giving)
-comp (town): Choose one player and learn the contents of their inventory. This is not a visit.

-sessy(town):You will become irritable if you do not have any items in your inventory by the end of each night. If you are irritable for two nights in a row, you will shut down your shared chat with your spouse. It will re-open if you manage to make yourself happy again by satisfying your Vice. You will use one item per night. WHY WOULD A TOWNIE HAVE A CHAT WITH A 3p how does that help town?

Action: Visit the happy pill dealer and receive one happy pill if they are alive, if not, visit a player of choice. Also designate a player (no visit).
Vice: Happy Pills: Consume a pill every night.
Vice Objective/trigger: After failing on any two nights to consume a happy pill, visit and kill the designated player.

Action: [Day: Craft lip balm, video games or a book] [Night: Deliver an owned item to a player.]
Vice: Happy Pills: Start the game with one happy pill.
Consume happy pills to use crafting ability.

The bunny loves its owner so much it will take a bullet for them.

Visit and give a player a shield that protects them from one lethal attack. The shield lasts only for the night.

cant give out lip balm two nights in a row


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
so there is a town role giving out video games, and ender claims to be able to give out video games, but the only other mention so far is that comp's action would fail if they had video games!??!?! excuse me?

the lip balm items seems to be quite well rounded across the board, but what does it makes the involved parties. all we know is that lip balm blocks a 3p role, and is claimed to be anti block for mulb.

books are tricky, cus a town role gave them out and both 1 town and 1 maf roll are proven to get benefit from them. ender claims he can also give them out and twg claims to be blocked by them. that also doesnt really make sense in my head.

honestly happy pills are a hot mess and i just dont know.

some bonus features, ender claims a role which can basically make copies of all the 3 items of which there were a single giver out there, which could make ender some sort of backup for the items.

also, comp's role was seeing what items people had in their inventory. there is gotta be some use for maf/3p to lie about whats in their inventory or else comp's role would be weird.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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also, comp's role was seeing what items people had in their inventory. there is gotta be some use for maf/3p to lie about whats in their inventory or else comp's role would be weird.
if the killer targets someone giving out items then theyll have the item!

unless your name is hk and you dont receive the item of your target two nights in a row


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
they can but they lose the ability to do it ever again if they do (could be worthwhile seeing as this game shouldnt last all that much longer)

why am i calling hip a they

also we shouldnt forget mulb and stranger claimed the same role, only their vices are different. stranger has to do something or else it wont work that night, and mulb get block protection if they have lip balm. their vices are so different how does it add up.
We should table this for tomorrow incase Tim manages to kill stranger.
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