The Happy Vice Institute - Game Complete!

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Aug 22, 2019
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How do you know you have it now then??? I thought you were able to tag someone else and give it to them today just like I did

I didn't want to ask you because I wanted to test to see if you'd kill one of your sus' with it as well to prove to myself that you were actually town.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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How do you know you have it now then???
since i knew you had the bomb and i watched you tag me twice without saying anything

I thought you were able to tag someone else and give it to them today just like I did

well if you thought that then you didn't read the bomb description since it says that the receiver of the bomb after transfer only gets told they got it the next night, and it also said it explodes n2 and had [N2] in the item name

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
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So I go scroll through 20 pages of stuff and write up my reads list and now y'all are talking about bombs? Man, this took a twist. Anyway,
Boooo - Neutral read. The fact that she gave the bomb to Inffy could have been a rookie mistake in the closed setup, given that she's admitting it. That said, it's also very plausible that she's trying to play it off as a rookie mistake seeing that she's very familiar with mafia games in general (b/c she's a regular LCN player).
Comp - *crickets*
Ender - Slight town read. What he
hip - Neutral read. I can see where everyone's coming from when they're pushing him, but to me his defensiveness feels more like he's a confused townie or a 3p.
HK - Scum/3p read. Hard to get a read on b/c he's so quiet, but I get the sense that him jumping on the wagon for hip to claim is a possible bus attempt. Regardless, there's nothing he's said thus far that gives me any feeling that he's town.
Inffy - Neutral/town read. I'm not sure what to think about Inffy. On one hand, I get the sense that he's genuinely unsure who is mafia vs. who is town. But there's this nagging feeling that that could be his way of avoiding pushing a lynch on town too obviously - as in he's being a lot more careful to build up a case against someone rather than relying on vibes like I've come to expect.
Ltin - Town read. He's been a bit too quiet today, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he has band camp or whatever, life is busy after all.
MacTarvish - Nothing due to AFK
Mooglie - Strong town. Mooglie's vice/ability seems pretty believable. Has Notty confirmed that she shared a night chat with Mooglie last night?
Mulb - Strong town. Given that he's spoken up more than usual, I feel like he's town, as I'd expect him to lurk a lot more if he was scum. Plus admitting you got an item that kills people isn't something a mafia would say in public chat.
Notty - Slight scum. I'm not sure about Notty. Yesterday it seemed like she was trying to goad a mislynch but today it seems like she's acting pretty normally from what I'd expect. That said, there's always the nagging feeling that Notty's attempting to gather false information to prepare a believable fakeclaim, which I've seen her do very effectively before.
Good Skele - He really should speak up more.
PokesVorlds - Strong scum read. If I analyze his posts just on logic alone, it looks like he's actually trying to analyze the game to figure out what kind of roles are believable - possibly for a fakeclaim if necessary. That said, his reads on actual players do lack a lot of substance.
sessy - Has been too quiet.
Shadow Hunter - I want to see more of his cool font.
TWG - Strong scum. In addition to me getting the feeling that he's working with Notty, in addition to his hesitance to give his reasoning for his reads, which tells me that he doesn't want to have his reads overanalyzed.
Tim - Neutral read. I thought he was scum at first yesterday, but the more I think about it, I feel like it's more likely that he's a 3p role of some kind, just b/c what he's said about his role seems like it could be tied to some goal he has to accomplish on his own.

Glare disapprovingly at boooo


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Inffy - Neutral/town read. I'm not sure what to think about Inffy. On one hand, I get the sense that he's genuinely unsure who is mafia vs. who is town. But there's this nagging feeling that that could be his way of avoiding pushing a lynch on town too obviously - as in he's being a lot more careful to build up a case against someone rather than relying on vibes like I've come to expect.
are we in the same game


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
notty claimed to me in night chat already and i believe it!!
Also I did confirm Oog was in a chat with me but I'll do it here again. I had a secret chat with Oog last night!!!

I didn't want to ask you because I wanted to test to see if you'd kill one of your sus' with it as well to prove to myself that you were actually town.
Realistically though how would Inf kill one of his sus' with it if his sus' could just give it away?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Ltin - Town read. He's been a bit too quiet today, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he has band camp or whatever, life is busy after all.
also why is ltin a town read

Mulb - Strong town. Given that he's spoken up more than usual, I feel like he's town, as I'd expect him to lurk a lot more if he was scum. Plus admitting you got an item that kills people isn't something a mafia would say in public chat.
what do you mean by 'spoken up more than usual', and 'I'd expect him to lurk a lot more if he was scum' - you've never met them before have you?

PokesVorlds - Strong scum read. If I analyze his posts just on logic alone, it looks like he's actually trying to analyze the game to figure out what kind of roles are believable - possibly for a fakeclaim if necessary. That said, his reads on actual players do lack a lot of substance.
could you give an example?

ty for the reads list btw <3


Apr 8, 2019
Reaction score
Ender - Slight town read. What he
go on...
Ltin - Town read
so the town read is from d0? idk if you said sometime but why
Mulb - Strong town. Given that he's spoken up more than usual, I feel like he's town, as I'd expect him to lurk a lot more if he was scum. Plus admitting you got an item that kills people isn't something a mafia would say in public chat.
he has lurked, other than talking about his bomb? like isnt that straight up wrong? also ive seen people do that before, and considering the method to pass the item on isnt too subtle this is a pretty easy way to not bear responsibility for killing anyone
possibly for a fakeclaim if necessary. That said, his reads on actual players do lack a lot of substance.
id throw the first part of your read out the window, i dont need a fakeclaim lol
also previously you said my reads were good so how did you float over to the exact opposite side of the spectrum
are you a jester lmao

inf literally stole all of my points reeeeeeee
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