The Time For Kraby1 Has Arrived...


The Big Red Monster From Hell.
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
Hello guys. My time has come. I have been thinking about this for quite a while, and I finally know what to do. I am resigning and leaving Blocktopia, my love. Reasons?

1st - School. This year I am picking my GSCE subjects and I need to and want to do well.
2nd - Parents. They don't like me playing Minecraft, and keep bugging me about it. Even threated me they'll block it.

So I would like to thank you all, for being here, playing with me, talking to me, you are all awesome and I love you.

Ever since I joined here on the 12th of August 2011, I met a hell load of people, and had a lot of fun.
I enjoyed Lava.
I enjoyed TNT.
I enjoyed SMP/Primordia/AoD/LSMP.
I loved Zombie.

So I decided to apply there in September, and got my first trusted on 1st of october, about a year ago.
Then I got demoted for arguing with players. So I applied again, in november and got denied.
I then applied in January, and got my 2nd trusted. After some time in April I got operator, something that was very special to me. Now after all this time, I am leaving this beautiful community. But before I leave, I would like to mention my closest friends here and special people. I love them all.
And if I didn't mention you, then I still love you. Also I'm running out of time to write :C

Nottycat - Possibly one of my best friends here. Me and you had epic runs and we always hang out togheter. Sometimes I'd kill you, you'd kill me. It was fun. I'm still not sure about your gender though. Heh. I love you with all my zombie heart.
Gassy_europeon - You nub. Didn't mention me in your first leaving thread. I'm glad I have you on facebook, so we can still talk! Thank you for getting me into wrestling too. Hah, remember how many times we'd slap eachother or kick eachother?
Ooglie101 - Cow. You joined around the same time as me, and ever since we were good friends. We applied at the same time too. I will miss you very much ;c I will also miss your brother, you're both such good players.
Vatumok - Hey Vat, you helped me a lot here. You came back around january, and got promoted to HC some time later. We used to talk a lot, opchat mostly :3 You are also a very good runner and should play more! I'll miss you and your smart decisions.
Damer_Flinn - First of all, thanks for today's last adventure :) You are a very smart person who'd make me laugh a lot. I'll miss you very much, since you're a very friendly person, (especially to me :3)!
Megatron - Oh you son of a pig. Funniest and most random person I've ever met. You always told me not to fuck up while promoting x) I will miss you a lot, and hopefully you will someday get to drink whiskey with my dad. Lol.
Marnixxie - Sexy sexy hippo. Good luck on everything you do, you are extremely funny and clever. I will miss you, woman!
TheRedShark - Pro runner. You are one of my closest friends, and I will miss you and cbreezy! Please tell him goodbye from me! <3
Jackamel, Dumbshooter, james81818 and Dessern5 - You guys have been extremely good friends to me, and I won't forget you ever. I'll miss you!
Jolteon and balloon - You guys have been my buddies for some time when we played Tmice and chatted on TS. I'll miss you ;o
AvantGarde, Nillbugwtw, ReyvnNova and harmakpaul - You guys have been amazing to me, taught me a lot. I'll miss you a lot, even though I have all of you except paul on Facebook c;

To all rest of you, I probably didn't mention you because there is too much of you and I have no time now. Don't worry, I love you all.

Now goodbye, I'll make sure to visit every server every once in a while, but right now I am gonna vanish.

Tell people, I am kraby1.
My spirit shall live on with this community.
And I shall never forget this place.

Love, kraby1 <3 xoxo


Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
I saw this thread and was like ''NO'', why do you make me sad. ;_;
I'll surely tell cb when I get on zombie, we three had fun times.

Bye bye kraby, good luck with school and I'll miss you. :']
I have always been jelly of your zombie skills!


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
You made me cry D=

You were the best zombie on the server and ILY <3
I will miss you so much.... all those good times we had.
I will always remember you, and zombie won't be the same without you.
Make sure you stay on forums/stay in contact with me =3

Besides that, goodbye. Have a great life.
Nom nom nom nom.....


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Damn... Times like these makes me glad I have respectable parents, who let me do what I want, with certain costs...

Anyway, sorry you have to quit Minecraft, and leave Blocktopia. Hopefully, in the future, when you don't have as much school and your parents are fine with you and Minecraft, you can come visit us again.

Good luck in school, Kraby, and make sure to enjoy it!