The Timeline of Blocktopia


Discord Staff
Oct 16, 2011
Reaction score
Woah, CMP closed the day after I join lava survival server. Wait, CMP stands for Creative Multiplayer, right?
Classic Zombie Survival was reset on 5th of October 2012


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
Joined in May 2010
Promoted to OP on Zombie sometime around July 2010 by KingSam (correct?)
Promoted to Global Controller late September 2010
Promoted to TNT HC sometime in October - for a week or two
Supplied VPSes for the Classic Servers late October 2010
Bought the Dedi(s) for Premium Servers early December 2010



The Head Pyromaniac
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Some time around then GmK, yes!
Either very late August or early September, I got HC along with Arxx. He resigned in October and that was the time GmK became TNT HC.

Might also want to add when we changed HC to Director and HA to Admin, since I suppose that's important!


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I'm not sure about KingSam, but when I first played on a Blocktopia/TheOnes server, I am pretty confident I had a skin, so it must have been after December 13th 2009. I had definitely been playing on TheOnes servers for quite a while when I was banned on Zombie on April 14th 2010. So I PROBABLY joined somewhere between December '09 and April '10!
Any idea when the first trials of the zombie server were before the official announcement and release?

The early devs were mail2345 (developed Lava until June 2009), fontpeg (zombie dev), redshift (zombie dev, also did some lava dev?), pixeleater (lava dev after mail2345) and calzoneman.

Horrible was also a Zombie HC being promoted either at the same time as Maart3h or very soon after.
Ranavalona was promoted to Lava HC (at the same time as PYP?). Also came back and took over an incarnation of SMP for a while. (Went from Trusted to HC).
Joshuam08 hosted the old forums and was a HA or Honorary HA or Global Controller with a HA badge on the forums. When the new forums were introduced Joshuam08 didn't reappear as a HA. Not sure whether there was a formal demotion/resignation.

Jan 29th 2010 - theonesin and megatron to Controller

I think in August 2010 the order of events were week 1, TNT launched and SMP hinted at, 2nd week SMP launched, 3rd week KingSam and Arxx promoted to TNT HCs and Jabjabjab promoted to SMP HC.

Late September 2010 Arxx resigned, with a week or 2 gap between him resigning and GmK being promoted to TNT HC. In addition Zombie 2.0? was released, as GmK had been working on that quite a lot with Listings I believe.

Feb 21st? 2011 - SaltyChicken demoted from Controller.
April 2011 - Yuck resigned from HC.
Global Controller being abolished wasn't until April 8th. The demoted controllers were catgirl12466, xrat, 157359951735, Jaekza.

April 8th 2011 - Wooffus to SMP Controller.

The_Phantom was promoted to Head Admin in early 2011.
CMP introduced the Gentleman rank in February 2011.
TNT introduced the VetOp rank (Grenadier) on 11th March 2011.
The_Phantom resigned from Head Admin in early-mid 2011.
Mid 2011 - xrat, Ogarci and dirtcake to Lava Controller, Damer_Flinn to Zombie Controller.
July 29th 2011 - Alkatraz to TNT Controller, SoulSoda and EphermeralKap to CMP controller.
Sep 9th 2011 - Megatron to Zombie Controller, Ayatollah_Ali and EphermeralKap to CMP HC.
Oct 28th 2011 - Nillbugwtw to Zombie Controller, Megatron to Zombie HC.
Nov 18th 2011 - trngl to Lava Controller
Jan 6th 2012 - Alkatraz and 0x3c0 to TNT Controller
Feb 10th 2012 - Nillbugwtw to Zombie HC, IntensiK resigns, Vatumok to Zombie Controller.
Rest should be in the forum meeting recaps. I'm getting tired now!
One_one_two and AvantGarde are now Zombie Controllers.
Sploorky is now a Lava/LSMP Controller.
Ayatollah_Ali resigned from BB HC, Yuck promoted, Yuck resigned, Matt_Allen promoted, Matt_Allen resigns, Malcovent takes over.
Ultimate_Budgie resigned from A+T HC, Dragosh98 promoted to A+T HC, A+T shut down, Dragosh98 resigns/demoted.
Ultimate_Budgie promoted to AoD HC, Baker Promoted to AoD HC, Ultimate_Budgie resigned from AoD HC.
Malcovent promoted to HA, having been HC on CMP, then Primordia then SMP.
Marnixxie promoted to HC of SMP.

I think I got all the Lava and Zombie controllers and I definitely got the 2 TNT ones!
I'm not sure about SMP/Primordia, I'm pretty sure Neilson(numbers), Boredchicka, Yearly, possibly Cheeseman(numbers) have been SMP Controllers. + Wooffus and Marnixxie.
Jammy001 was an AoD Controller, Dragosh98 was an A+T Controller before being promoted.

And that's about all I can remember/look at TNT /rank and /derank commands/look at the old recaps on the wiki and reminisce tonight. Hopefully I've been some help!


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
David, I believe you once sent me logs of a recap from October 8th 2010, do you still have those? They'd be very useful in this thread.
Meeting Recap For The Night Of October 8th 2010
Also with more seizure colors
General News
-The Windows storage will be upgraded from a 1 gig drive to a 2 gig one so expect some downtime soon
-TheOne appologizes for his behavior on some of the servers recently
-San00b states that the FAP radio website will be up soon along with DJ applications

Lava Server News
MetalTeddy - inactivity
Tutty - inactivity

Inactivity Warning:

DownandOut - Trusted to Operator
Forseti - Operator to Veteran Operator
AcidMan - Normal to Veteran Operator

A big welcome back to Acidman. Congratulations to all those promoted! For those under inactivity warning, that means we've noticed that you have not been on the server this week. If you have a valid reason, please pm either Brickwolf or Kevin_28

Zombie Server News

Forever_IntensK - to Operator
Plinky - Inactivity - to Normal
Paulo1 - Inactivity - to Normal
Kichura - Inactivity - to Normal

On a side note, please don't suggest yourself for referee. It's common knowledge that being very full of yourself isn't a fantastic idea.

On another side note - there is a staff forum for a reason. Staff are expected to CHECK it if possible once every time before they play for the newest status updates, important news, and other things. Please?

Build Server News
-No real news, however it is confirmed that we will be using PixelEaters newly coded block box software.

TNT Server News
Plinky - Inactivity
Dmitribeta - Inactivity
Sthe - Inactivity

MoltenLava would have been demoted based on votes, but KingSam overruled as he felt he hasn't been inactive.

On a side note, if you're not a staff member and voting, please don't sugget yourself for referee. It's common knowledge that being very full of yourself isn't a fantastic idea. I'm talking to two people in particular. You know who you are.

SMP Server News
-Work continues on the City build, more information may be found here

Well thats all for this week and i hope to se you all at next weeks meeting.



The Pig
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Arxx joined in October '09
UltimateBudgie becomes first zombie VetOp soon after release UltimateBudgie, recall the date?
Believe Horrible get ZHC in May '10
Matt_allen joins in August '10
Nov 19th 2010 all devs besides Listings and Destroyer are cleared.
IntensiK gets VetOp on Nov 19th 2010 as well
August 2011 the wiki is set up
August 8th 2011 trngl gets Lava Op
September 2nd 2011 trngl gets Lava VetOp
February 24th 2012 AoD release? I think
Feb 10th 2012 Death Run Testing
Jan 6th 2011 Vatumok To VetOp (second time)


Crafty Cow
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
Don't forget JabJabJab's special, not rageful goodbye. Had to say it. Also, ranavalona was HC of SMP twice but I just can't remember the dates right now of course.

Very well done, David. No need to mention anything specific about my horrible fantastic reign. Everything was just great. I even have posters to prove it.

Nobody ever made posters for meeeeeeeee. If they did, this would have been used:


Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
2/24/12-Death run added to Lava Survival.
3/23/12-Malcovent promoted to HA.
4/13/12-New version of SMP is launched. Malcovent is HC of it, and boredchicka is chosen and promoted to controller. Jammy001 is promoted to controller of AoD.
4/27/12-Yuck replaces Ayatollah_Ali as Buildbox HC. Dragosh98 was promoted to A&T controller.
5/18/12-UltimateBudgie resigns from A&T HC, Iguana takes over as A&T HC.
6/8/12-Marnixxie promoted to SMP controller.
6/15/12-Dragosh98 promoted to A&T HC, replacing Iguana. Jammy001 resigns from AoD controller.
6/22/12(ish)-Baker93 is promoted to AoD controller.
6/29/12-Vatumok to zombie HC, with One_One_Two to zombie controller. Matt_Allen replaces Yuck as Buildbox HC. Iguana resigns as HC of AoD.
7/13/12-UltimateBudgie becomes AoD HC.
8/3/12-Boredchicka resigns from SMP controller. Gamemakergm is promoted to A&T dev.
8/12/12-Baker93 is promoted to AoD Director. Guinessis is promoted to AoD controller.
9/24/12-A&T is closed.
10/30/12(ish)-Guinessis resigns from AoD controller.
10/5/12-Ogarci and dirtcake are promoted to Directors of LSMP, with Sploorky and trngl3087 to controller of the server. Malcovent replaces Matt_Allen as Buildbox Director.
10/12/12-Sploorky promoted to controller of Classic lava.
10/19/12-Dragosh98 resigns from Director. UltimateBudgie resigns from AoD Director.

That's everything in the meeting recaps!

One one two

Per aspera ad astra
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
Since this has taken off a bit I may as well note that Vatumok and I were technically promoted to our current positions the same day that Megatron resigned from Head Controller. It was just announced again at the meeting a few days later for those who weren't already aware of the changes.

Nice work, guys.

Pick Yer Poison

is a kid now, is a squid now
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
davidjl123 According to my IRC logs, we set up #blocktopia on Fri Dec 03, 2010, at approximately 23:40:42 CST.

Also, my first logon to #theonemcft was on Fri Oct 16, 2009, and I didn't even know about the IRC until a week or two after I'd been promoted to operator on the server. Based on this I'd place my joining the community as being somewhere around...I dunno, October 9? October 2? Maybe? catgirl12466 do you remember if I was around when you joined the community? M_B_H do you?


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
You were definitely there before me, Pick. Also, I joined the 17th, not 14th. Orr rather I was opped and had to register on the forums that day. But I guess that counts better as joining the community rather than "Sometime at the end of September" which would've been my join date on the lava server...

I would ramble on about events, by the way, but whatever I could say is already on the timeline and more specific than the month-long, likely wrong estimates I make. I'm not good with specific dates, only what happened.

Teensy edit: Actually, just noticed San00b's promotions to HC and then HA are missing. Those were in...what, January? Someone mind confirming that one?