The Zombie Nostalgia Thread


Resident Asha'man
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Mine isn't a picture.

(04:31:48) <IntensiK> Damer
(04:31:54) <Damer_Flinn> ?
(04:31:54) <IntensiK> You could technique go beserk
(04:31:58) <IntensiK> MUTINY
(04:32:02) <XxNyXoxx> What?
(04:32:02) <Jayfeather21> :p
(04:32:04) <IntensiK> BETRAY ME
(04:32:08) <IntensiK> and derank me lol
(04:32:14) <XxNyXoxx> MUTINY
(04:32:15) <XxNyXoxx> GO GO GO
(04:32:22) <XxNyXoxx> INB4 KIPPERS HITS THE FAN
(04:32:22) <Jayfeather21> ON MY SHIP!?
(04:32:22) Damer_Flinn used /help ranks
(04:32:24) <Jayfeather21> I think not
(04:32:24) !PLAYERS ONLINE: Guinessis, xXchorasXx, Neogryzor, TaraaaaaxD, johmi, CalRipkin, XxNyXoxx, ginbird96, MY_name_is_TUNA, Maxx10680, coyote463, fraserkid1, govolz10, dominicuz, Jayfeather21, Audentous, navorska, Random_Guy415, awwwyea, ethical1337, Damer_Flinn, con__man, Unistorm, appleruler747, ninja_16, IntensiK, killerlava, Jeff_Starduster, snip3nator, clay15, Cmanwayt, AvantGarde
(04:32:24) !LEVELS ONLINE: lobby, dontstop
(04:32:29) <XxNyXoxx> It's not a ship
(04:32:35) Damer_Flinn used /setrank intensik zombie
(04:32:39) <Jayfeather21> it could be, if you use your imagination :p
(04:32:43) <IntensiK> xx
(04:32:46) <XxNyXoxx> LOL!
(04:32:46) <IntensiK> watch thi-
(04:32:48) <IntensiK> FFF
(04:32:52) dominicuz disconnected.
(04:32:52) <XxNyXoxx> And he still has his skin.
(04:32:52) <IntensiK> IM A ZOMBIE
(04:32:54) <Jayfeather21> Imaaaginaaation
(04:32:55) <XxNyXoxx> WOOP WOOP
(04:32:56) <IntensiK> DAMNIT DAMER
(04:32:57) Damer_Flinn used /slap intensik
(04:33:02) <MY_name_is_TUNA> l0l0l
(04:33:03) <XxNyXoxx> ME TOO
(04:33:03) <fraserkid1> ...
(04:33:05) <IntensiK> MUTINY
(04:33:08) <Neogryzor> .
(04:33:09) <ethical1337> 6 min ffff
(04:33:13) AvantGarde used /tp eth
(04:33:19) <IntensiK> OK, re-rank me now
(04:33:20) <AvantGarde> You got it Eth
(04:33:23) <XxNyXoxx> You suggested it headphones for brains.
(04:33:24) <Jayfeather21> :p
(04:33:25) <XxNyXoxx> x.x
(04:33:26) <IntensiK> You two timin-
(04:33:27) <awwwyea> nomper!
(04:33:36) Damer_Flinn used /title intensik BETRAYED
(04:33:40) <AvantGarde> :D
(04:33:41) skoobymax has joined the server.
(04:33:42) <IntensiK> NO DAMER
(04:33:43) <IntensiK> BAD
(04:33:43) <XxNyXoxx> Now I feel like this is halo
(04:33:47) <killerlava> :(
(04:33:51) <XxNyXoxx> :3
(04:33:54) <fraserkid1> me too
(04:33:56) <IntensiK> No but seriously
(04:33:56) <Jayfeather21> Intens, my sig on the forums is the time you
(04:33:56) <fraserkid1> well...girl
(04:33:57) Damer_Flinn used /setrank intensik nobody
(04:33:58) <IntensiK> Re-rank me
(04:33:58) <AvantGarde> All hail Damer
(04:34:00) clay15 disconnected.
(04:34:03) <Jayfeather21> Got slapped sky high by _aperson XD
(04:34:06) XxNyXoxx used /me hails Damer
(04:34:09) Damer_Flinn used /setrank intensik admin
(04:34:17) (OPs): Damer_Flinn: o.o
(04:34:24) <XxNyXoxx> You can't set ranks higher than yourself or equal to.
(04:34:25) <IntensiK> ./rank IntensiK headcontrol
(04:34:33) <Jayfeather21> Are you not ranked that?
(04:34:35) Damer_Flinn used /setrank intensik headcontrol
(04:34:41) (OPs): Damer_Flinn: cant
(04:34:45) <Jayfeather21> Or was it the title
(04:34:48) <XxNyXoxx> OFAIL
(04:34:52) Damer_Flinn used /help ranks
(04:34:53) <Jayfeather21> That stayed the same?
(04:34:56) souleaterz187 has joined the server.
(04:34:58) <IntensiK> Mega is going to murder you
(04:34:58) (OPs): XxNyXoxx: I'm about to die right now.
(04:35:01) <Jayfeather21> XD
(04:35:03) <XxNyXoxx> LOLOL
(04:35:05) Damer_Flinn used /setrank intensik controller
(04:35:08) <XxNyXoxx> INT CANT GET HIS RANK BACK
(04:35:08) <Jayfeather21> Best day ever
(04:35:09) studmuffin1723 has joined the server.
(04:35:09) <Neogryzor> y
(04:35:10) gamelord1000 has joined the server.
(04:35:10) <XxNyXoxx> IM ABOUT TO DIE
(04:35:12) <IntensiK> Try
(04:35:18) Damer_Flinn used /setrank intensik opref
(04:35:18) SAVED: oprefs.txt
(04:35:18) <XxNyXoxx> I'm suffocating.
(04:35:22) <gamelord1000> is there some kind of shop in this server
(04:35:22) <IntensiK> T_T
(04:35:31) <gamelord1000> cause =P
(04:35:32) <Jayfeather21> ...Shop?
(04:35:35) <XxNyXoxx> You can't set a rank Higher or equal to youself.
(04:35:35) <Audentous> Hmm... why can't I seem to bite people?
(04:35:38) <Jayfeather21> Green Intens
(04:35:40) (OPs): IntensiK: try /rank IntensiK controller
(04:35:41) (OPs): Damer_Flinn: you didn't tell me i couldn't set it back
(04:35:43) <Jayfeather21> Doesn't work
(04:35:43) <XxNyXoxx> You'd have to get an admin or HC up.
(04:35:46) <ginbird96> audentous, you have to run through them
(04:35:47) Jeff_Starduster Kicked: AFK for &c5&e minutes.
(04:35:52) <Audentous> I did
(04:35:53) ethical1337 used /time
(04:35:54) (OPs): IntensiK: Didn't know you would do it
(04:35:55) Jayfeather21 used /me Facepalm
(04:35:57) (OPs): IntensiK: x]
(04:35:59) souleaterz187 disconnected.
(04:36:00) <Jayfeather21> Unproffesionalism
(04:36:01) (OPs): Damer_Flinn: i can't set equal or above
(04:36:01) <Jayfeather21> XD
(04:36:03) <XxNyXoxx> Well acctually, you'd have to get an HA +
(04:36:04) <Audentous> oh...
(04:36:05) <ginbird96> and also, thers a little LAG tonight so
(04:36:06) <XxNyXoxx> To get HC back.
(04:36:08) <fraserkid1> lol
(04:36:11) (OPs): AvantGarde: You kind of asked for it Int
(04:36:11) skoobymax Kicked: You are not a wizard!.
(04:36:12) <IntensiK> You're my boss now
(04:36:13) Matt_Allen has joined the server.
(04:36:14) XxNyXoxx used /help ranks
(04:36:17) janniboy has joined the server.
(04:36:22) <ethical1337> hi matt
(04:36:22) <AvantGarde> Hi Janni
(04:36:24) Damer_Flinn used /title intensik Zombie HC
(04:36:25) <MY_name_is_TUNA> dang
(04:36:26) <XxNyXoxx> TEE HEE
(04:36:28) <MY_name_is_TUNA> navorska.
(04:36:28) appleruler747 Kicked: AFK for &c5&e minutes.
(04:36:29) <janniboy> hi avant!!!
(04:36:29) <fraserkid1> lol
(04:36:30) <MY_name_is_TUNA> get. off. wom.
(04:36:33) <XxNyXoxx> Int is stuck as an op ref
(04:36:35) XxNyXoxx used /tp navor
(04:36:36) <MY_name_is_TUNA> i just kicked you for it.
(04:36:37) Damer_Flinn used /whowas jayp94
(04:36:39) AvantGarde used /tp navor
(04:36:40) <IntensiK> Don't worry about it
(04:36:40) <navorska> im not
(04:36:40) Matt_Allen disconnected.
(04:36:42) AvantGarde used /aka
(04:36:43) navorska Kicked: You are not a wizard!.
(04:36:47) <Jayfeather21> Intens! I order you to get me a Dolphin!
(04:36:47) MY_name_is_TUNA used /aka
(04:36:47) <fraserkid1> hiya
(04:36:49) <IntensiK> I'll get mega to touch me
(04:36:50) (OPs): Damer_Flinn: well you basicly asked me to
(04:36:50) <fraserkid1> how ya doin'
(04:36:51) LegitRoman Kicked: You are not a wizard!.
(04:36:53) <MY_name_is_TUNA> navorska.
(04:36:54) Guinessis used /playersleft
(04:36:55) <XxNyXoxx> Being on WoM after being warns is
(04:36:58) <XxNyXoxx> Warned
(04:37:00) (OPs): IntensiK: It's fineeeeee x)
(04:37:00) <MY_name_is_TUNA> 2 games ago
(04:37:01) <XxNyXoxx> Is an ban.
(04:37:03) <MY_name_is_TUNA> i kicked you
(04:37:06) markthebest3 has joined the server.
(04:37:06) <XxNyXoxx> He left.
(04:37:06) (OPs): IntensiK: Make me a Vet
(04:37:06) <awwwyea> of course :p nobody could catch me fairly
(04:37:08) <XxNyXoxx> Was kicked.
(04:37:09) <MY_name_is_TUNA> argh
(04:37:11) <ninja_16> awwwww
(04:37:12) DKnucklehead has joined the server.
(04:37:13) MY_name_is_TUNA used /aka
(04:37:17) <awwwyea> i HAVE to be divebombed to die
(04:37:17) <Neogryzor> aww
(04:37:17) Damer_Flinn used /help color
(04:37:19) <ninja_16> that was an epic run
(04:37:19) killerlava disconnected.
(04:37:20) <Jayfeather21> Ok Ethical
(04:37:21) <XxNyXoxx> Int
(04:37:22) <AvantGarde> Go Eth!
(04:37:26) Damer_Flinn used /color intensik blue
(04:37:27) <XxNyXoxx> You'd have to get a nobody to do it.
(04:37:30) bountyhunter12 has joined the server.
(04:37:30) <Jayfeather21> :p
(04:37:33) <Jayfeather21> Back to normal
(04:37:35) (OPs): Damer_Flinn: fixed :D
(04:37:36) <IntensiK> Megatron is a nobody
(04:37:39) <XxNyXoxx> Even if you got someone like dead.
(04:37:40) <IntensiK> Lool
(04:37:44) <Jayfeather21> Well
(04:37:46) <Jayfeather21> Not normak
(04:37:48) <Jayfeather21> But enough
(04:37:50) <XxNyXoxx> Howcome Mega can be a nobody?
(04:37:53) <awwwyea> eth you kicked me in the face
(04:37:55) <XxNyXoxx> If you set that rank it won't work.
(04:38:04) <ninja_16> hello
(04:38:06) <IntensiK> He has more experience with the server
(04:38:08) <Audentous> I guess I must be kippersging
(04:38:10) <IntensiK> on the technical side
(04:38:11) <Damer_Flinn> you have to set it out of game
(04:38:13) <MY_name_is_TUNA> to set a nobody rank
(04:38:18) <XxNyXoxx> I've tried.
(04:38:19) lilizzysmoove has joined the server.
(04:38:20) <Damer_Flinn> i have it on my serrver
(04:38:20) <MY_name_is_TUNA> you have to change rank variable
(04:38:21) AvantGarde used /tp gin
(04:38:23) <MY_name_is_TUNA> in the code
(04:38:24) ethical1337 used /time
(04:38:24) <IntensiK> Relax, don't worry
(04:38:24) <Damer_Flinn> *server
(04:38:26) DKnucklehead used /playersleft
(04:38:27) IntensiK used /nextmap runrunrun
(04:38:27) <Jayfeather21> Isnt that lower than banned?
(04:38:30) <ginbird96> haha
(04:38:32) <Jayfeather21> Isn't*
(04:38:34) Committing changes for 3 blocks on dontstop
(04:38:36) <Guinessis> so close
(04:38:39) <ginbird96> thank you :)
(04:38:40) <CalRipkin> helllooo
(04:38:40) <Damer_Flinn> nope it's above admin
(04:38:44) <Jayfeather21> :O
(04:38:45) <AvantGarde> :D
(04:38:48) <Jayfeather21> OMG
(04:38:48) <MY_name_is_TUNA> flowah!
(04:38:53) <ethical1337> DAH
(04:38:53) <XxNyXoxx> NERG
(04:38:54) AvantGarde used /tp my_name
(04:38:54) <ginbird96> rawr!
(04:38:55) <ethical1337> dsiocwgocewvcow
(04:38:55) lil_cressy1996 has joined the server.
(04:38:56) <markthebest3> da,
(04:38:56) RapidCartoon has joined the server.
(04:38:56) <ethical1337> DFHEWCWECVHBWE
(04:38:57) <Guinessis> wewt
(04:38:57) <Jayfeather21> I was..slightly off...
(04:38:57) <XxNyXoxx> Derp.
(04:39:00) <Jayfeather21> Close!
(04:39:00) <fraserkid1> hehheheh
(04:39:04) Matt_Allen has joined the server.
(04:39:05) <ethical1337> DAAAA HELL
(04:39:09) <ethical1337> who got me?
(04:39:11) Guinessis disconnected.
(04:39:18) <AvantGarde> Gin did I think
(04:39:18) Matt_Allen used /whois intensiK
(04:39:22) <ethical1337> *kudos to you*
(04:39:25) Vote over! Winner: power
(04:39:25) Level "power" loaded.
(04:39:25) SAVED: Level "power". (0/35/35)
(04:39:26) ninja_16 used /goto power
(04:39:27) <ginbird96> <3 you eth :)
(04:39:28) gamelord1000 used /goto power
(04:39:28) MY_name_is_TUNA used /goto power
(04:39:29) RapidCartoon used /goto power
(04:39:29) AvantGarde used /goto power
(04:39:30) markthebest3 used /goto power
(04:39:30) <Jayfeather21> Yep, it was Gin :p Gratz
(04:39:30) govolz10 used /goto power
(04:39:31) Maxx10680 used /goto pow
(04:39:32) studmuffin1723 used /goto power
(04:39:32) Jayfeather21 used /goto power
(04:39:32) ethical1337 used /goto power
(04:39:32) xXchorasXx used /goto power
(04:39:32) DKnucklehead used /goto power
(04:39:33) janniboy used /goto power
(04:39:33) fraserkid1 used /goto power
(04:39:33) johmi disconnected.
(04:39:33) ginbird96 used /goto power
(04:39:34) <Matt_Allen> hi, sorry, my internet dies -.-
(04:39:34) coyote463 used /goto power
(04:39:36) snip3nator used /goto power
(04:39:37) Matt_Allen used /goto powe
(04:39:40) <AvantGarde> Hi Matt
(04:39:40) Committing changes for 3 blocks on power
(04:39:45) <Jayfeather21> The Internet went out :p
(04:39:45) <Matt_Allen> Hi thar
(04:39:45) <ethical1337> 5 seconds left
(04:39:51) <Neogryzor> lil_creesy is being rapped
(04:39:51) <ethical1337> im so disappoint
(04:39:56) <Damer_Flinn> mine doesn't die much, it snails
(04:40:02) <Jayfeather21> I have to read that!
(04:40:05) <AvantGarde> Same here Damer
(04:40:11) Matt_Allen used /whois ginbird
(04:40:13) dontstop was unloaded.
(04:40:14) Committing changes for 84 blocks on power
(04:40:17) Matt_Allen used /warnlevel ginbird
(04:40:21) fraserkid1 Kicked: Pillaring like a champ!.
(04:40:23) Matt_Allen used /timeonline ginbird
(04:40:28) Matt_Allen used /timeonline
(04:40:45) Committing changes for 222 blocks on power
(04:40:47) Damer_Flinn used /help ranks
(04:40:48) <Matt_Allen> Woot 62 hours players =P
(04:40:51) <MY_name_is_TUNA> mhmm
(04:40:54) <MY_name_is_TUNA> played?
(04:40:55) lil_cressy1996 disconnected.
(04:40:57) Matt_Allen used /timeonline ethical
(04:40:59) AvantGarde used /timeonline matt_allen
(04:41:01) Matt_Allen used /timeonline My_name
(04:41:06) AvantGarde used /timeonline avantgarde
(04:41:06) MY_name_is_TUNA used /timeonline tuna
(04:41:08) <MY_name_is_TUNA> oh lord
(04:41:11) <Matt_Allen> online played same thing =P
(04:41:12) <MY_name_is_TUNA> 87 hours :3
(04:41:15) CalRipkin disconnected.
(04:41:15) <markthebest3> ish friday,friday
(04:41:15) Committing changes for 334 blocks on power
(04:41:18) <ethical1337> no
(04:41:20) <AvantGarde> 115 :p
(04:41:20) <ethical1337> NO
(04:41:23) <ethical1337> it is MONDAY
(04:41:24) MY_name_is_TUNA used /timeonline janni
(04:41:27) <markthebest3> oya
(04:41:28) <Matt_Allen> NO
(04:42:19) <Neogryzor> aaaw
(04:42:24) Damer_Flinn used /title intensik VetOp
(04:42:28) <ethical1337> argh
(04:42:28) <Jayfeather21> Its not the worst cap offense I've ever
(04:42:30) <Jayfeather21> Seen
(04:42:31) IntensiK used /me facepalms
(04:42:34) <AvantGarde> Grats Int
(04:42:36) IntensiK used /nextmap runrunrun
(04:42:36) <Jayfeather21> Well
(04:42:38) <Damer_Flinn> :D
(04:42:38) <Jayfeather21> Better than Op
(04:42:42) <MY_name_is_TUNA> ow.
(04:42:42) <IntensiK> x)



Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Guinessis building grandprix.
Dem guidelines. Also, good to see you Myst/Hardneck, didn't realize you had changed names :) .

Unfortunately 99% of my screenshots are really boring, but I did find a few.

Enceladus and a host of Steves sit on the jump course on ThePit.

Thexxxaron runs for his life from the zombie rabbits.

mariosatr helps me test GrandPrix

A whole slew of people sit at the top of the uber jump course on BasicTraining before the back way was added.

A very very early Vault17, complete with physics tests.

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Wat: Survive on Lobby​
Double Wat : Survive in a spawn​
Will Smith: Survive 5 rounds in a row​
Bear Grylls : Survive 10 rounds in a row​
Outplayed! : Survive A Zombie Horde With 10s Remaining​
Multikill! : Get x6 as Zombie​
C-C-Combo Breaker! : Get x10 as Zombie​
Alpha Zombie : Eat 10 or more Humans than 2nd Place has​
Glub Glub : Survive in water for an entire round​
What A Hottie : Survive in lava for an entire round​
Strength In Numbers : Survive with 3 or more humans in a 2x2x2​
Tag Team : Be one of the last two humans for atleast 3+ minutes​
Fearless : Survive as last human for 3+ minutes underground​
Lone Hero : Survive as last human for 5+ minutes​
Immortal : Eat 15 Humans in a single non-powerpill round​
The End : Eat 20 Humans in a single non-powerpill round​
Fight The Power! : Zombified a Head Controller twice in a row​
Why do we not have all these anymore :eek:?


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Why do we not have all these anymore :eek:?
Because every round people were trying for these awards, they kept calling ops to watch them so they would have prove of completing the awards. It kept Ops of their staffing. And the HC's at the time kept on getting annoyed by people who said they had done an award and wanted the award.
[Actually it was my fault, I asked for an award and it got removed =3] But also the above story.

Also, this one is priceless:
I remember when this happened, Emues wanted to type ./kick notty You are not a dog
But he forgot the . and actually kicked me.

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Because every round people were trying for these awards, they kept calling ops to watch them so they would have prove of completing the awards. It kept Ops of their staffing. And the HC's at the time kept on getting annoyed by people who said they had done an award and wanted the award.
[Actually it was my fault, I asked for an award and it got removed =3] But also the above story.
Ooooh that explains it, though some of them could be done without an op on surely?