Timeline of Dichotomous Flowers - Game Complete


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score

Sorry I haven't responded in a while, but on weekend I don't have that much free time.

Honestly I don't like lynching on day 0. Putting the heat on someone is fine by me but I'd refrain from actually lynching unless we're quite certain (like a mafia slipped up bad time)

But for a lot of you guys it seems like you actually want to lynch someone. I guess that's a difference between the forum games and LCN
Do you have any reads to share?


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
Claiming town
Aqua - moderate town, feels townie for the most part, his turn around on me when he suddenly thinks I'm scum felt genuine. After I town read purple he said purple was 90% mafia and justified why he wants to vote her by saying it was still useful to do so even if she was town, and that felt like preparing to be wrong slightly just so he doesn't feel 'I was completely wrong and inf was right', more 'yeah I was wrong but like I said it was still useful to lynch her anyway so I still did the pro thing' which means he's probs genuinely trying to read people correctly and not be embarrassed after the game. Also saying that purple got herself lynched and putting the blame on her again feels like a way to not feel like he made a mistake if he's wrong, kinda like when he lynched UNU as town and said UNU was being objectively suspicious and it wasn't his fault. Which means he's considering being wrong and not wanting to feel responsible, which means he's probs not mafia. One thing that bothered me was how he suddenly shifted to talking formally and using full stops when he first agreed with me on purple but it's probably nothing relevant to his alignment?
Implying I'd ever be embarrassed about anything I did :^)

I didn't actually suddenly suspect you, I was joking for the most part, still hope ur town bubby x

uhhh and the formally thing I got nothing for you, I just sometimes talk like that.


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
Dess can you explain your read on me, vy and purple more please?
For Vy it's pure vibes, nothing about their posts is setting off any major bells for me and instead they just feel rather townie to me but again it's purely vibes related.

Purple I feel like I have already explained in detail here

Purplepixies: Something about her contributions so far in the game seem off to me, it feels like it’s information that is essentially filler in an attempt to appear as though she is contributing to town. None of it provides information that hadn’t already been discussed and the reads list that she posted hits a nerve and doesn’t seem like something a town member would do. Also seen by a post she made on page6 (sue me I can’t quote this I’m typing this out on Word) about not wanting to vote until more information came to light seems as though she is intentionally trying not to draw light to herself and wants to instead appear to be contributing but also to be in the background. Looking back the reads list it looks as though she is placed every significantly contributing member as nontown sided which is VERY weird to me. I also dislike the idea she has about vibing people who are active and argumentative as PRs. Non town.
One of the reasons that I said she feels off was one of the very reasons you highlighted, which was this post here.

[BCOLOR=#cc99ff]As flowers bloom in the spring[/BCOLOR],
with renowned honour and fresh vengeance,
the dial of time spins.

May lies and deceit distort the dimming truth;
for [BCOLOR=#cc99ff]calamity is sowed from the seeds of rivalry[/BCOLOR].

I've been thinking about flowers in general. What threatens a garden? Weeds and pests. So it might not be over the top to start thinking that something that is not a flower, is threatning to the rest of us. After all pests eat at flowers, and weeds compete with flowers for nutrients in the soil. Which takes us back to "the seeds of rivalry" HOWEVER, what if the setup has some benign plants in it as well? We need to know if there's non-town threatning plants in this set up if we want to take an educated guess for the first round of votes. One more thing to add is this:

[BCOLOR=#99ccff]A blue Celebi [/BCOLOR]appears from the decolourised primrose in the middle of the room - [BCOLOR=#99ccff]its appearance a stark contrast to the white background[/BCOLOR]. The Celebi circles around the players, then returning back to the centre, where it disappears, leaving a note:

“[BCOLOR=#99ccff]The flower has four colours. RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW[/BCOLOR],” the note said. “Use this information as you please”.

- The Celebi is blue, but they typically seem to be green. Why is this one blue? It is written to be something to be really noticeable ["Its appearance a stark contrast to the white background" ], so we should probably pay attention to that, or maybe I'm reading too much into it.
- The Celebi lets us know that the flower at the center will be changing colors. It currently leaves it at Red, so we have to question if it will be changing in this particular order of Blue, Green then Yellow, and repeat. Or if it will changing at random whenever the celebi shows up to change it again.
- What if there's not only a role that changes time, but also a role that changes colors?
- If both time and colors are at the discretion of different power roles, what does each color indicate for available actions during each turn of the dial?
I read this, and iirc so did you, as a contribution that was not actually impactful or really noteworthy at all but could have been made with an attempt of providing noteworthy thoughts and ideas and thus trying to appear as a town member. It felt like filler and information that was not needed at all.

Now allow me to quote a few posts in general that stuck out to me as strange and non town like.

I don't trust people who give me poker face vibes, or people who's theories sound too well knowing, because mafia always has the info that the rest of us don't. Maybe it's just my twisted instincts from living in the hood for so long that when someone is too nice or sounds too smart, I imediately think they have ulterior motives. So yes, I suspect the biggest contribuitors untill after the first night has passed. Then I look back at who teamed up together.

As of now, because of bandwagon-ing, my suspects are Aqua, Dess, @Inffy and still @Molten. If I am chosen as a martyr, at least we got a nice bandwagon to look at.
This idea of "because of bandwagoning" is such utter and total crap. There was no bandwagon. The votes that we, the four of us mentioned, had on Inffy were done in an attempt to encourage discussion NOT because he was the person that we were going to lynch at the time. I specifically mentioned that in my reads post that my vote on Brian was only there for pressure not because I wanted the lynch, ever since I made that post I have been for a lynch on purple. This bandwagon idea and the suspicion therein makes me feel as though purple isn't formulating their own opinions in an attempt to hide in the background. I feel as though she is trying to ride on the curtails of an idea that is already popular, see also her post about refusing to vote until bandwagons form, almost like somebody who wants to appear to contribute in the most inconsequential way possible.
Key words: right now. I like leaving a nice M&M trail for the town survivors to find later on when they will surely need it. Either way, if I keep poking at the beehive, I'm gonna get lynched. Something I just realized is that forums games differ a lot from IRL card games and video/call games where you just imedietly start accusing and winging it. So if you guys thought it was rude to point out whom I thought everyone else was, that's just how I've played before. And I'm sticking to it untill at least 1-2 hrs away from voting time. Then I'll put down my vote.
This post also struck a cord with me, which also applies to every single "M&M trail" post she has made. If somebody was truly town I don't think they would be so vague about what they have said that helps town. This comes across as "oooh look I said some helpful things maybe but I'm not going to highlight them so go find them again tehe xD". If somebody was truly town I believe the first thing they would do would be to directly bring up these messages on not hide them behind an idea of a trail, which quite frankly I cannot see. This M&M trail idea is incredibly useless and is of no benefit to town because it seems as though she herself does not know what this trail is and is instead hoping somebody finds it for her and can defend her case, ergo in this case Inffy.

Nothing to say, just remember that I correctly guessed how things would move foward from then on. Accurately foretold how votes would grow on me when I started to call out people banding together since BEFORE votings were even discussed like Omni and Aqua (honestly page 1 type of shit). And accurately told you how predictable this crowd can be even with a creative set up. This is exactly how you guys ended up lynching town last time. Next time: don't believe every smart ass eh? Out of notty and dess, dess is most likely scum. I hope my lynch serves ya well. GD!
"Correctly guessed" but did nothing of substance to prevent this from happening, she only seemed to become less and less helpful after somebody caught her. Furthermore the moment that notty and I placed a vote on her she began to point at the both of us as possible mafia, naming myself as the most likely to be scum without ever giving a reason behind why she thinks I'm scum aside from the fact that she thinks my vote on brian was a bandwagon and apparently the idea that Notty and I are teaming when we both happened to place a vote down against her. Following this simple idea she made why is it so hard for me to believe that it's accurate? She also then highlighted Aqua and Omni as a team when quite frankly they weren't one whatsoever they were memeing back and forth with eachother, which unless it was forgotten Aqua actually had a vote on Omni for a reason that was explained and made probable sense. It feels as though she is picking at straws and instead of providing concrete evidence as to why somebody might be evidence she brings up things that are the bare minimum of making somebody note worthy and highlights that.
Also I can say whatever I want. Walking on tippy toes and being cautious is the type of shit that makes me yawn. Get lynched or not lynched, either way I get to say "told ya".
This just feels like giving up. No town member would give up on a lynch and just go "fine lynch me then whatever idc anymore". The "told ya" idea is the worst one a town member can have. This just goes to satiate their own ego rather than providing anything of substance.
Agree, do not go for a no lynch. Town almost never benefits from a no lynch. Either lynch me and have town learn how I play at least for next time, or lynch TehBrian if you think he really is scum. My vote is still for Omni tho and If I lived through it, I'd go for Dess and Aqua after, since they only started going for me once I was more openly town.

Claiming town
This too. When asked to claim all they did was claim town which is wildly useless, EVERYBODY claims town at this point.

Now as for you Inffy, this again was purely vibe based because I haven't really played a game with you in a while, but from my own personal experience you seemed to have been more solid with your vibes in the past and hell even tunneled people. This game in specific I see you as looking at people for acting slightly different, such as my mannerisms of speaking right now and grasping hold of that as a possibility that it could mean I'm mafia. This including your reads on purple being town just seem so incredibly fake but that's just vibes and guts. Do recall I'm reading you as a town member at this point though and I can expand on your read once I have more time to actually go through the entire game (a fourth time).


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
No I'm not joining, at this point purple is without a doubt in my mind mafia and I think she is the who needs to by lynched now. Furthermore should you have forgotten I read HK as a town sided player so no way in hell will I vote for somebody who I believe is town unless you give me some pretty damning evidence about why HK is not a town player.


Survival Staff
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Oh I give up all time. If anyone has seen me in his community, my middle name is literally giving up when things get boring or take too much work.

Also I'm taking back claiming because on the off chance that I miss the lynch by 1 vote, I could still help town because they kinda need me. GG ruined game, back to lunch.


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
Oh I give up all time. If anyone has seen me in his community, my middle name is literally giving up when things get boring or take too much work.

Also I'm taking back claiming because on the off chance that I miss the lynch by 1 vote, I could still help town because they kinda need me. GG ruined game, back to lunch.
If you're giving up then why even bother making this post? I'm sorry if this comes across as rude but this is nothing more than a final cry for attention. Not claiming does Literally nothing for you whatsoever


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
Oh I give up all time. If anyone has seen me in his community, my middle name is literally giving up when things get boring or take too much work.
If this is actually true and not some weird attempt at an excuse, don't play mafia.

I did this before and it was a shitty thing to do, if you give up on a game half way thru ur the worst type of person and spoil it for everyone else. If you're not willing to play til the end, don't sign up.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Dess I think the M&M thing is meaning the posts she made where she put in italics 'remember this when I die', like when she pointed out that the active people tend to be bandwagoned on, and her posts where she makes her suspicions of who's bandwagoning. I think she just means she's leaving her thoughts so we can read them after, I don't think she means she's left us hidden clues that we can find.

This idea of "because of bandwagoning" is such utter and total crap. There was no bandwagon. The votes that we, the four of us mentioned, had on Inffy were done in an attempt to encourage discussion NOT because he was the person that we were going to lynch at the time. I specifically mentioned that in my reads post that my vote on Brian was only there for pressure not because I wanted the lynch, ever since I made that post I have been for a lynch on purple. This bandwagon idea and the suspicion therein makes me feel as though purple isn't formulating their own opinions in an attempt to hide in the background. I feel as though she is trying to ride on the curtails of an idea that is already popular, see also her post about refusing to vote until bandwagons form, almost like somebody who wants to appear to contribute in the most inconsequential way possible.
I agree there wasn't really a bandwagon but don't you think she could easily misunderstand it, or make things seem bigger/different in her mind than what they really are? Since that's what it seems like is happening to me.

Also you say you feel she's trying to ride on the curtails of an idea that is already popular but nobody else had said anything about them bandwagoning so what do you mean?

And you said she isn't formulating her own opinions but then who's opinions is she using? Because nobody else has said what she said

"Correctly guessed" but did nothing of substance to prevent this from happening, she only seemed to become less and less helpful after somebody caught her. Furthermore the moment that notty and I placed a vote on her she began to point at the both of us as possible mafia, naming myself as the most likely to be scum without ever giving a reason behind why she thinks I'm scum aside from the fact that she thinks my vote on brian was a bandwagon and apparently the idea that Notty and I are teaming when we both happened to place a vote down against her. Following this simple idea she made why is it so hard for me to believe that it's accurate? She also then highlighted Aqua and Omni as a team when quite frankly they weren't one whatsoever they were memeing back and forth with eachother, which unless it was forgotten Aqua actually had a vote on Omni for a reason that was explained and made probable sense. It feels as though she is picking at straws and instead of providing concrete evidence as to why somebody might be evidence she brings up things that are the bare minimum of making somebody note worthy and highlights that.
Eh I believe she actually believes all of those things

This just feels like giving up. No town member would give up on a lynch and just go "fine lynch me then whatever idc anymore". The "told ya" idea is the worst one a town member can have. This just goes to satiate their own ego rather than providing anything of substance.
Plenty of town do this, to me it feels like she doesn't think there's anything she can say to defend herself, and she accepts that this is how the games work, there's not much she can do other than say 'told you' and hope we read back over her posts since that makes her feel like a useful player

This too. When asked to claim all they did was claim town which is wildly useless, EVERYBODY claims town at this point.
And you think she as mafia thought she'd be able to actually stay alive (which would be her #1 objective) by saying 'I claim town' and that it was a tactic? It seems to me she genuinely believed that's what we were asking of her, why else would she do that?

Now as for you Inffy, this again was purely vibe based because I haven't really played a game with you in a while, but from my own personal experience you seemed to have been more solid with your vibes in the past and hell even tunneled people. This game in specific I see you as looking at people for acting slightly different, such as my mannerisms of speaking right now and grasping hold of that as a possibility that it could mean I'm mafia. This including your reads on purple being town just seem so incredibly fake but that's just vibes and guts. Do recall I'm reading you as a town member at this point though and I can expand on your read once I have more time to actually go through the entire game (a fourth time).
So my vibes aren't as solid, my read on purple seems 'so incredibly fake', and yet you're town reading me? Smells like a fake read to me


Survival Staff
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
That's why I kind of want to stop being an asshole for just one second, and be serious. If I claim and ruin the game for town, when there's still votes missing, then I'd actually feel guilty because then it'd be like "she could have prevented this" but I can't since people already made their minds anyways. But letting people lynch me when they still doubted me feels way better, and I get to go "Told ya", as opposed to having people blame me even tho they were the ones who didn't believe me.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
—— Voting Recap ——
Deadline: 24 March 2019 UTC 22:00.

Purplepixies - 5(Nottykitten, Dess, Omni, HKCaper, Aqua) [L-4]
HKCaper - 2(Infected_Alien8_, TheWeakGuy48_) [L-7]
Omni - 2(Unusual_Dood, Purplepixies) [L-7]
Aqua - 1(Notme) [L-8]

With 16 players, it takes 9 votes to lynch and 8 votes to no-lynch.

If no option reaches the required number of votes when a deadline hits, the day will end as a no lynch.

Two hours remain until Day 0 ends.