Timeline of Dichotomous Flowers - Game Complete


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Nottykitten: moderate scumread; Too sure the clock is a cop, to start. From their thoughts on the clock despite Inffy's strong counterargument that it's op
Which I've argued against.

and their jumping on me for not being a flower more than once, oddly, even after others said they weren't flowers, I initially slightly scumread. For most players this would be excusable, but if Notty is as good as Inffy and Choco claim then he must have recognized he was tunnel visioning and done it voluntarily.
Mind quoting the parts where I am jumping on you for not being a flower since I feel like I've only mentioned it once when originally voting you. Not sure where you think I'm tunneling exactly.
#450 comes off as over-eager to provide likely useless info about colors; these colors are just wild guesses at this point and where did two mafia teams come from? This came off a bit as fake trying too hard.
Excuse me for coming up with probable theories about the game.

Most importantly, though, I can't help but notice that the very casual #594 swayed the vote from probably not gonna happen to successfully lynching TWG in just 50 minutes; almost as though a scum looked at everyone's read lists and picked out a previously mostly overlooked name that was just slightly scummy as far as I read, to bring the two sides together and make a lynch happen. I recognize that this could possibly be a good townie move for someone who really loves a d0 lynch, but I've only ever seen this sort of behavior myself from scum. I also have a bit of a vibe of a team of Notty with Omni.
Interesting how you neglect to mention Inf's equal part in this and instead town vibe him. And yeah, I really love a d0 lynch and I love near-deadline lynch drama even more.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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His quick switch to TWG and how he really egged it on and became super excited come hammer also raises too many red flags. So I did something about it and I'm confident in voting inf and highly suggest everyone does the same.
I egged it on since I wanted a lynch and the lynch itself felt right. TWG's reaction to the lynch felt like he was frozen for what to do (just saying 'stop, seriously stop', and then taking waaaay too long to 'write' his claim.

Why are you zoning in on me rather than everybody else who had a 'quick switch' to TWG, and notty who also egged it on with me?

His quick switch to TWG and how he really egged it on and became super excited come hammer also raises too many red flags. So I did something about it and I'm confident in voting inf and highly suggest everyone does the same.
What exactly did you do?


Survival Staff
Apr 10, 2013
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I panicked because last minute I started realizing mafia wanted me first because it'd b easier to scum talk me against town, but then they must have realized that they could still kill a villager at night so they wanted the strong vilagers first, since in their eyes I'm easy to get rid off last because people wouldn't hesitate to throw my noob ass under the bus anyways.

Aqua and Omni have been scummy and uncaring the whole time. HK was too eager to kill Weak so I thought perhaps he was with them, but turns out he wasn't, and they killed him anyways. Their next target would definetly be Inffy because why not go for someone who has the convincing power to make town shoot themselves in the foot. Mafia just nearly took town in one swoop, but town was foolish enough to just switch one shot in the foot for the other. I believe town still has hope, just don't fucking bus with Aqua and Omni. Lynch them asap.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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also another thing to add:

Notice the way purple focuses on this idea of bussing. And that Hk is now mafia despite the previous day posting numerous:

reads of town on Hk.

Inf on the other hand had a very outward stance about the idea of weak and hk being linked, I'm confident purples sudden change of stance to this despite Hk dying and flipping town is because of inf's claims. it felt forced and almost scripted. I believe inf will have set up a plan in night chat and she's eagerly following it without thinking about how she phrases her posts.
By 'bus' she's talking about the imagery of a bus coming to run you over, not an actual mafia bus

She's not saying hk is mafia, hk died and flipped townie and presumably she's seen that

(and yes I know I'm speaking for her but I'm worried you'll misinterpret her more and I feel as though I can see what she's trying to say)

I'm confident purples sudden change of stance to this despite Hk dying and flipping town is because of inf's claims. it felt forced and almost scripted. I believe inf will have set up a plan in night chat and she's eagerly following it without thinking about how she phrases her posts.
Are you saying you think I told purple to think hk is mafia today and she did without realizing hk died? Does that mean you think hk died due to a non-mafia kill?


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Im starting to think it may be as simply as town has beautiful or common but unharmful flowers, while the mafias have bad flowers or plants, for instance poisoneous flowers or flowers who just in general are causing problems.
Where is this idea coming from? We haven't seen any mafia flowers.

As for yesterday's event's (particularly the end), I still haven't had a chance to read the last few pages of it, but will have to time backread it tomorrow. I have however, read the events of today thusfar, and to be honest I'm struggling to follow a little bit (likely because I'm not up to date on yesterday <-<)

So I'll post reads tomorrow when I can get a more concrete picture, but until then, there is one thing I'd like to bring up: Abilities that only activate when the clock is pointing at someone. I ask that if someone is able to control the clock, they point a hand at me. (Disclaimer: I don't know anything about the clock, it's just a test)

Oh, one more one more thing: I'd like to bring up the possibility of a role that's able to mess with flips. Because weak's claim yesterday was....Literally unbelievable. "I'm not going to claim my flower because fuck you." I can't see any case in which a town member would do that especially at L-1.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
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(and yes I know I'm speaking for her but I'm worried you'll misinterpret her more and I feel as though I can see what she's trying to say)
or you're worried she'll dig herself a deeper hole that town will notice and read into.

Why would she act as if ur her teammate if you had no communication in the night,

her first post was addressed to you before she immediately votes me for presumably voting you something that I was going to predict but got beaten to the punch to


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I panicked because last minute I started realizing mafia wanted me first because it'd b easier to scum talk me against town, but then they must have realized that they could still kill a villager at night so they wanted the strong vilagers first, since in their eyes I'm easy to get rid off last because people wouldn't hesitate to throw my noob ass under the bus anyways.

Aqua and Omni have been scummy and uncaring the whole time. HK was too eager to kill Weak so I thought perhaps he was with them, but turns out he wasn't, and they killed him anyways. Their next target would definetly be Inffy because why not go for someone who has the convincing power to make town shoot themselves in the foot. Mafia just nearly took town in one swoop, but town was foolish enough to just switch one shot in the foot for the other. I believe town still has hope, just don't fucking bus with Aqua and Omni. Lynch them asap.
Okay, a few more questions

1) Why do you think hk was too eager to lynch weak and therefore scum, but didn't think that about myself or notty?
2) Why did you choose to vote hk over aqua or omni?
3) Why do you think I'm Town? (I'm assuming you do since you're saying the mafia would target me next right?)


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Oh, one more one more thing: I'd like to bring up the possibility of a role that's able to mess with flips. Because weak's claim yesterday was....Literally unbelievable. "I'm not going to claim my flower because fuck you." I can't see any case in which a town member would do that especially at L-1.
I was considering this as well. The fact it took so long for him to write his claim made me wonder whether he was actually tailoring his own and sending it to alisha/choco. But the death message seems too well-written for a rushed role like that so I decided it was probably legit, and I wonder if TWG was actually fine dying because he had exams, or just played weirdly


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
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Okay, a few more questions

1) Why do you think hk was too eager to lynch weak and therefore scum, but didn't think that about myself or notty?
2) Why did you choose to vote hk over aqua or omni?
3) Why do you think I'm Town? (I'm assuming you do since you're saying the mafia would target me next right?)
I love how I propose inf has orchestrated some play with purple overnight and wants her to specifically act a certain way and he immidiately starts talking for her then lists her a bunch of talking points that could easily have been prepared for her inevitable day 1 assault.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I love how I propose inf has orchestrated some play with purple overnight and wants her to specifically act a certain way and he immidiately starts talking for her then lists her a bunch of talking points that could easily have been prepared for her inevitable day 1 assault.
Or I'm just asking her questions to understand her thought process better since I started to question her last night after she suddenly rated my posts scumreading TWG disagree, after we'd hammered but before the flip, and her posts where she used the D: emoticon pinged my radar


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
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Infected_alien8_: slight townread; Extremely active, seems townie from cogent arguments, also perhaps has a clock controlling role? #469 is really damn insightful; could he pull this off as mafia? I genuinely don't know. I'd appreciate feedback from someone more experienced playing with him about that one. Inffy, I smiled when I read #375 after primrose ;)
this seems far too trusting for a "slight townread", it also completely ignores infs massive part in the day 0 lynch.

When paired with notty's read it seems completely non genuine

further it implies that any active player who makes strong decisive arguments or is "Insightful" rings townie which is just plain bad and also once again goes completely against the notty read.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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this seems far too trusting for a "slight townread", it also completely ignores infs massive part in the day 0 lynch.

When paired with notty's read it seems completely non genuine

further it implies that any active player who makes strong decisive arguments or is "Insightful" rings townie which is just plain bad and also once again goes completely against the notty read.
Yeah I'm a bit worried about his read on me as well, feels a bit like he's trying to get me to town read him by town reading me so strongly and calling my post insightful (which is why I asked why he thought it was so that I can decide whether it was genuine or not), and his 'I genuinely don't know.' statement after it felt a bit like an overcompensation for lying or something


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
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Are you saying you think I told purple to think hk is mafia today and she did without realizing hk died? Does that mean you think hk died due to a non-mafia kill?
I have absolutely no clue what weird plan you may have suggested to purple last night; I could guess for hours but as long as it takes the pressure of her and more importantly you, who cares?

The important thing is overnight Purples core beliefs throughout day 0 changed to match yours and has now rallied to ur side as if some kind of loyal pet.


Survival Staff
Apr 10, 2013
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1)Why do you think hk was too eager to lynch weak and therefore scum, but didn't think that about myself or notty?
HK, like Aqua and Omni, had been at my throat. Once Weak was going on about not wanting to claim, I knew he was most likely a PR, so mafia did too, and they switched from me to him. Weak's poison was standing up for me, which clouded town faster than Aqua's 5th grade insults did for me.

2) Why did you choose to vote hk over aqua or omni?
Because at that point more people would have gone for HK than Aqua who has been parading to get me, an already 'tainted' person, or Omni, his fucking wife in mafia.

3) Why do you think I'm Town? (I'm assuming you do since you're saying the mafia would target me next right?)
Because if you had been mafia, your next target would be me.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I have absolutely no clue what weird plan you may have suggested to purple last night; I could guess for hours but as long as it takes the pressure of her and more importantly you, who cares?

The important thing is overnight Purples core beliefs throughout day 0 changed to match yours and has now rallied to ur side as if some kind of loyal pet.
But hk died. You seem to be saying that purple is saying hk bussed TWG (I think you're misunderstanding her use of the word bus), and therefore thinks hk is mafia, and therefore her views suddenly align with mine. Except they don't since I've been town reading you all game so far and she's voting for you


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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1)Why do you think hk was too eager to lynch weak and therefore scum, but didn't think that about myself or notty?
HK, like Aqua and Omni, had been at my throat. Once Weak was going on about not wanting to claim, I knew he was most likely a PR, so mafia did too, and they switched from me to him. Weak's poison was standing up for me, which clouded town faster than Aqua's 5th grade insults did for me.

2) Why did you choose to vote hk over aqua or omni?
Because at that point more people would have gone for HK than Aqua who has been parading to get me, an already 'tainted' person, or Omni, his fucking wife in mafia.

3) Why do you think I'm Town? (I'm assuming you do since you're saying the mafia would target me next right?)
Because if you had been mafia, your next target would be me.
For 1) can you quote where you saw TWG going on about not wanting to claim?

For 2) alright thanks, makes sense

For 3), why do you think that?


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
HK, like Aqua and Omni, had been at my throat. Once Weak was going on about not wanting to claim, I knew he was most likely a PR, so mafia did too, and they switched from me to him. Weak's poison was standing up for me, which clouded town faster than Aqua's 5th grade insults did for me.
So despite ur day 0 claim of mafia setting up the bandwagon (which was set up mostly by notty and inf and then continuously egged on by inf onto a town PR) and townies being manipulated into jumping on. For weka it was townies setting up bandwagon and mafia jumping on it?

Great reasoning there hun

Because if you had been mafia, your next target would be me.

please clarify ur reasoning for this beyond an inflated ego.

Overall I'm ever so glad you did leave a trail of M&Ms because without them I would never have realised the relationship between you and inf. You have cost mafia the game. Well played.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
1)Why do you think hk was too eager to lynch weak and therefore scum, but didn't think that about myself or notty?
HK, like Aqua and Omni, had been at my throat. Once Weak was going on about not wanting to claim, I knew he was most likely a PR, so mafia did too, and they switched from me to him. Weak's poison was standing up for me, which clouded town faster than Aqua's 5th grade insults did for me.
This isn't even remotely close to what happened yesterday. Weak was going on about not wanting to claim long after the votes switched from you to Weak.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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So despite ur day 0 claim of mafia setting up the bandwagon (which was set up mostly by notty and inf and then continuously egged on by inf onto a town PR) and townies being manipulated into jumping on. For weka it was townies setting up bandwagon and mafia jumping on it?
Notty was egging it on too. Why are you scumreading me for it but town reading notty?


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
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Reading up on this but in the mean time here have this tidbit of information.

I am Gardenia. My role allows me to once per game, at night, investigate three different Roman numerals and see if there any of them are anti town. I used this last night on inffy, purple, and notme so I can say they are all town sided players as I received the result of false (I would get true if any of them were anti town).

Now obviously one of them might be godfather but I'm willing to take my chances are hope they aren't.