IC Travels of the Afterlife


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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"Yes, actually, though I suggest you ask Ellan about it." Klaris looked down at her tail. "I'll never get how he can just jump from rock to rock..."
"Ellan, huh? Who and where might he be?" Still afraid of time, I look at the clock. 3:32. .... When five o'clock comes, I'll be out of here. As of yet I still've nothing to say to become a prophet. This is not ok. "But before I go to find him, what more can you tell me about life here? Or....Would I call it death? Unlife? I don't even know."

Cameron was sinking into a more mellow approach, still aware of the time and his goal, but being much less...eager about about. He even tried to lighten the mood with a joke. If it can even be called that.


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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So the shape is that of some sort of humanoid without legs, female... who speaks... what was that language called? Ing-lash?
It's been so long since anyone has spoken language that near me, and yet, I can recall all essential information about it's structure and such.
"My designation is C-057, the location of my creation is confidential. I do not remember you. Please state your name...
...and I also request confirmation: are we dead?"
Perhaps that was too much information, but regardless if I was merely captured or truly vaporized, I should do as asked within reason.
This person looks oddly similar to other 'dragons', yet I do not recall seeing them. Are they of a different series, or... are they something else?

'Dragons', though they were created originally for use in war, come equipped with knowledge of a selection of languages (a couple of Earth languages included)
of which they could use for out-of-combat strategies.
Their lack of knowledge of humans was mainly due to the lack of their perceived significance to those who created the 'dragons', as humans weren't involved in that war, though there were plenty of humanoids.

((Toiletprincess ))
"Uh, sorry, uh, je suis désolée .. Je ne parle pas beaucoup l'anglais," she replied in a thick french accent. She tilted her head as he spoke his.. whatever C-057 is, a designation he said? She doesn't know how she understood that. Well, at least she understood English alright. She couldn't speak it very well though, or maybe she could.. maybe everyone can speak it here? "Oui, nous sommes morts, uh, parlez-vous français?" she asked, frowning, apparently she couldn't speak very well still. Oh well, maybe everyone can understand each other here?

(Uh, sorry, uh, I'm sorry... I don't speak much English)
(Yes, we're dead, uh, do you speak French?)

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Jul 20, 2013
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Hmm, so their main language is French and not English? That may complicate things; I can understand most of it, enough to know the meaning of the sentences, but I haven't exactly taken the time to learn how to speak it.
"Hmm... Je Comprendre... Je ne parler pas correctement francias."
This would likely prove a little problematic later on, but on the other hand, I feel I can trust her word since she used a less commonly used Earth language. Perhaps she's from Earth?


Oct 20, 2012
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"Ellan, huh? Who and where might he be?" Still afraid of time, I look at the clock. 3:32. .... When five o'clock comes, I'll be out of here. As of yet I still've nothing to say to become a prophet. This is not ok. "But before I go to find him, what more can you tell me about life here? Or....Would I call it death? Unlife? I don't even know."

Cameron was sinking into a more mellow approach, still aware of the time and his goal, but being much less...eager about about. He even tried to lighten the mood with a joke. If it can even be called that.
"Ah. You'll likely find Ellan up north, watching the auroras again," Klaris chuckled. "Well, if I sat here and told you everything, we'd be here all day. But I'll tell you the basics."

"The afterlife is divided into biomes. The first one everyone wakes up in is The Mist of Awakenings, where you had been previously. After that, well, it's your call, really."

"Some people choose to live in groups, or cities, or perhaps alone. After whatever experience they had in life, they wish to find peace of their own in death. This is easier for some than others."

"There is also the matter of powers." Abruptly, there was a small, blue fire in Klaris' hands. Rosa flinched in surpise. What...

"No one's quite sure how it works. Some have theorised that it is based on your mind and personality, and some believe that all it takes is your imagination. It varies, honestly. It comes to some naturally, and sometimes it takes years of effort. Some turn into dragons, and some can only set up a small flame, like me."

Klaris extinguished the fire, closing her hands together. "Sometimes, this power can switch with something completely different, but it doesn't happen often and can only occur at least five decades after the last time you gained it."

She smiled grimly. "Someone's been abusing it, however. Whoever it is, they've been wrecking havoc everywhere, and people can't get a moment's peace because of it. It's causing agitation."

Klaris walked over to the piles of clothing, speaking before Rosa could ask anything. "Let's not talk about him for now. I'm sure you'd like clothing other than what you have now. Take your pick."

Ella shot forwards, grabbing the pink hoodie and putting it on. It was too big for her. "I'm taking this one!"

Rosa sighed, resigned. She'll ask later.

The clothing options available are what was previously listed in Klaris' introduction post and the box of clothing, which is all different kinds of t-shirts. If you wish to change from what you're wearing now, this is the best time to do it.

((What does Cameron and C-057 look like, actually? And which of the three garments did they end up with? I'm assuming that C-057 got the hospital gown and Cameron got the long garment.))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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She nodded lightly as the person told her he understood but couldn't speak the language properly. Same situation as myself and English. "Devons-nous continuer?" she asked, gesturing to the direction we were going. Thinking to make soft conversation, she asked, "Savez-vous comment vous êtes mort?" She begun to walk, whether he was going to walk with her was his choice.

(Shall we continue?)
(Do you know how you died?)



Jul 20, 2013
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She seems friendly enough... I wonder what her species is called... hmm...

"[In imperfect french (because I don't feel like looking up French sentence structures and stuff)]
(I died... well, I was vaporized by an exploding reactor. I guess normally, that wouldn't be so bad... A brief wave of infernal pain and then, here you are... but I was flying away from the blast at rapid speeds near equal to the expanse of the explosion. It was like being slowly ripped apart, atom by atom, in an infernal blaze...
Let's continue... to... where ever we were going.)"

This world is kind of strange... hmm...

"So uh, how did you die?"

((Toiletprincess ))


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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((Sorry Faliara I didn't notice you responded ;-; and yes you're right about his clothing.))

I listen intently as this woman explains everything I need to know. And there are these so called 'powers'. A fantastic bit of information, that is. Fantastic in both senses of the word. She offers me my pick of clothes to wear, and I graciously accept.

Cameron looks over the piles of clothing briefly and eventually selects a plain black t-shirt. The shirt drapes over his thin frame and hangs a few inches below his waist. It's almost comic. He's so thin you'd think he was one of the skeletons that he and his cult used in rituals.

Just a few more questions, I promise. 3:50. "Where can I find this fellow that's abusing his powers, and does this picture mean anything to you?"

Cameron takes out the stained photo and places it into Klaris' hand, wondering why he'd felt compelled to pick it up in the first place.
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Oct 20, 2012
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Klaris' eyes widened as she saw the stain.

"... I-impossible..."

Rosa peaked out from behind the folding screen, Ella raising her head up from where she'd been sitting. "... Ms Klaris?" Rosa questioned.

"Blood doesn't exist in the afterlife..."

((Timdood3 In case you didn't know I had edited a post so that Klaris introduced herself. You ninja'd me, though.))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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The young girl looked at her, horrified, as she explained the details of her death. She seemed to understand this stranger's description even though the spoken language was imperfect. She furrowed her brow and wondered if she should try speak some English to explain her own death. "Dead while tending patient," she replied, making a gun gesture and pointing it to her head, "in war one." She sighed, brushing a hand across her face. I still hope he survived.

((She was trying to say "I was killed while tending a patient in World War One" and the gun to the head is to signify she was shot in the side of the head.))


Jul 20, 2013
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Shot through the head...Guess that's not the best way, no matter what is used.

"([More imperfect French] You are from the planet most commonly called Earth, correct? Could you tell me of what species you are?)"

And perhaps I shall identify to you what I am, if you do so.
But for now,let us fly together and see what there is to see.

The two continued to head 'north', and thus, further from the clouds of awakening.
Unknown to them was a person of benevolence who would most likely aid them.
So began this 'dragon's' journey in the afterlife.



Oct 20, 2012
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"If that's the case, what's it doing here, then?" 3:52 Surely there's an explanation for this. There always is.

((too short to justify a narrator passage ;-; ))
"I-I don't know." Klaris sat down on a stool, her pupils shrunken into pinpricks. "Maybe Ellan knows... He always does..."

"Who is Ellan, anyway?" Ella questioned, then started to giggle. "Ellan... Ella..."

Rosa gave a small sigh as she pulled the black jacket over her shirt, looking into the mirror. A turtleneck wouldn't be her first choice, but it'll do. "Klaris?" Rosa called out, picking up dark blue jeans she had previously guessed to be her size, tying a large piece of red fabric around her waist. "She's got a point. Who's Ellan? You never really answered on that."


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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She looks at the woman with a confused expression on her face. She understood, but.. What species? Was this being of a different species? An alien? She tilted her head, peering carefully at her. "Quoi? Espèces? Uh, humaine. Oui, je suis de la Terre, ne est pas tout le monde?" She replied, bewildered. Perhaps there were other humanoid species out there.. She decided to switch back to English again, it was a pain, sure, but it was much easier- they seemed to understand English better. "Uh, what are you?" She continued, her thick French accent skewering her words slightly.

(( Translation: What? Species? Uh, human. Yes, I'm from Earth, isn't everyone? ))


Best BuildBox Guy 2011 - 2013
Aug 6, 2011
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[BCOLOR=#ffffff] The visceral mass of charred flesh beneath his hospital robes bled heavily. Kafeel was dead - there were no two ways about it.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff] The ethereal, almost phantasmic landscape that his lone operable eye scanned didn’t seem like Glasgow hospital. The ashen impression of a black bootprint was centred on his chest. He recalled the screams of the Scotsman as the boot penetrated the inner sanctum of his thoracic cavity, ribs breaking with the patriotic force that accompanied the shout of “Fuckin’ mon, then.” [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff] “That's not right,” Kafeel’s voice cracked, the smoke inhalation had bit relentlessly at his trachea, making any vocalisation of his confusion to the situation sound like the grotesque tones of a Polish preteen who had just huffed a copious amount of paint thinner.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff] “This isn’t a fucking airport, honestly, this is really not a fucking airport. If you’re intent on going to a fucking airport, why do you go to some Miltonesque afterlife. Dante Alighieri probably beats off to scenes like these.” He didn’t say this, as people don’t tend to vocalise their inner monologue, unless they’re obnoxiously narcissistic or schizophrenic. Kafeel was neither, so kept this little adage to himself.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff] Kafeel felt no pain in his chest, slowly sliding his hands through his robe like a Greek and a concubine, he poked gingerly at the exposed bone and gore and felt nothing. [/BCOLOR]
The vapidity of the smell of Cool Ranch Doritos had set in months prior, olfactory fatigue being the lone reason he couldn’t follow the stench. His cheap, off-market crocs had melted from the flames, the plastic pooling, fusing them to his socks and thus his feet.

[BCOLOR=#ffffff] Maybe this was his hell.[/BCOLOR]
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Jul 20, 2013
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"([Imperfect French] I... I'm an artificially created being designed to simulate the strange entities known as 'phoenixes'. The code name for the project of our creation (and there for, us) is 'dragon'.
No, not everyone is from Earth. The galaxy is huge, and the world containing it and others like it; massive.)"

I wonder what kind of society she grew up in...

To think your planet is the only one in existence... That means either arrogance, or lack of technological development.

((Toiletprincess ))
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Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Klaris explains to me that blood shouldn't exist here, and yet here it is. She says she doesn't know and that I should ask Ellan. Pfft, if this 'Ellan' is the only one that's useful for explaining, why am I still here talking to this crone? ...Actually, she's not that bad. She did provide me with some good information. And this watch. 4:00. Shit. I zoned out while the children spoke with Klaris. Wasting no more time, I bow and thank the woman. "I'm going to go see if I can't find Ellan now, thank you." Hopefully this will be quick. I only have an hour.

Cameron left the building quickly and went north like Klaris had instructed. "Watching the Auroras," she'd said. He traveled until he saw such lights.

I can see lights. That means Ellan will be around here somewhere. 4:28. I sigh, that took longer than I'd hoped. Instead of devoting myself to an indefinite period of searching, I call out. "Yo, Ellan!" Hopefully he can hear that.

Cameron hovered for a moment, stunned. He hadn't closely scrutinized the lights until now. He could see every color he'd known in life...As well as colors he didn't know were possible. He'd always wondered what is was like for those beings on Earth that could see colors beyond what humans could, and now he knew. Surely, that alone would be enough to at least prove to the others that he'd indeed arrived at the afterlife and returned..



Jul 20, 2013
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Hmm? What's that?

([Language unknown to others] I think I heard someone call out... Come, *motions for Lili to follow* I heard it from this direction."

Who could be the owner of that voice? And 'Ellan'... who could Ellan be?
And maybe I should ask this girl I just met what her name is. She already knows my designation... and I suppose we d0 have a bit in common, having died in a war effort...
Even if we were on near-opposite roles...

((Toiletprincess Timdood3 ))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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She raised an eyebrow, skeptical. This, female was it? Seemed to claim she was of a species called 'dragons'. But she doesn't look like the dragons from Earth's legends. "Dragons? Ne sont-ils reptiles?" she asked half-heartedly. This woman, dragon, whatever, was sounding crazier by the minute. Soon, she motioned for Lili to follow and the young nurse did, though reluctantly. She'd have to be careful around this one. But what if... "Êtes-vous de l'avenir?" she questioned, seeming a little bit more confident in this query, it seemed to be the most logical explanation behind that of this person being, well, crazy.

Translation: "Dragons? Aren't they reptiles?"
"Are you from the future?"



Jul 20, 2013
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Sorry, what?!

([Imperfect French] "Reptiles? Well, I guess I could become reptilian if I wanted to, or kind of anything organic.
as for the future; are you insane? Time travel to the past is completely impossible! Granted, you could time travel to the future pretty easily (provided that you can put the body into full stasis for long enough), but to the past?
No, I am from the present. Just remember, Earth is not the only inhabited planet out there; many civilizations, advanced or not, exist throughout the cosmos.
Might I ask what kind of technology your people have?")

Must not have space travel yet, seeing as this person doesn't seem to have any knowledge of life beyond her planet's atmosphere.
Hmm... and I think I see a figure approaching now...

((Toiletprincess Timdood3 ))


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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4:36. I have less than half an hour before my return. And I still don't have everything I need....ugh. I hear someone speaking French behind me. One woman and one...person. Only notably female by voice. "Je ne pense pas que l'un de vous êtes Ellan."

Cameron was waiting patiently for Ellan to respond to his call, when he was approached by two other beings that are decidedly not Ellan. And they're speaking French. He could speak French reasonably well, with it being derived from Latin.

I look back and forth between the two of them without a response. Looks like they're not who I'm looking for. "Je suppose que non. Ce est bien, je pourrais utiliser compagnie jusqu'à ce qu'il arrive."

((I didn't use a translator, hopefully I got the grammar mostly right.
Translation: I don't suppose either of you are Ellan.
I guess not. It's fine, I could do with some company until he shows up.
Catcocomics Toiletprincess Faliara ))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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The girl raises her eyebrow, again at the other female. Now she's calling me crazy, what a joke. "Uhhh.. Je veux dire, avez-vous décédez après moi? Je suis mort en 1918..uh, dans le temps de la Terre."As another approached, this time a man, she turned to him with a curious expression. "Qui êtes-vous?" She wondered to herself why all these people could speak French when they looked nothing like the people she remembered from France.

Translation: "I mean, did you die after me? I died in 1918..uh, in Earth time."
"Who are you?"

Timdood3 Catcocomics


Jul 20, 2013
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Oh I get it... maybe.

([I.F.] "I guess that could be a possibility, being that I'm from the present and you're from the past. Doesn't answer my question though; what species are you. And I suppose I should ask both of you that same question...
*turning to Cameron* Who's Ellan? ...And what is your desig- I mean... name?")

This one is also unknown to me. Perhaps the two are of the same, or similar species? What's more, they both look like members of my kind... yet I do not recognize them, and one of them asked if 'dragons' are reptilian.
Funny she should ask, the people we are fighting are reptilian... at least, in appearance.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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"Je suis Cameron. Ellan est un gars qui jétais serait ici." [I am Cameron. Ellan is a guy who I was told would be here.] 4:39. Augh. "Je suis un humain. Aussi est la fille." [I am a human. So is the girl.] "You know what, this would be easier speaking English. Do you two speak english?"

Fed up and panicking from time, Cameron abandons his French.

Catcocomics Toiletprincess
Faliara can Ellan show up now? :D


Jul 20, 2013
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([Unknown language] "A what? I've never heard of a 'humain' bef-")

"Sorry, that's the language I'm most familiar with. So... 'humain'... I've not heard of that species... but I take it you are inhabitants of Earth.
Is there a reason you wish to speak English? I can speak it fluently, but I think she is still learning...
Oh... *to Lili*"

([I.F.] "I almost forgot to ask you your name as well.")


Oct 20, 2012
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((Anyways, I can't quite recall who had the watch, but if Klaris didn't give it to you assume she gave it to Rosa. Also, she brought the jeans from before, as well as another pair that she assumes is your size.))

"Hey!" A familiar voice called out, the two girls from before flying towards Cameron. "You left us behind!"

Rosa was as disgruntled as Ella, who was the one who yelled.


Meanwhile, on a different rock nearby, a boy cracked an eye open at the noise.

Eh? New people? He sat up. People rarely ever return to the first few biomes, so it's unlikely it's anyone else.