This was going to be apart of my other post, but I wanted to shorten it.
So Oak and Swate aren't exactly high on my list of "suspects." That might be my mistake: perhaps I'm too trusting, or perhaps I'm too limited on wanting something at least a little concrete and actually has the details on
why they are guilty or suspicious or whatever. Perhaps that is my weakness in this game, and I should go with the crowd more. But.. "meh."
Personally, my biggest suspicions are on, well... Jivvi, and frankly, I can't exactly explain
why myself. It's really more of a hunch. I just have a bad feeling about him, which isn't a normal for me, but after last game, I'm trying to trust my instincts more. (Those dreams about Notty being evil; the doubt I had for Notty after Ooglie said he "visited" him in the Tribunal room; all those hints and I never took the hit. Urgh!)
It starts with yesterday, day 0. Jivvi seems to be way more active today than previously, where I hardly saw hide nor hair of him. It struck me as strange, but really, that's nothing, and could be anything: schedule conflicts? perhaps he simply had nothing to add to the discussion? I don't know, which is why I shrugged this off: It happens to a lot of players.
But then there was the claim to roleblocked a page earlier, and that stuck out to me as, highly strange.
Quote 1:
Lel also, for what it's worth, I was role blocked last night, either by Notty or a mafia blocker; I guess we may find out tonight.
Quote 2:
But just a hint for mafia; you may not want to see what happens if you target me again
"I guess we may find out tonight," "you may not want to see what happens if you target me again..."
These sentences just feel... strange, personally.
When I first look at these sentences, it feels like a you're trying to hint at something, but it was incredibly nonchalant and I feel both players, and you, sort of just shrugged it off. From what I can tell you never quite answered Hypes nor Tim's questions about either.
I question: why would this information be needed so early? Why would you need to say you were roleblocked, then immediately, in what I view as, basically
threaten a group by saying "You may not want to see what happens if you target me again..."
For starters, I don't quite know
why you would say you were roleblocked. Is there a point to it? Normally, unless I had some
important action, say like an investigation, but it didn't go through, I would assume I was roleblocked, seeing as I don't recall there ever being a message saying you were targeted when involved with a roleblocker role (and I'm not talking about like, getting a message like with an informant role, I'm talking about from previous games where I don't believe it was released that the player was roleblocked: it had to be assumed. Of course this is also an assumption so take it with a grain of salt)
But even then, even if you knew you were roleblocked, what point is there to say it out loud? No one exactly knows what roles are out there besides... well... pirates (even then we don't know specifics, only the "broad
term), so we can't exactly use roleblocks as a way to whittle down possible anti-town, like you normally can to an extent in some set-ups or situations.
And what's the significance of claiming to be roleblocked? To me, it just doesn't make sense as to
why you would claim such a phenomenon so early.
I also question if you really were roleblocked: for what reason would you be chosen? I mean, admittedly it was only the first night, and the first night, like the first day, normally involves tons of just random votes or night actions, but even then, you weren't exactly that big on day 0, certainly not that much to Notty I would believe based on his posts that day, and he was our roleblocker. I can't say anything on the possibility of Mafia roleblocker but... It just seems... strange.
And then there's the "we'll see tonight," and "but as a
hint: you may not want to target me again" business.
What, should we believe it to be true, what could "roleblock" in the night have to do with the Mafia "visiting you again?" (oh, and note there, you explicitly say MAFIA, not town, not a possible third-party roleblocker esq-role or even a jailer or anything else.
Explicitly Mafia, even though you threw in Notty as a possibility from an earlier post. Why is that? I must say, it is a tad... curious, at best) Would some role be activated simply by being visited?
Honestly, it just seems like a bit of a... hollow threat, like it was meant to be a "threat" to Mafia while being nothing: like a blanket to make it appear that you are some "deadly town" to appear innocent, but is actually hiding some evil intentions.
Who can really say? I can't. All I can really say is that I just find you... horribly strange at the moment.