Pre-Note: I'm writing this post as I go through, things may become obsolete, ignore those things. Things also may be slightly incoherent, if you would like clarifications for such things, ask and I will provide. Citations will be included for anyone that wishes to see the quotes in their given context, as the little hyperlink arrow that comes with proper quotes will not be present. That said, on to the post.
Pre-Note-Post-Writing: This was intended to be a compilation of anything I found suspicious, but after 25 pages...All I really found was Swate o-o I will continue reading, but I feel that all this this is plenty enough to warrant a vote on Swate....and pretty much all of this is from D1....HOW DID NO ONE FIND ANY OF THIS SOONER?
nsor said:
Swate votes for Tim without giving any reason. He just tagged him to see what Tim has to say. It seems more like a BW for me. I've always said you need to have your own opinion about things instead of being a follower. But later he changed his vote to a No Lynch. He didn't even waited for Tim to give his two cents. And later he says he's also leaning to change his vote for OldManOak. --> This just tells me Swate is going with the flow. He's not really making sense to me. I feel like he's just leaning towards whatever other people are leaning to
This is more or less a stand alone. I have nothing to add to this, but I agree with it.
- Ansoro #251 P11
ivv said:
Like I said, this is a glorious waste of time and resources the mafia may not have
wat said:
What resources?
our time?
Our money? Our goshdern armadillers boi?
Yes, he included a jest, but that doesn't make the whole thing ok....Endersteve also noticed this, I applaud him. Swate's response was as follows:
wat said:
Ah shit, I just realised I didn't read Jivvi's comment right. I'm being serious ;-; fuck I've gone and dug a good hole now. I thought he meant we were wasting our, the town's, resources, which I didn't understand so I replied with "what do you mean, our resources?" and cited possible 'resources' he was referring to. I managed to completely uighsdihfdsns skip the 'the mafia may not have' bit. Furk furkidyfybugsbfsa.
His explanation was that he missed part of the post...a one line post....I'm not buying it. Neither did Ender, further applause ensues. Ender stated that he would be keeping his vote on Swate, Swate responded with what I read to be an appeal to emotion.
wat said:
Bah, go ahead then. I'm not an anti-town role, and you're simply hurting both yourself and the rest of the town.
-Swate #488 P20
-Swate #541 P2
-Swate #548 P22
While I'm on the subject of Swate, he didn't voice any of his own suspicion until 77 did. Let's have a look at this statement:
wat said:
Fiesta seems a little scummy I guess, but then everyone does. I look forward to hearing your reasoning, he doesn't necessarily appear overly scummy to me, but hell looking back on his posts he does seem a little gung-ho with his accusations/suspicions.
It just sounds to me like he's trying to agree with him by saying "seems a little scummy I guess," but saying that he doesn't really find him all that scummy, "he doesn't necessarily appear
overly scummy." And then that last part, Swate and Fiesta are good friends, aren't they? I don't know Fiesta all that well, but even I know that that's just Fiesta's personality, hell he even said so D0. It went something along the lines of "I'm an impatient bastard when it comes to this."
-Swate #554 P23
Samlen said stuff, too!
amle said:
If Swate was a townie making all these Pirate-like mistakes, I would have expected more people to be jumping on Swate because it's an opportunity just ripe for the Pirates to jump onto him and yell out 'He's obviously Pirate, let's get em!' The fact that this hasn't happened as of yet means that our town just hasn't managed to wake up and get talking (which we've had a fair amount of pages posted today and more than a whole day since night), orrrrr the Pirates aren't jumping on Swate for providing them a good chance to lynch a 'non'-townie since Swate is actually IS one of them. Even if I'm wrong, this might help get people talking and it's the best theory I can come up with right now. Vote Swate
Swate's initial response was:
wat said:
I'm not going to say anything since it seems like the more I talk the more people can use against me. I expected more people to talk while I was sleeping tbh, I'm going to wait a bit more before saying anything. Nothing personal, just I've talked too much so I'm remedying this by shutting up for a bit, wait for others to have their say so it's fair.
He said he didn't want to respond because it would give people more stuff to use against him...Well, I'm using that against him, how Ironic. That last part didn't even make sense..."I'm gonna shut up so others talk so it's fair" ...How does defending yourself make it unfair to other players? I feel that's just an excuse to divert attention. However, Swate very quickly retracted that response, before anyone could even respond to it:
wat said:
I will end up typing a legitimate intelligible response, just not yet. ^
The following post was me being really did I even mean by it? I assume I just misunderstood Samlen's post, but looking back now it makes sense x3
Samlen, presumably in response to my apparent confusion, elaborated with:
amle said:
I'm saying he's a Pirate because, from a Pirate's perspective, Swate would be a great opportunity to get a townie lynched, since he has made so many mistakes that could be exploited into getting the town to lynch him. The fact that they haven't done so already means they're either too busy to see the thread, missing a perfect chance for them to lynch a townie, or he's a Pirate and they obviously don't want to throw him up for lynching. The reasons for voting OMO are reasonable enough and it certainly looks like he's a Pirate, but, from my logic, I think Swate also stands out as suspicious, and as I've stated, not just from the way he's acted.
Instead of responding with the promised "legitimate, intelligible response" referenced above, Swate simply changed the subject with another appeal to emotion (see my first section on Swate) and a vote on OMO. From what I can tell, this went unnoticed.
Until now...dun dun dun
Swate said:
Ah hell, I really want to vote for OMO as he was my main suspicion yesterday too, but I'm afraid to show my opinion which is just as valuable as the opinions of the other four people that have already voted for him.

I feel chained, I can't do a single thing without people cherry-picking ways as to how what I do is "mafia-like." Don't care. Voting for him as he continues to give off the Mafia vibe to me, alongside other suspicious things that happened yesterday which I'm too lazy to type (also in class so I'm trying to finish this comment quick), the biggest tip-off for me though is the still-unexplained slip-up.
Vote Old_Man_Oak_63
-Samlen #586 P24
-Swate #587/8 P24
-Samlen #591 P24
-Swate #594 P24
So to finish this post off:
I believe Swate to be mafia, and Ooglie to be the paranoid cop, and by extension, Digi to be cleared.