Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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I'm just gonna ask the same one I asked last game: Are you a cowboy or a pirate?
Who says there even ARE any cowboys here eh' boy?! I'm more worried about them ranspackinly crusted silly ARMADILLOOOOOOS, those goo' fo' nothin rodents. They get into your freshly brewed porridge and BAM, they come outta nowhere. They ya comin ou' da walls! The skies! The grounds! Then the whole worlds made outa dem helly critters and you'll just drown in all em' snouts. Have you seen even a single pirate or cowboy out here now boy? HHMMMMMMMMMMMM? Of course not boy, don't be stupd like your ol' friend Jim 'ere, it's all about to WRANGLY ARMADILLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS.

Wait, what do you mean there are no AAAARMAAAAAADILLOOOOOOOOOOOS all the way out here?Of course there are! Hmph, good foe notin young'uns, thinking they're so knowledaaledgealedgeable. *walks away with armadillo latched onto his back* *grumble grumble*

Who are you most willing to trust at this point in the game and why?
What? TRUST? Ha! Ya'll are craaaaaaaaaaaazy!... Like me! kekehekeeke ke. Nobody you can trust except them lovely ARMAAAAADILLOSSSSS, such adorably cuddly, furry creatures ain't them! The spike *YOWWWWWWWWWWW!* ..are a *Splinters* ..bit of a toony but... you can always trust em! *winces in pain as he bets his pet cactus*
Who are you least willing to trust at this point in the game and why?
WHAT DID I JUST SAY BOY?! Ya'll are crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaazy. Who even wears leather and spurs in this heat?!.
Would you rather prefer a No Lynch or a lynch right now?
Noooooo, don't lynch poor ol' Sam 'ere now. I'm a good boy! a good ol' boy now! Aren't ya Jim? That's right, ol' Sam lickety Jim is just a-okay. I ain't do nothin wrong, Jim knows it, mama knows it, Mama knows best, always listen to ya mama, mama likes to make ol' Sammy Jim nice ol' apple pies back in the city. Good ol mama pies....

Silliness will be dropped by me when the game "officially" starts day 1.
Literal answers:
-After Masquerade I don't trust anyone, not even myself. What if I had an aspect to my player that is hidden from me by the hosts? That, my good sirs, is tricky.
-Least willing to trust Notty, of course, and Ooglie, who stole my lovely little love of Notty away from me. </3
-Uh. I don't know. How should I know. Lynching will be weird this game. Prizyms swore that this game will be hilarious for all parties because EVERY SINGLE ROLE IS CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, kekeke, and just take a Jim lickin minoote...... So we could lynch off no information or no knowledge, or No lynch, but we'll probably just be lynching off unreliable and fake evidence anyways for the rest of the game, especially since I don't trust any players claims or roles anymore in closed set-ups, so I'm open to a lynch should someone make a good case for it.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
So, back to actual serious talk.

We know there are Pirates in this game. And we know they are bad. As we know from last game, we know that lynching someone of their RP is a good idea. And since Fiesta is RPing as a Pirate, I got a strong feeling he is one.
Not really.
Fiesta's been doing it since sign-ups.
Sounds like you're trying to pull what you did with Nitasu and his Ezio name which didn't really make a lot of sense at the time. :p


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
So, back to actual serious talk.

We know there are Pirates in this game. And we know they are bad. As we know from last game, we know that lynching someone of their RP is a good idea. And since Fiesta is RPing as a Pirate, I got a strong feeling he is one.
In my opinion RP and gameplay should not be related in any way.

Second. I already said in the signups "I'll be RPing like a pirate regardless of my alignment, way before PMs were sent.

Third. I just like pirate lingo.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah. Notty, Very 'Funny'

You know what else is funny?
{////{////{VOTE NOTTYKITTEN}////}////}

Justification: Tapatalk can NOT bold text. Sorry prizyms. But you'll have to live with it when i'm on my phone :/
So i made it VERY eyecatching and fancy
It can. Simply write the BBcode:

[.b]blah[./b] (without the .)


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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I wake up with a horrid kcrimp in my neck. I look outside and could scarcely believe my eyes, is was as if the whole town had gone mad!

This game's taking off quickly, hope this is as crazy as those signups were xD

Are you a cowboy or a pirate? Well not the most logical question, (unless someone managed to pull lie detector again xD) Cowboy alll the way.

Who are you most willing to trust at this point in the game and why?
I don't trust anyone in Mafia and there hasn't been enough happening for a clear judgement call on anybody so far.

Who are you least willing to trust at this point in the game and why?
Basically what I said for the last question.

Would you rather prefer a No Lynch or a lynch right now?
If we can actually manage to get a pirate to slip up at all, then a lynch would be great. There's a descent chance that I'll go for a no-lynch, though the most important thing for today is keep talking, coming up with strategies, and asking questions.


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
I wake up with a horrid kcrimp in my neck. I look outside and could scarcely believe my eyes, is was as if the whole town had gone mad!

This game's taking off quickly, hope this is as crazy as those signups were xD

Are you a cowboy or a pirate? Well not the most logical question, (unless someone managed to pull lie detector again xD) Cowboy alll the way.

Who are you most willing to trust at this point in the game and why?
I don't trust anyone in Mafia and there hasn't been enough happening for a clear judgement call on anybody so far.

Who are you least willing to trust at this point in the game and why?
Basically what I said for the last question.

Would you rather prefer a No Lynch or a lynch right now?
If we can actually manage to get a pirate to slip up at all, then a lynch would be great. There's a descent chance that I'll go for a no-lynch, though the most important thing for today is keep talking, coming up with strategies, and asking questions.
Don't forget the beautiful RVS!
That i'll stop doin'



The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
Well to go back to my current suspicion now Fiesta is my FoS due to constantly switching votes in a non-jokey way. First vote was on GmK for... RvS? I don't even know what that means - dun use abbreviations if it isn't something obvious like lylo or mylo or WIFOM, etc :ccc Then they, er, go to vote Notty but then don't use the right BB Code then GmK tells them how and then they vote GmK again.

i'm pretty sure gmk's and notty's votes on eachother were jokey though.
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